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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
THE DAILY NBBRASKAN a I Oliver .Theatre! liiiHMpaMMMHiilBiMHail FRI., SAT.& SAT. MAT., FES. 14-15; - " Thorns and Orange Blossoms Eve, 50, J30,V20, 10c Mat., 25 & 10c WED; MAT, A"VE., FEB. 19. The I Wi Question y,Mi LYRIG THEATRE a ; - MATINEE3SP. M. EVE. 745 & 9:00 PRICES T.EN AND TWENTY CENTS LEEDS AND LEMAR Australla'sBurlesque Artists ART 'ADAIR Musjcal Comedy Act ILLUSTRATED SONG "Sweetheart Days'" .JAMES H. CULLEN The Man From the West ;; - THE FLORENCE TROUPE SensatioYial Acrobats. LYROSCOPE MAJESTIC Week Qomnencing Monday, Feb. 10 FULTON STOCK GO. IN "Faust" A Sublime and Dramatic Produc tion of Goethe's Immortal. Evening prices 15c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat. 15c boats resvd, Box offleo opens 11 n. m. AUTQ 3634 - BELL A634 . DR,J. R. DAUJS - DENTIST Ollico hoiirV'tf'to o. Sundays 10 to 11, SPECIAL. RATE TO STUDENTS ' Over Ba'hk'bf Commorce; 18th,& O Sts. ..,: fl V..,Qrf! ' y . - ' . The AOTV1E ... -i Ibwllnt, lillliril t, PmI and Cigars ThVijePln thistr 93PvS!roe'l s memmjeN CANNON CO. . ,'r-i v 'PV-SMOKEHOIISE Welcomes all students' and invites you to enjoy our. Smoking and Reading ;Room. It.'s a pleasure, to please. Try us. ' " ' J V' . " -UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 C8TREET Pitts' Dancing Class - nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private class every, afternoon. Most beautiful hall In LincfcmY New,V location, 1124 N, street. Auto 5241. v, ' ' . S THE --- ! ,-. pjaH 'Itti .-.'lir;.lWf .' 'R'FSRSjSSSSrS'SpS'SKR'S'KSR'SJ BUSINESS DIRECTORY ii it 'kvary toynl University Btttderft U targ-ed to patronise these Nebras-'' ( aa aaverusers, stna 10, reenuon J,bPper while doing so. I t .! ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cyclo Co. BANKSFirst TniBt and Savings. Central -National. BAKERIES-rrDalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. . BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops Marshall, Emmort. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES-Co-op; Lincoln; University. . BUSINESS COLLEGES Brown Busi ness College; Lincoln Business Col lego. :-- CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. ; .-. . . CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a Place. A u. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COALi Gregory; Whltebreast. '.-,-. CONFECTIONERY Dalrympler Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympta Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTJSTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS Hlrschner-Morse, Jer ry, Rlggs. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller & Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. HATTERS Budd, Hoffley, Lincoln Hat Co. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalryraple, Hirschner-'Morse. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS "Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.;' Sams; Windsor; Efam's.- SHINING PARLOR Cole. & Mc Kenna. . V " . SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. . . STATIONERY Porter; Rood. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Hoffley; Herzo'g; Ludwlg;, Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH'AND 0 STREETS P. L. HALL, Proaidout P. E..OHNBON, VJco-PjOHldout BiMAN O. FOX, Caalitor, W. W. HACKNEY Jr., A&st, CiiHhior 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trace Marks DCSIO.N8P CQPYRIOHTS Ac. Anyone Bending a sketch and descripUnn nay onfoklr ascertain our opinion frea whether an qntoklr ascertain our IriToiitlori Is probably IriToiitlori Is probably pntentable,,,, Communlca- iiousstricir tnroonnaentiai. Mlieiue. on iatenu Oldest agency lor seenrlntrpatenU. . sent free. Oldest asen Fatenta taken through Munn Co. tecelre tpeeial notice, without charge, in a . Scientific JlttKrkan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tamest clr. cu)tlm of any scientific lonrnal. Terms, 13 a iwrx four nrjr.thsrfl. Sold by all newsdealer. WUNNX Uo '"-'. Hew York ssssssssslt sssssssV JsslMsmldM--sssslLLsssssaBsh ' jfrsacii Offlcc.' ic0.cro ittjc;, yresningion. n. u. r "s it Do They Indicate? Do tho shallow, sickly, sentimental stories which largely fill our reputable magazines really represent' tho tastes Of tho - intelligent, reading, American public? If Magazine literature follows tho Jaw of supply and demand, they do, but when one reads some of the "gems" of tlvlB kind he can not help but wish it were otherwise. A ro cent story in Scribnor's, masquerading under the pompous title "A Run to tho .Horizon," Is a good example of a cer tain class of current stories. The daughter of a Now York capi talist (very beautiful of course goes West with her father In their prlvato car. On the edgo of tho desert Bho takes it into her head to sot out alone In a big touring car into the desert. Entranced with the thrill of adven turo she speed on unmindful of time, till she finds herself one hundred and thirty-sevon and one-eighth miles away (by the. speedometer) and out of gas oline. What could tho poor girl do? Of course she cried a little. Then sho put up a flag of distress and sat down to "wait for some one to come." He came "around the bend of a gully with long swing ing, strides." Of course ho was "young, and uncommonly tall," but he always said "Yessum' 'to everythjng she said and, besides, his name was Hezokiah Pung arid ho used bad grammar, so sho called him a "brute," told him to go away and said that her papa would como after h0r. He was not sure of of this, hcrwovor.'and told her that they must walk tho hundred and thirty-seven miles back to civilization. So they sot out. It appoaru that Dorothy Cannon was quite a pedestrian after all, for though it may bo supposed she had on n pair of high heeled shoes, they managed to cover thirty miles of sand yet that day, and pitched their respective camps a few rods apart . Hezoklah Punj? cOoked their supper. Miss Doro thy was inclined to pout a llttlo be cause sho couldn't remove her shoes, but when assured thatsh6 couldn't get them on next morning sno -was recon ciled. ":.'. - The second day she (having had the benefit of a day's training)' was able to cover forty' mile's Svhich is not so bad" for -a girl' raised' in a-"private car. Arid (Great Weston!) ho had planned sixty mileB for the'rioxt day when they saw lights in the distnnce. I( was prob ably a rescuing .party, so he made haste to propose' to her then nnd thore.. She 'thought of his name and grammar and hesitated. Then he told his real name Granam of the class of '01 homo, New York, just struck it rich, and all that. "Sho did not withdraw her hand' so we may suppose they lived happily" ever afterward. This would seem indeed to be a per fect consummation of 'improbability and is (asvone of our professors -of rhetoric puts it) J4trulyxlelightfuHn-ts inconsistency ' j ,jyhenjvju magazine readers- Wake up' and ' demand sonie ronrHnir? , '. L y. : .' 'an: 3 a .n- j Notice to Students Jp Chemistry 26. Tho, permanent .class hour-.wllkbo 4 p'elock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. . ';: ' ' ' V .S; AVERY. i. , ,Two thousand -pair of shoes, from 25 to 50 per cent discount Rogers-" ti Perkins .Co. ' A . i i i . r , . i i.'.Tho cast of the Senior play Is ro-; .quested to, meet 4n TJ.yV6Girhui;sday at 11:30'. a., mlh v & l- .v-. ... 'A-- Jul x ('; ' M - , -- ,' ''ti - " i ! .tHave you seen our valentines? The University Book, Store. . , 'Friday will'-be a' full holiday' 'for all students. ' , You an fill it mthjweps Conklin's Sclf-FHlinp; Pen is tho best fountain pen for both student and professor on account of tho. Crescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's Fountain SEIF FILLWC Pert simply dip it in any ink and press tho Crescent-Filler that's! all. No droppor no inky fingers nordlTlcd' temper. Guaranteed to bo u perfect writer.-v Lcadlntr donlors linndlo tho Conklln. If yourn doc not. ortlor direct. Kcfuao ub stltuteB. Send (or linndnomo nowcntalocr. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Msihittts Bslldls, TOLEDO, OHO ' Q HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY THB- Quiok and Easy Barbir Ship " C.W.EMMHRT,Prpp. 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Qlve me a call Lawlor Cycl,e Co. Now. Baseball Goods Athletic Goods Skates And Skate Sharpening 132-4 O STREET HEFFLEYS u UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATtERS 1337 O STREET SAM'S QAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THEr BEST OF i 'ICVERYTH.ING " IN SEASON ' 1 - I,',, i. . " .,v. JHENRY CLARKE,Prop' ' i."'' l DO KARA a n; Mi JKUSLOW Clupeco Swuhk Quarter Sizes IB CENTS EACH! 2 FOR 28 CENTS Uaett, Pcsboar Co., Msktrs' of CtaeW kad ) Mfe start I I )