mmmmmtmmiM THB DiilJVl BBRfibtN -.,-.; j - v--r l . $. fciH ! PfllDAY PROGRAM. . 'i"" t n.nWi imn't ttvrii-Ah&tt'-'a:A'eA '', V '"! !'.l'li.'U .il'iJ'UJ .JSWWWrtWWMWW I. - -, ' - ' i. . I J I I I Ut m ii-t '. ' j purccir. -wrM h Hummel., ' "'Vijv, ., I If Mltcholf. . , -? , , J ' iliter-Frat.1 Relay Rnce-- ,.; 'Alpha Thota.sChLv '.', t tfelta' Upsilon. v Dblfa Tau Delta. ' Phi Kappa PbI. Every student should not only at 'tend tho afternoon program, but also 'the evening entertainment and hear tho nddrss.s of Dr. Sherman. ' Tho Students' Debating Club, itf an ticipating a lively debate Saturday evening February 22 as to whether or InoVitie recent panicwas due to repub lican Incompetency. Bates and Mor ,gan will uphold tho affirmative and 'Waldo and Johnson the negative. 'Others than members are cordially In vited to attend. ' leorgo Capron, Minnesota's great Iclcker, will not leave the University of Minnesota, although Couch Forbes has offered him many Inducements to go to West Point. Ho said In regard 'to the offer, "I roallze what a fine thing it would be to go o West Point,, but atlll I've had four year's military graining at ShattUclc and do not care Tor the llfej Further, 1 like Minneso ta and wish to play two years more here." 8cnlor Play. The Senior play caste .will meot In U. 106 at 11:30, Thursday. Tho com mltteo has appointed understudies for tho girls' parts. Through an error these names w.ere omitted from tho caste as published In the Nebraskan. They are Pearl Fitzgerald, Wlnnlfred Goukl and Glaideth Denny. A Correction. Freshman Hop tickets will bo sold nt $1.$0 instead of $2.00, as was ilrst 'announced. Tickets will bo on Bale within a foW days. The date for tiro hop' is March 111. Professor Avery Is contemplating the formation of a Saturday morning laboratory division in Chemistry "B." Tho laboratory ' Is quite crowded at present. The FreBhman Law class will hold a smoker at the Ccacia house, 1216 H 'Street, Thursday evening, February 13. Everybody out.. A congenial time is assured. , Professor Taylor announces that a make-up examination In Political Economy will be. given Saturday- morn lug at 9:00 o'clock In M. 101. Attention Cornhusker Staff. V The, Junior C.qrnhuBker staff will meet this evening at 5 o'clock. ' Mr. It. G., Zon will lecture today at li:00 a. m., on "Forests and "Streams." ' Room 110, Nebraska Hall. " - iif Tno PftHa'lin Literary Society has planned a Valentino party for next j' Saturday evening. v , . .-, , 2 . ;j: TiCoat and veBt of a$75 dress suit at V wwSinap." iRoom 3, 1339. OuSL s " SNew rraternity oox paper. ' .see I V Tho-University Book Store, f . fAfcJW.-M. ;.' -"' Dr.. Chas.vYoungblur, dentist, 292 ' 'fi ' Burr Blk''Tr ""V CifapUa Bros.:' florists. , 127 S. 12th.r ' $ m. Hlli; Dentist; 233 So, Eleventh. iifj : " : 9. H.. Frey, florist, 1133 OSti ' j daflUbndUfl d '.'& JUST RECEIVED Thi Swillist Lint Tans and Blacks, Oxfords and Pumps, You ever Saw. Have put at about One-Half Their Thisi are the Samples the inj Salesmen carry. They up New Samples each season and Dispose of the ones they have just carried at a Great Sacrifice. THIS IS A SNAP 7 FOR V0U. eODS AND Missis $1.50 to 86c to $1.15 Child's $1.25 te $2.00 Shots 75c to 95 Ladiis' $2 to $5 Shoes 95c te $1.95 oysSI.50toS3SheesSI.l5 to $1.35 'Men's, $2.50 to $1.95 IbFRSONS If001 IdH 11L $ ms o srter, HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing THE FIRST tiist i Mimes IUK illMIIT PAID AT 9U PSS OBNT UnI NallMtl iMk Imm, TtK ani O UNIVERSITY JEWELER 4 IPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean ' OPTICIAN . 1123 I STREET. YELLOW FRONT -. n ni ii ii" lit. ii ni i :--.eem-... ofSimpli ShiiSi them on salt Retail Price.'. OFF ON . : ", Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Sample Travel- make Shoes, 25 to 75 per cent off on all broken lots ENDS $3.00 Sheas for We SG.OO Shoos Lot No. 3, $4.00 Let Ne. 4, $3.50 Sheer - $2.51 Let Ne. 5, $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes $1.15 SH PAIR LADIES' RUIIERS hood .m.. 35 CENTS.' It will iay For Rent Several largo all modern rooms. With or without board. Rea sonable to students. 1029 R St. Clements' phptoB are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Haydon, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street ., Go. to Mrs, J. C. Bell, Jiair.dresser, for chiropody, Harry Porter. AH finds' of supplies. Ii 23 O.St; .-'" "yalontine poBtals at the University, wpoicatore. j , Palace Dining HaWfo&No lunch counter. ' '?& q Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. 9 -' - - w ' Befikman: Bros; Flne'shoes; 1107 O. st Brown Buslhes's College, 1519 O St.. TryrBud's 'Cafe-1435.'d Street. Eat at Elam8. - H VT W V m m A ii. n -I -1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 i DER$3N W'HljjIOjl, tho sTtiir,' 2 v! Oxfords and Pumps. We Have - - . i Never Before ef- fired yair such tiargaim as we have fir you now. OUR SPRING GOODS j Are Coming in. We are crowded .-., room and are -going te clean out Odds and Ends and all Broken Lett regardless ef their cost. have put them in lets as fellows: Lot No. I, $5.50 t $1.00 Shoes $4.50 Let No. 2, $5.00 Shoes $3.51 Shoos -. $3.01 yeu te buy new. s CINCINNATI ' OUT PMOI . i ! iiioiii v rry ' L l ' t We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT DRINKS to. the. city. Come in and try them. , ; LIhciIh Gwdy Kifchm Hth and O So. west Corner 8H0E8T0M 4 -m tf Hli t- m Vi ; '&J A. '-i r. t 'H 'm 1 vvl . '& ' 7 i 0. r . mmmmmmmmmk