V WniwriBil)WHWr9r Mrmttwz-. -Jjjjir ,,)., '.rtiUfu'iii."), HUji.. fiaV,ttiJ BJijKS JJ. .A'V. 'Gt ,. I rJ-.y. ....-. -., THE DAILYiNfeBRASKAN -v jti -. V - Jn I' lt ff t ! ft . ! 6- K t tt P) W,!' Cbcl&htl .ffebija'gftan TJIB PKOP13HTY OP' TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. -. V". " .TV, ' PUBLISHED EVERY Hi EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MDNDAY HY tfllEl STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PlWtHHH ttfttf.12B N. 14Hi St, -.:- tivo life was eligible for such a post UpnV ThlB la noV-roverflod; the re tirement Is nil on the part of (ho per -potrntors of tho joke. Perhaps this 'Recounts'-for thounusunl activity in class politics just at present. toJlttL. I U t . lOITORIAL , staff; : Kcfltor-nHOhlef .ft . .''.'. .fftoifaKlno BUSINESS STAFF. Manager. Gwrfle M, Wtlo Circulator 4 . . . . . Vv. A. Jonw, ; to Att. Circulator L. J.-, W.aaver, MQ editorial afid BwalneM Office t BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln,, Neb. SOBSCRliTlON PRICE,.t2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slno'lo Coplet. 5 Cent Each Telephones: Bell A 14C6, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts per insorUon for ovcry flf toon words or fraction .thereof. Faculty notices ana Untvorslty bulletins will todly bo published free. ! l f .- J " "t- JCntored at tho poatofneo at Mncplns Ncbrafekn. as second-class mall matter under tho JVat of ConirrcBji of March 8. 1879. ' DANCE8 CONFLICT. Owing to tho conflicting dates of tho Junior Informal nud tho Basket Ball Informal last Saturday night Manngor- Eager 1b about eighty dollars la debt and th4Urilor- clnss has taken' In nil tho sheekles. '. It Is unfortunate, bo Jang as tho Junior clasB oxpects to havoV.ty3. regular dance bo soon, that it should flje a- date conflicting with tho arrangomonis of the athletic man agers, gasket, ball should rocelvo tho support of all and 'particularly of .class organizations. In addition to causing the financial embarrassment of the athletic man ager, ;so many dances are croating a, veritable panic among tho students ac customed to attend these affairs. Every organization in school is perhaps it UMKi -VV -" T ' nt',v J?-"! 'jn.Tfn 5 tvunsus uuy, aio., jan. za, xvvo, Th'e Dally Nobraskan, Lincoln, Ne braska: , I thought I better wflto nnd tell you what tho boys In Kansas City are do ing in tho name of our ALMA MATER. Wfe have organized what Is known as "THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRAS KA CLUB." Tho rmembersfiip of thlB club Is composed of all who wore over In regular attendance at tho Univer sity and who possess the "Nebraska Spirit." Our organization was formell about two weeks hgo and ft-few nlghtB ago our President, Dr. William E. Craiqor, entertained the club in royal style, at tho Sexton Grill Room. Dr. Craner is ouo of those boys who attended thel University away back In '1884, and Is still ava young nnd'oB full of tho Ne braska Spirit as any of us.. We plan on gottmg tho club togethor for noon-day lunch about once a 1 month, and an occasional evening spread will bq had, to which the Co eds will be invited. If you can assist ub in getting track of any Nebraska nion down this way whom wo have not yet found, kindly do so. Very truly yours, ROSCOE J. ANDERSON, Secretary-Treasurer. Such a lettor speaks well for the institution that has educated these loyal alumni. A club of tho boys of '84 would probably be an Impossibility in such a plnco as Kansas City, but a University Club is not only feasible, but pleasurable and advantageous. Tho grasp . ofllio clasp. la canyr It's - flat tho otoly bao'- lutcly flnt chup carter U tlio IMclitbn.' 'Mill!'. (ins of men know this buy them nud war them. Tho Trca'r ii there, nnd tliey cost only a quarter a nnlr. Remember it. riaktftf SrlAklt Cl.,'71l Mmrr St., PmumrMU Hrjglitons . nrc anatlo -of pitro silk ucb. --T)iopatterns aro new. c.xcluslvcr-vail- 4 f I ejy't ;cnough to af Isfy jr i T jj cycryhojlyjj AU(ntc(AltprJt8 ', ?jj nru in iu'iiv.v iiicKci-imucti uruss. If your dcriler can't supply you, a pair will be tent upon receipt of price. mim trMWKEH tMrtNtttS' . il 'A T V 20--PER CENT DISCOUNT. -20 c asBBBBBBBBBBBBa' Como in and examine our now line of Spring Goods. TWENTY per cent Dis count on all Fall and Winter Suits. DRESHER Lincoln's Till fID FishiiRille IAILUK 143 SOUTH TWELFTH Sf . ' .IELL PHONE 604 - r AUTO PHONE 26t6 I RESULTS TELL! v ; ,W claim to be the best GLEANERS and DTERS in Lincoln and are MrVto prove It OUr methods are the VERY LATEST and our work ten the best that money can seoure.' . . Wb .clean the finest dresses and robes withdut -danger of fading or hrlnklng In any way. We. also, olean genUemen'aolothingof all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly BTorillzoT. We 3b altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD & CO. Phene Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NCI. Phone Auto 1202 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Thursday, February 6. " , 11:00 h. m. Memorial Hall'.' Convocation. Song Recital by Mrs. E. B. Conant. ' ' 11:30 a. m. Nebraska Hall 210. Medical Convocation, Mir. B. H. Ransom. Friday, February 7. 8:00 p. in. 8 Mollck Court. English Club meets with Miss Alice Howell. Law Hop. . Saturday, February 8. 7:.i0 p. m. -University Hall 102. Students' Debating Club meets. Friday, February.- 21. -Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. entitled to give a dance if it -wants to, but the thing is being carried to an extreme this year. 'There are Junior Proms nnd Junior InformalB, Fresh man Hop and Freshman Informal, and bo on. . Only the most flush or those llnanclally irresponsible can take In -all these functions. Is not one Univer sity dance enough for nny night? i . T,ho resolution adopted by the Third Conference of Deans and Advisors of Women in State Universities fa voring segregation In lodging houses suppprts tho action taken in Nebraska in tho matter. While tho authorities . herb are in the lend in thlB nnd other movements, they nro not alone. When itho - representatives of tho leading state - institutions all ovor the West agree unanimously that a rule Is ad visable, yoi) can rely upon it that the movement is growing and will become permanent. Now that the Chancellor bus set his foot down on stealing chairmen, there may be .moro aspirants for such honors. Up to this time only a,mnn who' was willing to 'incur tho risk of a-wdel; or-two of retirement from nc- 4- This is one advantage of "Nebraska Spirit" over '84 spirit. Tho editor of tho North Platto Tribune has been doing a little re search work In English history. The following old English statute is one of the results of his labors: "That all women of whatever age", rank, profession or degree, whether virgins, molds or widows, that shall, from nnd, after the passing of this act, Impose upon and betray into matrimony any of his majesty's sub jects by scents, paints washes, cos metics, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish wool, iron stays, hoops, high heeled shoes or bolstered hips shall Incur the pe'nnlty of "tho laws now In forco against witchcraft, sorcery and such like misdemennors, nnd that the marriage, upon conviction, shall .bo null and void' ' Tho first order of '08 class pins have come and will bo distributed Friday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock In room 207, Administration building. Those who have not yet ordered pins can do so, at the tlmo set apart for the distribution of tho first order, A. H. MILLER Chairman. Chemistry 5. Students who registered for Chemis try 5 will moot in .mo chemistry' lec ture room, Friday, February 7a at 3 p.- nir- for -organization of the class. BENTON DALES. The KEY to SUCCESS h a BUSINESS EDUCATION Get that-education at tfyi Lincoln Business College A Practical Scliol, 13th & P Sts. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing For rent Several largo all modern rooms. With or without bonrd. Rea sonable to students. 1020 P. S. J. Mc-Dill. Large, modern room for two gentle men students, $15.00 per month. Bell A-1717. , 501 No. 17. Ladles Rubbers. Hood brand, thirty-five cents. Sanderson's sale. Why not take your batii at Chris bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, Burr Blk. 202 Chapln Bros., florists, 127 St. 12th. Eat at Elnm'B. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS ' P. L. HALL, Prcaldont P. E. JOHNSON, Vlco-Proflidont BKMAN O. FOX, Coshior, W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Asst Caablor Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners! Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private dais every afterrtoon. Most beautiful hall in, Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. Tho best place to eat In town is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. ' NEW STYLES Of PENNANTS . JUST RECEIVED We' order any kind m ; GET A COOP OUNIUN PEN NOW, : " TTy . We-tryv,tohave whatever you need in the University. t The University Book Store, 340 North. Eleventh Street A" u - i i 1 i a 1 M ) v v.i iCII s