"V If THE DAILY NBBRASKAN ' r -. I,! F' . i ? 4 4 ttlMBaifs lWfrafcai THE, PROPERTY OF ' i. TIIEUNIVHRSITV.OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVEAT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' BY 'THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publicity Qlflci, 126 No. 1411) St. I EDITORIAL 8TAFF. T - -EdJteiMn-Chlef FJ" Kino IvtfnSfllpg Editor .,. fG.,8. Fenlon. ' r l ' BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager j.Georao M. Wallace Circulator W. A. Jonet, 10 Astt. Circulator., L. J. Weaver, '10 Editorial and Bualneat Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLOa Postofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, I2.00PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 6 Cent Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contB per Insertion for every fifteen words or f ractton thereof. Fadulty notlcoB and Unlvorslty bullotlns Will gladly DO pUDiiBnnu iruo n.t.u..) nt tUn mafnfTInn nt Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Reports from Minnesota show a record for ltiBt semester of 530 "cons" and "flunks" with fifteen professors yet to roport Tho "Dally" says that "this Bounds like tho doom of the six day system recently introduced into that institution." ulost of tho flunks of Nebraska will ho duo to a three or four day system of attendance. 7courseof Uftr-jmernoon is a practice pom cquuisu ana vuespicaoie. Don'.t forgot that thd CornhUBker should he a publication gotten out by the upper classmen of tho University -sf"Jebrnsknrnot' byJnfew Individuals who merely take the responsibility of directing tho work, but by the stii d6ftt body.4'- " I Tho Cornell co-eds are rejoicing over tne Beloction of one of their number for the first time thiB cen tury and the second time in Cornell history to an. inter-collegiate debate team. Miss Elizabeth Ellsworth Cook of Ithaca, a law student is tho lucky girl. She has been 4 chosen to repre sent Cornell In the triangle league dojjate with Columbia, which will bo held in this city. The subject is the proposed federal corporation laws. Last week a novel demonstration of a now automatic baseball pitching machine wad held at Harvard. Tho machine, which is Blmllar to a breech loading gun, was designed to afford practlco for batters aUd to take the place of the "string of pitchers who have to to this work. Slow or swift balls, curves.oc "spits" can be "shot." am ( oL , , K st ijti.u ' '(TV iKfc&lfe-wJw ' Colored Cottons :M I 5 ?14 It Is orton said that If all the peo ple who pretend to be temperate would at least vote that way tho city of Lin coln might go dry. There 1b one class of people In respect to which prohibi tion would mean temperance. Boot leggers wouldn't sell to students. Why not prohibit then, If for no other rea son than to safeguard the greater in terest of tho city. Wrestling Is a feature of inter-class athletics at Ohio State University. Three classes of weights contest for the honors. Flrat, the heavyweights, including men over 150 pounds: sec ond, the mlddlewolghts, between 135 and 150 pounds; and third, the light weights, or those below 135 pounds. Dr. Keysor of Columbia will give a talk on "Mathematics" to the Mathe matical Seminar Friday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock In the Temple. This will take the place of the regular seminar meeting, therefore all students regis tered for It should be present. All other students Inlerestd In mathe- From the largest stock within a radius of 200 miles. Hundreds of pieces. Unusually beau tiful this season A great number in . one color varied by woven cords, or silk in dots, stripes or. bars. Exquisite stamped patterns in silk and cotton mixtures. Many combinations' of white with tints. r A large supply in medium and dark blues,' tans and browns. Many even, sheer weaves that really resemble a fine wool voile. The mOst delicate grounds with dots or stripes or plaids in white or other shades of the same color. " Some touched with black. i . J Zephyr ginghams in new plaids at. Lawns and batistes, plain colors and novelties 25c 15c Beautiful linens, plain or mercerized or Qfin embroidered, 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c and OV Miller & Paine E in children may be- done away with entire ly if taken in time. Neglept only increases tho defect and puts it beyond remedy. Because of parent- al neglect many a child will now wear glasses the rest of his life instead of only a few months or years as would have beon the case if taken in time. Examination free. Hallett, Optometry Specialist. 1134 0 St. ESTABLISHED 1871 sion regardless of extenuating clrcum stances. The three "stunt" men who re cently appeared In a comedy at Stan ford were offered $300 per week for a sixteen weeks' circuit which they refused. Yale students may establish a He braic club, to further the study of the Hebrew literature. A good modern room for rent, 505 North Seventeenth. Panoramic post cards, just received. 340 North Eleventh. "'VHHIHMillHIHHiHHHHHfllCB Someone says that so long as there is no othor place for tho students to congregate it would bo too bad to drive them out of tho one place where they can get together and visit The campus isn't a place to visit. It is de voted, primarily and secondarily to TjuBltfesa and if a student haBn't got any work to do he ought to spend his time some place where he don't inter-, rupt others who dort't get their work' done so quickly. J ! Those things are not said to empha size the use of tho library as a hiere study room. Those who are first of all entitled to Its privileges are" students doing reference worK. There are other legitimate uses to whVcn u ought to be put. One of the most deplorable things nbout, western students 1b that they are so poorly read. A 'practice of "grazing" about the book shelve if. carried on quietly, has always been en couraged hy" the librarian. ,. Reading the magazines, "wh"en they 'can bo found, is an excellent, habit which too many students never form, But using the alqovo aa an observatory from which t,o discover, how many pretty dresses pass down the aslle during the mattes are cordially Invited to come out. Memorial Hall,- the students' com mons at Harvard, which has had many defllots in the past and which for two years has had a hard struggle to hold its members, owlng.-to the high prices, charged, made .a guarantee last week that the price of general board should not exceed three dollars. With the price of 'general board fixed at this amount, and with the" price of "cou pon articles -such as salads, cream, chocolate, etc., remaining the same, It vis expected that the majority of the members will be vable to board for $5 ier vcek or less. It appears that Minnesota Is having pernio trouble with' Its debating circles. Recently thef TSastern Intersoclety De lating, te'aift was "forced tp lose to tho Shakespeareans by default", a debate which was 'to Have been held at a ceitaih appointed time. 'The Debato and Oratory Board recognized the jus tice of postponing tho debate; but de termined to adopt this policy. Every contest mpon the schedule must take place on ttie date set for that occ-. EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Spioial dlsciunt ft Strtints GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. OUR SPRING STETSON HATS Are Now Ready -Fresh and crisp, teeming with all that's new in color and styles, this display of Stetson '.s . will clearly indicate what is going to bo worn for , sprjng. .Both soft and .derbies are now s displayed in our :east window. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 $5.00 and $7.50 ft. ' . JfwM , HAWE'S SPRING DERBIES With this display -we offer the widest choice of AA the best knoAvn and most popular hat for the 5 4 .price choice of .all styles ...... . . fjr V Magee & Deemer '