IFlebraekan j VolVIL- No. 82. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, V$NESDAYrFEBRUARY 2t J908. Price 5 Cents. .7 CLOSE ELECTION 000!K000 V R.G.Z0N LECTURES LINCOLN HOTEL . FEBRUARY 21 2atl$ : : wtJw ' 1 r I . SENIORS ELECT F. N. MENEFEE pF OMAHA FOR PRESIDENT. JVlehefee Receives 87 Votes, Mills 85, , and Sullivan 40 Intense In terest Prevailed. iU .j JUNIOR PROM F. ft Menefee was elected president o'f'tfie Senior class yesterday morning .by a very close margin over F. A. Mills and G. L. Sullivan, Mills receiv ing 85 votes and Sullivan 40. Presi dent Alden announced that the candi date receiving a plurality of votes -would bo elected. A vote of 87 for JSlt. Menefee declared him elected president. vMr. Fenlon made the llrBt nomina tion? tie maintained that they should elect a' man ot scholastic attainments, moral courage and executive ability. He presented Mr. George L. Sullivan as a man who embodied these quali ties. Other nominations were called for. .No response was made and F. 0. Bull- ta moved that the nominations be closed. His motion was not seconded, however, and Arthur Jorgenson nomi nated F. A. MJlls. Mr. Jorgenson ar gued for the election of Mr. Mills and undoubtedly gained many votes for him.- It appeared that he was a for midable candidate. Mr. C. Hrbuesky nominated Mr. Menefee. His nomination speech was jiot long, but helped to put his candi date In ja. strong position. The voting was very close and no one could surmise who would be elect ed until the last ballot was read. Two votes more for Mills would have . tied tlie election and necessitated another ballot. Menefee'B home Is In Omaha. He is-a' member of the Kappa Sigma fra ternity and president of the Interclass Athletic Board. He has been popular in class affairs throughout his Univer sity career, and has maintained a standard of high scholarship. His election brought to a close a political fight which has been waxing warm for the past few weeks. Besides the election of officers, sev eral Important business matters wjere disposed of. The Senior play caBte --was-.readand.-the fredsurjoixeported a balance of $.76.48. J C. Khode pre sented a plan whereby Ivy Day should foe made a University holiday. The claBS considered the matter-favorably. FORMAL TICKETS 3 DOLLARS MIRTH IN GEOLOGY. FRESHMAN LAWS MEET. Comical Answers in Geology I Examl-1 nations. In the Geology 2 lecture Tuesday morning, Professor Barbour spent a part of the period in reading to the class a few of the ridiculous answers which appeared in the recent final ex aminations In Geology 1. Some of the luietorlc professors who complain of the monotony and lack of humor In theme work, would have no cause for complaint had they received some of these specimens. One enterprising student gave for the geologic ages: Human, Reptilian, Mammalian, Poruslc, .Tussle, Sllicesus, Igneous, and Cutaclcus. Another one said "Talk (referring to talc, or soap stone) is used in making soap." In answering the question, "Give the uses of sand," one student said, "Sand is used by birds for digestive purposes." A certain boy, in discussing mineral veins, said, "Mineral veins are veins of mineral. They are called volns-because .they look like veins." In ex plaining the nebular hypothesis, some one said. "The nebular hypothesis is ! a mass. It sometimes collects In a ball and sometimes It has a tall." One prospective P. B. K. said, "Moiuv tains are made by nature, tourists and railroad officials." In the claps there! were evidently a great number who favored the roformed spelling. Among the most radical changes were "ciroundlng," "Nigra Falls," "macan lcal," "crake" (for crack), "McLures Maglzln," "ruppcher" (rupture), and "Glasa times" (glacial). Still. another student said, "The- rock disturbing agents are powder and dynamite." Professor Barbour said that some of the students, however much they were wanting along certain lines, lacked nothing in originality. Joint Meeting of Vblunteer Bands, The Student Volunteer Bapda of Mother, Wesleyan and the State Uni versity had a joint meeting lasUnlght at the Y. W. G. A. rooms in the Tem ple. The fore part of the meeting was given up to eating and roasting wee ,nles. by the fire place; the latter to discussing plans for, Increasing the wjfrk, to' exchanging ideas and' to be coming better acquainted. It was. a &ort of enthusiasm meeting, so to V speak. , Pies like mother tried to make. Baked fresh twice a day by an expert woman 'pie baker, at The Boston Lunch.' "Practical Christianity." Mr. Fisher, a student of the Univer sity, will talk on "Practical . Chris tlanlty"fcat the men's meeting tonight. Mr. Fisher was for several years con nected with asBociation work while studying abroad And will without a doubt. have something of interest. and Vprth for those wITd'attend. The meeting commences at (J: (JO andj lets out at 7:30, and the association, feels that it is worth any one's time to spend forty minutea once a week. The Pot-pourri and the Banner, the two year-books ot Yale University, have been combined under the .name of "The Yale Banner and the Pot pourri." Formerly, one .was published in the spring and one In the fall, but under the new regime, Ihe .combined books will be put out lnthe spring. R. A. Vdri 'Orsdel Elected President Other Business Transacted. At a meeting of the Freshman Law claBB yesterday morning officers woro elected and plans were made for a smoker. The meeting was called to order by ox-President Peterson. After discuss ing the plans for a smoker, it was finally decided to have It "Thursday evening. Chairman of the Committee Syford will wait on any who wish to pay their assessment. The following officers were then elected: President It. A. Van Orsdel. Vice President R. E. Waldon. Secretary C. G. Adams. Treasurer R. D. Fuller. Sergeant-at-Arms F. A. Peterson. Class Attorney F. P. Johnson. FIR8T OF 8ERIE8 TO BE GIVEN TODAY AT 4:00 P. M. Professor Zon, Author of Many Au thoritative Articles Former Ne braska 8tudents Under Him. Issuing Guns. At drill hour Monday guns were Is sued to Company "A" of the Cadet Battalion and the other companies are being furnished as rapidly as possible. This action Is taken to indicate that the cadets will soon anandon class in struction and resume actual drill. Yesterday Company "B" spent an hour In target practice, using the new 'sub target machine. Each man fired five times and the Individual record-cards were filed away for comparison with future efforts. Sophomore Class Election. The Sophomore class meets in Me morial Hall Thursday at 11:30. Three candidates are in the race for tho presidency, S. A. Mahood, Harry Ingles and R. E. .Moseley. It is im portant, that every. Sophomore attend this meeting. Three worthy men are aspirants for this office, and it is only proper that each, one cast his or her vote for one of them. Senior Play. - Tho Senior play caste will meet In U. 106 at 11:30, Thursday. The com mittee has appointed understudies for the girls' parts. Through an error these names, wore omitted from the caste as'ptlbllBhe'd In the Nebraskan, They are Pearl Fitzgerald, Wihnifred Gould and Glaldeth Denny. A Correction. Freshman Hop tickets will be sold at ?i;fjO,.insteadl of' $2.00, as was first announced. Tickets will be on sale within a few days. The date for tho hop" Is March 13. Nell Cronln, a 'Nebraska graduate now located in Minneapolis, looked up old frlends.in Lincoln Saturday and Sunday. Forestry students will be glad to know that R. G. Zon, chief of sllvlcs in the Unltod States Forest Sorvico, and undoubtedly the beBt technical mnn In that line, will give a series of lectures here. He Is fluent in bIx languages and hence a valuable man In comparing results as achieved in this country with those secured nbroad. His writ ings are numerous and authoritative In their lino. His publication on tho chestnut , In Maryland Ib considered by Chief Forester PInchot tho best Bilvics publication in this country. His bulletins on lobeolly pine In eastern Texas and the management of second growth hardwoods in tho southern Appalachians are also unex celled. -His articles in tho technlcul for estry Journals have been accepted by writers of forestry text books as tho very Btrongest scientific contrlbu-. tlons to our lorestry literature and show that he 1b an exceedingly strong, original Investigator. Mr. Zon's lectures before the Ne braska students In forestry will bo on the following subjects: 1. Forest .Types. ' 2. Tolorance of Trees in Light of Latest Experiments. 3. Silviculturnl Problems on Ma-? tured Forests, with maps showing sll-'. vicultural regions and types within . them. 4. Relation of Forests to Stream Flow. . ,".' 5. Forest Measurements. " The first lectune will be given in Room 2 Nebraska Hall at 4. p. ni. to day and announcements will be made then as to lectures to follow. ' Mr. Zon Is a' graduate of St. Peters burg University nnd took his degree of forest engineer at Cornell. Two of Nebraska's graduates, Carlos Bates and Mr. Plerson, are do- ing work Under him. The forestry department is especial ly fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Zon arid it is hoped that the lectures will be well attended by the forestry students and oth'ers interest- ' ed in scientific york. v " : ' . 8enlor Laws Elect. "; - The Senior Laws have elected the following officers for this semester: G. H. Heinke, president. F.' TV. Bachus, vice president. " G. E. Hendricks, secretaty-treas-urer. , A. C. Huff, sergeant-at-arras. Freshman Politics. . M. C. Barker of David City, who im- ;', til very recently was alone in the race for tho presidency, now has a rival. The latter is Lewis Wallace of Lexing ton. He announced, his candidacy-yesterday and his friends are Making an active canvass for votes." ?i r '4 i. ?: &. A "41 rn 4 ''.J w w . ' r