-ryf rr - ; m m m wiuniiw wiljimn j'.JHHJtj.uiJUI.1 fWJU LUJMCTBaWil the ryyiLY nebraskan t A. T (i E i I I I: I TWO GREAT CHANGES V Nearly every man needs an extra coat and vest or trousers to piece out until time for the new spring suit. For mutual benefits, we offer you coats and vests of desirable styles and patterns that sold at $30 a Suit for $11.25 $25 a Suit for VuiVU $20 a Suit for $7.50 $15 a Suit for $5.50 $10 a Suit for $3.75 Men's Extra Trousers of qualities and prices rarely equaled $7.50 TROUSERS $3.75 $5.00 TROUSERS $2.50 $4.00 TROUSERS $2.00 $3.00 TROUSERS $1.50 $2.50 TROUSERS $1.25 $2.00 TROUSERS $1.00 A business or office suit can be picked out now among these values at a splendid advantage COME TODAY THE STERLINQl J Clothiers, 1217 O, Lincoln 010X00000 LINCOLN HOTEL FEBRUARY 21 O y g FORMAL JUNIOR PROM TICKETS 3 DOtLARS O O jpO'rO'rO'pO'KOJrOpOvOvOvOwOvO Suits, and O'coats Made to Order, $15 NO MORS NO LESS World's Greatest Tailors -UNION MADE- J. fc IREOORY, Muupr and ChHw Lkittli Ireack, 145 Si. 13th St. wmmmBsmmmmmmsmamtmrnaammmmamm Clements' photoB are the best. Rates to ntudents. 129 fin TCInvonth v.. . . Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Now Is the Time! Subscribe! Simmons the Printer turned out a very nifty banquet menu carld for Sigma Tau's fifth annual banquet at the Llndell Hotel last night They were something new. Columbia, Harvard, Princeton and Yale have issued a challenge for the annual chess matches with Oxford and Cambridge. The report of the freshman baseball expenses at Yale shows receipts of $2,686 and expenses of $2,683. C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 O St Hayden, photographer, special rateB to students. 1127 O street Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. - - i Harry Porter. All kinds of supplies. 1123 O St. Green's -barber shops .are the best in the West. Palace Dining Hall. No lunch, counter. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. 3r Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st Brown Business College, 15l9 O St. Try Bud's Cafe 1435 O Btreet. (Continued from Pagel) -3. Each student who recolv.es a de gree in 1908-1909 and, also, each undergraduate-who does. not. expect to" return in 1908-1909, Is requested to leave with the Registrar his place of residence and occupation for the coming year. THE REGISTRAR. ' The value of adviqe to the student in regard to his, course is recognized by all, and is at present provided for by the system of faculty advisers. But a b'usy faculty member with a long line of students waiting to see him cannot be expected to' give the time to a student necessary to find out his Individual needs' and wishes, as well as his parents or his Intimate friends can. It is expected that most students will look upon the new-Dlan with great favor, Inasmuch as most of them have a't one time or another been compelled to spend days in reg istering, whero hours would ., suffice under the proposed system. c Charter Day preliminaries will be held Saturday, February 8th, at 2:30 p. m. The following events will take place: J t 25-yard dash. Pole vault. Fence vault. ' High jump. -' ' ' High kick. ' "' ' ' Inter-fraternity relay race. The contestants in all events will be cut down to four men, except the 25-yard dash, in which eight men will be left for the seml-flnal heats on Charter day. The Dramatic Club has planned to give a program and dance in their new homo in the Temple, Saturday. February 22. The time from 8 until 9 will be given to a playlet entitled, "Washington's First Defeat,"" in-which Mr. Hugh Robertson has the leading part. The remaining part of the even ing will be given to dancing. Miss Bonnie Adams has charge of both the program and the dance. Members of the club and their friends are Invited. Tickets may be secured from Miss Adams. , Notice, Juniors and -8enlors. All Juniors and Seniors who have not yet had their pictures "taken for the '08 Cornhusker should do so be fore Saturday evening, February 8th. This is absolutely the last call: All members of '08 and '09 who have reg istered this semester Bhould also have this done hot later than the same date. The Officers' Club of the State Farm Battalion will give a banquet at the Lindell Hotel Friday evening, Febru ary 7. Chancellor Andrews, Princi pal DavlBson, Captain Workizer aacT their wives are guests of honor. Ma jor Frankforter and LleutenantMoore are also Invited. Seniors Attention. Don't lorget the distribution of the first order of Senior pins today from 1 to 5 p. m. in room 207, Administra tion building. ' v For ront-rSeveral largo all inoierh rooms. With or without board. Rea sonable to students. 1020 P. S. Jj Mc-DI11. For Renf Several large all modern rooms. With or without' board. Rea sonable to students. 1029 R fit Large, modern Tooftx jtor two gentle men students, $15.00 per month. Bell A-1717.- 501 No. 17. . Thirteen fraternities at Syraouse University have formed a 'basketball league. 1 Eat at Elams 4 cznsKQSirM