n miJJAJJULUUBlliiMHtWtJ jBCTCTDgiUBaWWH THE DAILY NEBRASKAN l!21ff!l!!l!i I?. I i . i i' 1 ffi 1 ,, THE PROPERTY OF ": THE 'yMVERBITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Kobraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrtlicatlM Mflci, 126 No. 14lh St. EDITORIAL STAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef Rom King Managing Editor ........ Q. 8. Fenlon BUSINESS STAFF. Manager '. ..'..... (Soorge M. Wallace Circulator W. A. Jones, 10 Ant. Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 Editorial and Builnen Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. PostojflNte, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. edly tho beginning of a groat ''step in our system oi mgner euucaupn.- ijno' university will always bo more or less of a "Jobber of professors." JVhon tho pro)osod plan of exchanging publica tions 1h carrledout some of the schools who are paying inadequate saleries will lose, their good men. oven sooner 4han,Jit present. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each "Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents per InBortion for ovory flftcon wordB or fraction thereof. Faculty notice's and Unlvoralty bulletins will gladly be publlahod.froo. Entered at tho poBtoffloo at Lincoln, Nebranka, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Conprcss of March 3. 1870. For the benefit of Uiobo who want to got into tho library without boing intorforrcd with by tho women or but tonholed by politicians In tho lobby, it may bo stated that a safe way of ap proach is by the basement door, com ing up stairs on the insldo. The Palladian Literary Society will not hold their regular meeting; Friday night on account of commencement ex ercises. On Saturday evening a valon tlne party will be given. A good time Is assured to all. Registration at tho University of Missouri will probably take a marked falling off In tho number of male stu dents. Tho whole county In which the school Is situated has gone dry and u migration of the men is expected any time. Whothor prohibition will effect tho female element remains to be seen. It is hoped that none of tho migrates will come to Nebraska. Wo need no collego tramps and there are plenty of "boozers 'around hero already. Baseball Begins. The number of embryo basoball play ers who reported at the gymnasium Wednesday was not satisfactory to Captain Bellamy. If Nebraska Is to havo a winning team this season, fresh men-nml others who can play ball at all, must be on hand at practice hours. To enable a captain to pick a successful team, tho material must be plenty and willing. All men who havo ever ployed ball of any sort, or ever expect to play, should come out and give themselves and tho University the benefit of whatever ability they possess. The gym will bo open to players after next Monday from 12r00 to 2:00. 'T ' ? IUflUrlTrt4Wk . &!?? !...,.- TT- . IRttA?LJ uMTXmhsbbbBF tMBVBjBBBB LbbbV Hit ALL W SILK 'Psi A ,r . . h tf'"'ie BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP .v .: ., f .x. .,- 'AteM .m- . c sn .v .' Mai uiasp uattcts for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece,' pd re silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brasSjL cannot rust. , 25c. a pair, all dealers or by mail. PIOD1EER SUSPENpER CO.,. .t- i 718 Market Street Philadelphia Xhitrt of Pioneer Xutpfndert Tho Students Debating Club moots Saturday, Fobruary lf, In U 106. The following question will bo debated: RoBolvod: That a technical education is a better preparation for business than an academic -education. L. S. Legro and A. M. Hare will maintain tho affirmative and F. S. Copoland and C. B. Hall will argue the negative. Visitors aro always cordially Invited. WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE Wo can givo you the best prices; best goods arid best service CAPITAL GROCERY 1435 M Street UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. At the recent meeting of tho Amer ican Nature Study Society in Chicago, FLEECED UNDERWEAR I bought two big cusos 18 doon winter underwear at ubont half price. I'm going to sell it at half price undorwoar tho average store gets from $1.00 to $1.2fi a suit for, I will sell at 65c a Suit This will help keep Budd from going bankrupt BUDD, $2.50 HATTER Thursday, February 13. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Mr. John S. Forbes of Brooklyn, N. Y. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sophomore class meets. Friday, February 14. 11:00 a. in. Board of Regents meeting. 2:00 p. m. Memorial' Hall. Music by'U. of N. Band. Pershing Rille drill. 3:00 p. m. Armory. Athletic contests. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. - Mid-winter Commencement. Dr. L. A. Sherman on "Commercial ism and Higher Education." Saturday, February 15. 7:30 p. m Univorsity Hall 10G. Students' Debating Club meets. Wednesday, February 19. 8:00 p. in. Annual address before Sigma XI. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. Freshman Hop. Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. The KEY to SUCCESS is a BUSINESS EDUCATION Gel that education at the Lincoln Business College A Practical School. 13th&PSts. WHfcv"".Br Jt VvBeI JKBBBBBBBBm lkt?W LI!V-iBBBBBBl BBBBBBBr "5'"y'v2f VSC3 "'B IBBBBBBBBBBBW'wK'iBBBBBBrjBVliBBkvliBBB The largest stock of fountain pens in Nebraska at The Univorsity Book Store. When tho town of Columbia voted "dry," Professor Jesse announced a holiday for all students.. Dr. Cole, the leader of tho tomporanco campaign, said that "next to the women, tho ef forts of the University Btudertts' de sorve most praise." This can be easily accounted for. Tho women and col lego students are two classes of people who suffer, tho worst effects of tho saloon. LOST Gold ouff pin, initials F. E. W. Return to Miss Waugh at Library. A good modern room for rent, 505 North Seventeenth. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. Aro you planning to stay at htomo and make up some work Charter Day? Don't 'do it. A man who recently par ticipated in a friendly debate laughing ly said of himself that lo spoke wjth;. out prejudice because ho entered the dlBCUBslon'with no previous knowledge of-tho question; he had laid the docu ment under consideration aside and, in tended to read it Charter Day. Now If that man had done his reading when it should nave ueen done no would .havo debated more..lntolligontly and "Charter Day would bo a day of vaoa- tion as It is Intended to bo. Dr. Ruth Marshall of the University was elected a director and member of the council. The society is a na tional organization for the purpose of developing and correlating work in nature study, both with other work in tho Hchools and with practical af fairs In life. Tho Regents appointed Dr. Marshall last fall to organize work in naturo study in tho Univorsity and a course in that subject being offered by correspondence and also another course by residence during tho pres ent semester. Dr. Marshall has been requested to edjt a Nobraska number for the Nn tut&&uay.,Roxlew, jncftcatlng thfe evi dent Importance of this work in our state and tho leadership of NebrasTra in this work. Applied Mechanics' 14; under 'Pro cessor Chatburn, was so large .that It had to bo divided into two sections. Mr. Brenko of the Mathematics de partment is in charge of the second division. The best place to eat- in town is at Dons. Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street, i . Something new in pillow tops at the University Bo'ok Store. 140 North 14th St. Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly FINE RICE MEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUB ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Panoramic post cards, just received. 340 North Eleventh. L, J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAWS' TAILOR The finest work done and prices right. 011 at our new store. 1230 O St. Llnooln &? tnCtrj y,. ? &&, 2 ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOH'S ,Also everything in the way -of cakes, pies, candies and ices. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream after the show. Bell 456- Phono us (or Prices -Auto 2214 The co-operative movement among tho universities of Europe and Ameri caf to' 'secure close relations is undoubt ful" Collins sustnlned a serious ankle Injury while trying out for tho relay race yesterday afternoon. 20--PER CENT! DISCOUNT-20 ' ' Come in and examine our new line of v 'Spring Goods. TWENTY per cont l)is ) , count on alhFall aiirWintor Suits,. - l ' -.r--- DRESHER Finable TAILOR , 143 SfcUTH TWELFTH sf;." '' ' BELL PHONE B04 ' AUTO PHONE 2686 EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Special Discount to Studints GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, mmmimmmtimmmmmmmmmSlmmmmmmmi