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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1908)
THE DAILY 1 I V K fr Youcufillit withjwreyts . Conklin's Self-FiiHnfr Pen Is tho 1 best fountain pen for both student aad professor on account of the Crescent-Filler. To (ill Conklin's Fountain SELF FILUNG Pen Kimply dip It in nny Ink and press the CreaoeBt-FUler that's all. No dropper no inky fingers no ruffled temper. Guaranteed to be a perfect writer. Leading dealer handle tho Conklln. If yours does eot. order direct. .Kefunosub- stKqtcs. Scad for handsomo now catalog. TjyE CQNKLIN PEN CO. 3M MufcalUa Balldlatf, TOLEDO, OHH) X HEFFLEYS - -' " UNIVERSITY ' TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET 'a ' We're now located in,the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT DRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen f 4th and O So. west Corner University Students Ladies and Gentlemen If In the market for a now typewriter or desiring to rent one, wo would be glad to havo "our sales man call and demonBtrato the vlslblo Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P. St Bell 348 ft HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing w Chapln Bros., florists. 127 S. 12th. Why not take your bath at Chris' . bath bouse, Eleventh, and P streets? uii va i i- . i. ; , -Tho best place to eat 1n town is at ? Doas Cafe 114 So. .Eleventh 'street. . ; Dr. Chas. Youngblut, "dentist, 203 Burr Blk. RECORDS BROKEN. (Continued from Pago 1.) tho runners-up a bronzo one. Tho officials wore: Ileferee and starter Dr. R. G. Clapp. Judges O. M. Pinneo, ('apt. J. G. Workizer, Prof. Edwin Mnxoy, B. O. Eager. I. P. Hewitt. k Timers G. M. Dayton, J. K. Bohlor. C. I,. Aldon. Scoror W. E. Penrod. dork of Course ('. I,. Alden. NEW MU8EUM OPEN8. (Continued from page one.) through and show on both sides of the ' slab. Tho chiselling out or this slab and shipping uninjured was a notable foat, on account of its great weight, and many geologists predicted that Profossor Barbour would fall. This came from tho Cook ranch at Agate. With such important deposits as ox 1st on the Cook ranch in Nebraska, und with Biich inon as the Hon. Chas. H. Morrill willing to finance geological expeditions and donate the results to the state, Nebrasko, If she will only furnish suitable quarters, haB tho op portunity to build up in the -next few years one of the greatest geological museums In tho United States. LECTURE ON MATH. (Continued from page one.) freedom, of mathematics as the result of Intellect In a playful mood, like tho kitten unwinding the skein of yarn. Mathematics , being the only science which can grasp and conceive of the Infinite, contributes to philosophy, psychology and theology and can even conceive of the Infinite, never-changing Being who fills all space Y. M. Minstrel! All men desiring to try out for the Y. M. minstrel show, to be given the latter port or April, will please regis ter with the general secretary at once. This will be an excellent opportunity for any one who has a liking for this kind of work. Applications imist come In at once. Graduate Club Meets February 29. The Graduate Club has secured a very novel and Interesting program for Its next moetlng, to be held in tho Univorslty Temple. Saturday evening, February 29. Invitations will bo out In a few days. For Rent Several large all modern rooms. With or without board. Rea sonable to students. 1029 R St. Clements' photos are tho best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Coat 'and vest of a $75 dress suit at a "Bnap." Room 3, 1339 O St. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Harry Porter Waterman Fouritnln Pen. 1123 O St. Palace Dining Hall. No lunch counter. ' Try Francis Bros restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st Brown Business College, 1519 O St. Dr. Hill, Dentist, 233 So. Eleventh. Dairy lunch, evening. Dalrymple. ' ! I I.I. Try Bud's Cafe 1435 O street. Eat at ElanVs. 1 I r Tho groan mm of tho claim W mm i" easy. It's " mmr n ii i t Hiii iiiu uiijy auso- iiuciy uai cinip pnncr ii llio llriirliton. Mill!- oiis of men know tlilx buy them nnd wear Ihcm. Tho wear U there, nnd they cost only n qtinrtcr a pair, llcmcinbar it. PWUCEl MSPOtKR CO., 718 Mmmt St., Pmumrsu 0K303K PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THEY DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT When you can buy just as cheaply from a merchant who advertises in The Nebraska n o o Why Don't CONSULT THE DIRECTORY Tell them you saw their ad in The Nebraskan. 0CHCHWKOW UNION COLLEGE TAIIflDC M.ln Coll.t. Building Suits and O'coats NO MORENO LESS World's Greatest Tailors - i UNION MADE- J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter Lincoln Branch, 145 So. I3tb St. s " ' I Gregory's Semi -Anthracite $7.50 FOR FURHAGES GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLDG, 132 N, I lib STREET Now Is the Time! Subscribe! Brighton- nre made of puro bIUc web. The patterns are new, exclusive vnri. ety enough to mtisfy everybody. All tnclnl nnrts are of heavy niekcl-plitlcd brass. If your tlealcrcim't supply yon, a pair will be Kent upon receipt of price. Mutm er nWOM MHPOWCM You Do It? a For First Class Talltrlng AT LOW PRICES -AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW Made to Order, $15 NO CLINKER OR SLATE i i M SjyM m M '&Jt jmw Mmw Sn rmr - - t t vtrx :s