The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1908, Image 1

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    Uhc 3)ml IFlebraefean
Vol. VII. No. 80.
Price 5 Cents.
t -
.Walter Camp Upholds the Claim of
! Ames, and 8ays the Aggies Are
Entitled to Be Credited With
the Game.
A telegram, from Ames brings the
astonishing news that she has the
..decision v of Walter Camp to uphold
her claim- for the credit of the game
of November 2. The captain of the
Aggies' team Is said to have received
a letter from Camp, to whom the
'dispute was referred, in which he de
clares that Ames is entitled to the
credit of the game, and that Referee
Outland erred in his decision for Ne
braska. It Is very hard to see Mr. Camp's
logic in so deciding. The goal in gues
tlon. was a fluke made by the ball
bounding over the bar AFTER
ing to 11101907 rules, 'It the ball
passes directly over one of the up
rights, or if, after being kicked, it
strikes an opponent and then passes
over the cross-lbar or one of the up
rights, it shall count a goal." No
provision, as can be seen, Is made for
a ball which strikes the GROUND
"and then passes over." Apparently
Camp has little better foundation for
his decision than did the medieval
scholastic eccleslasts -who, argued on
l!how many angels could dance at the
same time on the point of a needle."
In the .rules no provision, except when
it strikes an. opponent, .is jnade- for
any obstacle struck during the pass-.-age
of the ball from .the player's foot
to the goal To the uninitiated it
-would appear -that Camp considers
himself authority, and therefore sets
aside 'the rules he was instrumental
in framing simply to give Ames the
decision. Undoubtedly the Aggies
made a desperate and determined ef
fort to win the game, as was shown
by Rupert's action. However, Camp
should not give them the game be
cause of their good intentions.
. It is Interesting to learn that Ames
-will push the matter no further. As
a reason is given the friendly rela
tions existing between the two col
leges. Probably what is more Interesting
and moreover consoling Is this: Ref
eree Outland declared his decision
final, from which there "was no ap
peal, therefore, whatever Camp's
opinion is, the score remains 10 to 9
against Ames.,
'Lot us hope that the Aggies' defeat
next 4 year at the Viands- of our Corn
husker team will be so decisive as to
make disputes on the interpretation
of rules impossible.
It s announced by Professor Taylor
T that the Mill course' in Political Econ
omy will be given both semesters of
next year. In the second,, semester
Professor Le Rosslghol wjll teach this
course. ' Prdf essor Le Rossignol, who
'comes crom IDenver, will succeed, Pro
fessor. Johnson, in the department of
Political Economy.
Memorial HalL - Tickets 50 Cents
Initiation and Annual Feed at the
Lindell Hotel.
Sigma Tau, the honorary engineer
ing fraternity, held their fifth annual
banquet at the Lindell Thursday
E. M. Buol, '09, was Initiated and
then the members proceeded to the
grill room, where a sumptuous ban
quet was served. After disposing of
the current meters, Bernoulli's theo
rem .a la Richards, chilled castings,
boiler scale and linseed oil, the gas
producers were lighted and Toastmas
ter John Wostover touched the but
ton that turned on the hot air.
Verne Hedge, O. J. Shaw, G. L. Sul
livan and E. A. White responded to
toasts and then Professor Chase, Mr.
iDean and Mr. Bates were called on
and gave interesting talks. After
singing all the latest songs, college
and otherwise, and giving a few yells,
the crowd broke up In the wee small
Regular Saturday Evening Y. M. C.
A. 8oclal On.
The fourth of a series of Saturday
evening socials will be held tonight
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms in the Tern-,
pie. Stuart P. Dobbs will have charge
of the evening. These Saturday even
ing affairs are proving aB popular as
expected. Every Saturday evening
there will be open house at the Y. M.
C. A. rooms. All University men
who have nothing to do, and feel in
clined, are invited to drop in and
have 'a good time. Each evening is in
charge of a different member of the
social committee in turn. No pro
gram is given, but every one is ex
pected to furnish a good time.
Pies like mother tried to make.
Baked fresh twice a day by an expert
woman pie baker, at The Bostom
Production In Foreign Tongue By the
German Club.
Within six weeks tne German Club
will prosont a Gdrman play entitled
"Miller und Mullor." This was de
cided upon at a meeting held Thurs
day evening at the Chi Omega house,
the club being the guests of Miss Edith
The play is a comedy In the Gorman
tongue. A similar play was produced
four years ago under the direction of
Miss Hoppner and was q success In
every way. At that time several hun
dred citizens and students turned out
to witness the presentation. It is to
bo hoped that the present play will
meet with as cordial a reception.
At the -meeting on Thursday officers
were elected as follows:
President, Carrie K. Schultz.
Vice-president, Esther Keller.
Secretary-treasurer, Mary Jeffrey.
Beth Huston and Hodwig Jaeggi
were elected members of the executive
Professor Souwgartner, instructor
in the Gorman department, was .re
ceived into membership in the club.
8enlora .First Freshmen Close Sec
onds Miss Klmmel Star for Sen
iors, Miss Rader for Freshies.
Peru Defeated Scrubs.
The Peru Normal basket ball team
defeated the University second teani
before a large crowd at Peru, Thurs
day night. The Normals outclassed
the scrubs in size and team work, as
well as In accuracy in goal throwing.
The final score was 42 to 22. Those
who made the trip wore:
A. C. Schmidt Forward
R. Flowers Forward
Parrott-E. A. Schmidt Center
Long Guard
H. G. Schmidt....' Guard
Anti-Yellow Journalism at Princeton.
Yellow journalism has been reduced
to a minimum at Princeton by the
organization of a Press Club, the
members of which body verify reports
going out about the (university.
m ft ,
r y
o ' ' V
The girls' Inter-class basket ball
tournament, hold yestorday afternoon
from three till five, resultod in a vic
tory for the seniors. Tne victory was
a popular ono, -no sympathy of tho
spectators seeming to lie, as always at
such contests, chiefly with tho soniors
or with the freshmen.
Tho opening parade, an annual foa
turo at the class tournaments, was
headed by a handsome drum major,
in full regalia, and his band of eight
pieces, equipped wi , eavy brass in
struments and a big drum. The pro
cession that followed was too motloy
to bo described. Mixed with the play
ers were witches with brooms, brown
ies, gnomes, Infants, teddy boars in
sumptuous equipages, football girls,
ghosts, "grinds' 'In capB and gowns,
stalking corpses, and gay figures in
pale blue, 'and In yellow and green.
Also an unruly dog, ondowed with
strong lungs. An enormous crowd saw
the game, filling all the available, seats
and overflowing into thp aisles, the
window niches, and along the floor
to the very edge of the side lines.
Tho soniors won the first match,
from the Juniors, by the score of 17
to 4. Nine of the seniors' 17 points
were made in the first half of the
match, all of them by Miss Klmmel.
The latter ran up 2 pointslnore in the
second ualf, wnile Miss Stevenson in
creased the total by 6 more. Tho two
goals of tho Juniors, were scored by
Miss' Rlngwalt. vhe sophomore- fresh
man match was won by the freshmen,
9 to 4. Misses Barger, Rader and Wil
son made the freshmen scores, while
Miss Bailey scored for lue sophomores.
After an intermission tor rest, the fi
nal match was played, the seniors
emerging victorious, after a hard con
test, by the rather narrow margin of
10 to 6. Miss Kimmel scored 7 points
for tho seniors and Miss Stevenson
and Miss Foster 2 each. The fresh
men's points werp made by Miss Ra
der, Miss Beghtol, and Miss Wilson.
All in all, tho. star players of the
afternoon were pronounced to be Miss
Kimmel and Miss Stevenson for the
seniors and Miss Rader for the fresh
men. Miss Kimmel played a remark
able game, covering the field with
great swiftness throwing some extra
ordinary goals, and never forgetting J
to block her opponent Miss Steven
son, playing most fearlessly, did al
most equally arwell although she was
much the ploser guarded" of the two
during the afternoon, she had less op- '"
pqrtunlty toroll up points.. Botb Vrere
supported well by tnelr team mates,r
MIsbos Brown .Foster and Briden-
baueh. It- was conceded that, th'o bati.
iors amply deserved the pennant, since""'
they not dnly played .the tastes, t bas
ket ball of the four teams, but show
ed superior team work. For the pun-"
iors 'Miss Watt and MlssRhfcwalt
..(Continued on page four.)