f., , . , ,m IIIUHBII.l . .V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i,.-.w ,ry it,,. ! 1,1 J I I V Gbe ffiatt mm &0fcan THE' PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA.. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED ETERY DAY EXCEPT SUIDAY AND HHBAT BY THJE3 STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Pobficitlen Office, 126 No. 14th St. " i EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor-in-Chief . . . . Rom. King BUSINESS 8TAFF. '., Managor Qeorge M. Wallace Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Aatt. Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 6 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 . INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every flfteon wordB or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at thb postofflco at Llnooln, Nebraska, as sccond-olass mall matter under the Act of Conpresu of March S. 1879. Some one asks why the accounts of theBo claBS (lanceB nro not pub lished. They were, when the rule first wont into effect. Of course it 1b not the business of a Sophomore to in quire into thp finances of tho Junior Class. And yet those disinterested persons who attend those functions would feel bettor satisfied if they knew that the dance just paid legitimate ex penses and no more. demands upon an ' empty treasury, ,lt will be necessary to arrange its hopB, basket-ball or no baBket-ball. When tho receipts of a class in formal are 145.00 and the dout of the Athletic Board is $80.00, it seems scarcely Just to lay mblamo of tho indebtedness ottho fatter to the class. The debts of a cmssare as pressihg as those of the AthletlcBqard. Let us hopethat the timfc will come and let 4s be before the millennium when ''such a thing as graft is un known, at least below tho thoughts of any class member. Let the time come when there shall bo a system about these class dances, when so many each year, and no more, are allowed to each class. One rule, one authority over the whole, will avoid many difficulties, both financial and social, and assure a smooth running order to clnssj events. A STUDENT. Fortunately no one ever gets in jured, but to pass through Alio library hall between claBBes is an extremely dangerouB move. Visiting in the li brary has become so clnBslc that it has spread to the hallB where (it is found in its worst forms. It is hoped that spring weather will soon remove some of this to the campus benches. It is presumed that since the present system of faculty supervision of finances went into effect that graft in class finances is at an end. If the Junior class is split and one-half is trying to pay tho debts of the other half who ran off with the money, even such burdens do not alter the case of the athletic manager. Almost every one who went to the Junior Informal would have gone to tho Band dance had it been the only function, and though this would not have made up the entire deficiency, "every little bit helps." t - rr-r. -r Are you planning, to attend the Charter Day exorcises? Here is a rare chance to see indoor athletics of the first class. And don't think that the afternoon program is all there is to Charter Day. x. Ba 1 jW Tho nrasD 'IT of the clasp. m 'Mm ' is, easy. It's Blr i1l '1 1. m Vt.tl h1i.a. lutclr flat claim carter is mo jingiuon. mijji- "v oiis of men know Hub bur them mid venr them. Tho wear is there, nnil tlicy cost only n quarter a pair. Jtcmcinber it. PIMEEI SUSPEMHR CO., 718 Mmkct St., Piiuiarni Brlghtons arc nfadVbf. pure silk web. The patterns are new, .exclusive yarl- 1 .ety enough to satisfy .everybody, All inelal parts ' aro of heavy, liickcl-platcd brass. If your denier can't supply you, a pair will be sent upon receipt of price. Mnt sr PIBNECR SUSPENDERS ' J WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can give you the best prices, best goods and besi service CAPITAL GROCERY 1435 M Street UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, February 11. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Organ Recital by Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond, 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Senior class meeting. 11:30 a. m. U. 10G. Meeting of Senior cast members. Thursday, February 13. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sophomore class meets. Friday, February 14. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. ' Mid-winter Commencement Dr. L. A. Sherman on "Commercial ism and Higher -Education." Saturday, February 15. 7:30 p. m "University Hall 106. Students' Debating Club meets. Noxt Sunday afternoon a musical program will be presented by tho First I RESULTS TELL! We claim -to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are here to prove It Our methods aro the VERT LATEST and our work men tie beat that money can secure. We clean the fittest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking In any way. We also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. Alt goods thoroughly sterilised.' We do altering and repairing. ,. : CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. j. c wood & eo. Phene !! 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 The KEY to- SUCCESS Is a BUSINESS EDUCATION Get that education at the Lincoln Business College A Practical Schflol. , I3tta fc.P.Sts, Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. BaBket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Pershing Rifles. The Pershing Rifles are to be In thd Armory at 4:30 Wednesday in. order to have their pictures taken for the Corn-husker. rr-T- The largest stock of fountain pons in Nebraska at The University Book Store. Nothing Is further from the truth than the statement of our out-state friend about rowdyism among college men. It is unfortunately true that by the time he news of such affairs as the kidnapping of. the Sophomore chair man reaches tho general public ft gives tho wrong Immesslon and the whole "student body gets the benefit of it. A Communication. "Ib no one University dance enough for any night?" Yes, and more than enough. Howevor, when the debts of a class have been accumulating for two and three years, when students pa tronize little except dances, then dances must be scheduled for the most opportune time found. - ' ' When graft, graft in class finances, is stopped, when men placed in respon sible positions conduct the business in ', 1m open, above-board manner, then .'and only then it will bo posslblo to eliminate these numerous "hops," "In- formula," and "proms," given for tho ',"? purpose of balancing accounts. "' JAs long as one element of a class fihds IK necessary to meet the ex- ''penses accrued by another element, as long' as clamoring creditors make Baptist Church quartette, the finest in the city, consisting of Mrs. Conant, soprano; Mrs. Enslow, contralto; Mr. Geo. Ireland, tenor, and Mr. John Agee, basso, with Aiiss Vlbbard as organist. Following tills program, Miss Joseph ine C. Walker, the returned mission ary, will speak upon mission work in China. Those who have nol yet had tho opportunity of hearing MIbb Walk er will be glad to hear her on this oc casion for the things she has to tell about are Interesting and amusing as well. The girls who are missing these meetings on Sunday Afternoon aro los ing a real treat for the speakers are the besi and ueir subjects are always helpful as wel at .interesting and en tertaining, while tho musical programs are given by the best musicians of the city.' LOST Gold cuff pin, initials F. E. W. Return to -Miss Waugh-at"Library. A good modern room for rent, 505 North Seventeenth. EVERYTHING. IN Sporting Goods Sptclal Discount it Students GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. MAKE YOUR OWN 'ENNANTS "Ladles' pocketbook found on-'tire-campus. Inquire at Nobraskan office. Panoramic post cardB, just received. 340 North Eleventh. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 212 Burr Blk. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 S. 12th. Patronize Capital Hotel Barber shap. Dr. BesBey has received a letter from Prof; Homer L. Shantz, who took his doctor's degree at Nebraska in '05, snying that he has accepted, at a very comfortable salary, the position of professor of botany at Louisiana Uni versity at Baton Rouge, La. Professor Shantz was formerly instructor in botany at Missouri. Dairy lunch at Dalrymple's. Rooms $6.00 per month, strictly modern. Good board $3.00 a week. 5:22 No. 14tH St. Bm I fcB BBflBf I iH 1 1 UK HkEH .UnWiiRWJp.TO.DATk- ANDVrRVATTRATTIVI . WUrTr DUrtrtELL'S roRPRtccsoHsptoAiArsKN PENNHHT LETTER crkk utter j-monixjranjitc i-jiTTCKa mipinmanbunAnA T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Lecksnlthlng. General MMhlM Works, Model Makers, Etc. 89)1 . 1Mb, Lineal Retry Bakery Go. Baking Order Filled Promptly FINE RICE BfiEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND TOUR OBDBR WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 20--PER CENT DISCOUNTED Come in and examine our new line of Spring Goods. TWENTY per cent Dis count on all Fall and Winter Suits. DRESHER HSu TAILOR 143 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. BELL PHONE 604. ' AUTO PHONE 2686 v J .11 iji ir iwinTrrTrrfr,'TnifTiiVirftsarrfS!d K ?Zm ...... i.mfi . i , i . gemiHimeiriiHryieawfifiw ?saglfiCTrii8frtifffmnam