Jibe- 3&it$ IFlebraeftan ,-,' . i . - . .-. . . . . 'oL Vn. No. 7ft. 'UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 19QZ. TT7 Price 5 Cents. JUDGES JIONTEST DR FRENCH TELLS OF CUSTOM OF . . KAN8AN8 OfcOfcOfcOHKOaKDfcOtfmOfcOJMDfcO SANE SPELLING LINCOLN HOTEL FEBRUARY 2 J .v .1 - s-an ft y Oratorical Contest Attended and Great Enthusiasm' 'shown Among Agricultural 8tudents. Dr. P. C. French rocelvod a call to serve last Saturday, evening as judge q( an oratorical contest of the Kansas agricultural college at Manhattan. In commenting totf. tin annual 'cuBtonx. In . thatVf nstttuMph :ho writes as follows: Among the nineteen hundred stu dents in. the college there aro six or - seven literary spploties. Each has a qjefaibershlp of from seventy-five to oe- iundredr One representative is chosen from each society, to particl- Sate in an annual oratorical contest. Thd!lh8;Ut$Uon.'laifortuBato in possess log an excellent auditorium with a seating capacity of twenty-two or three 1 hundred. As the audience was as sembling each society in turn marched . in and took seats in a body. Each was marUfed' by somo distinctive dress, , Banners or other devices. The Weos- ter Society, (young toon) wore green caps with a large white W embrold&r ed in front The- Hamilton society wore brood read scarfs over their coats and ' carried red and whlto shields As tkey took their seats a ' largo electric sign with letters H. A. i M. P. S. was sot up, and. each letter ' in turn vjas, illuminate! as they gavo their ljterir yell. x One of the socloties of young women wore -olyfhito . gowns 'decorated with N bands of sunflowers. TKe bright col ors and continued songs and cheer made a brilliant and enthusiastic fcoene. The appearance upon the stago Mtlie presiding officer was the signnl for a final round of cheers and thou ' the Tiousc crowded to the doors with students and tholr friends settled In to quiet to listen to the speaking The contestants were threo young men and three young women. The or ations had previously been submitted to an impartial judge and graded with respect to thought and literary merit. The judges of the evening wore asked to consider only delivery. The speak ing Was excellent and did credit both to the young people and tholr instruc tors, Whllo the figures of the Judges of the evening wore being averaged with tho marks previously awarded on the literary merits of the orations, a fbw minutes wore assigned each soci ety for some characteristic stunt. One gavo a succession of varied chowsun other a song filled with allusions to their dearest foes in tho other soci ties. Some suddenly flashed groat ban ners before tho audRfnco. At length the results of tho contest wqro announced. A twenty dollar gold piece was presented to tho receiver of first honor and a ton dollar gold tncco to tho ono who ranked second. At once the great stage was filled with mem bers of tho two winning societies who bore off on their shoulders in triumph their victorious champions. As wo left tho hill tho handsome stone buildings on tho campus were (Coritinued on page four.) JUNIOR PROM FORMAL o S JUL TICKETS 3 DOLLARS 2 Y- W. C. A. !8T0DIES. Y. W. W. A Number of Courses InKMission and Y. W. C .A. Studies! Already tho Y. W. C. A. Mission and Biblo Study classes aro being organ ized for tho second semoster and work will begin next wook. A number of very good courses are offered which are essentially educational in nature, and any student who is anxious to havo a knowledge of tho great civilizing movement Which 1b taking place in for eign countries would 'do well to regis ter for one of these classes in mlssidn study. The different courses offered aro: Homo Missions Thursday 1:00, U 109. Leader, Miss Rlnker. Japan Wednesday, 5:00, Leader, Miss VlUbard. China, Wednesday, noon. Leader, Miss Walker. Comparative Religions, Wednesday, 4:00, U 110. Leador, Rov. Houseman. China, Tuesday, 4:00, U-109. Leader, Eva Arnold. India, Tuesday, 5; 00, U 109. Leader, Bertha Akin. Women's Building, Mission and Bi ble Class, Monday: 00. Leader, Ida B. Vlbbard. Miss Walker, who Is a returned mis sionary from China, will give short mission talks ovory Wednesday noon In tho Y W. C. A. rooms which will bo vory interesting as "well as instructive, drawn, as they are, from actual ex perience upon tho foreign field. The course, under Dr. Houseman, entitled. "Comparative Religions" will embraco tho following topics: I. Tho- World's Religion 1. Nature of Religion. 2. A Survey of Non-Christian Faiths. :i. The idoa of Cod obtaining In the great religions. 4. Tho placo of sin and its opponent in noathen lands. 5. Tho belief of tho non-Christian world as affecting practical mor- - als and tho future life. G. What religious system will dom inate as tho absolute and pro ficient ono. BASKET BALL TRIP. 8econd Team of University Will Meet Peru Normal Tonight Managor Eager hns arranged a game of basket ball between the team of the Peru Normal school and the socond squad of the Cornhusker ball tosso'rs. Gus. Zlmmer will manage tho toam on tho trip. They leave today ovor the Missouri Pacific 'with the following personnel: Right guard, E. A. Sscmldt; loft guard, Long; con tor, Parrott; loft guard A. C. Smith r right forward, Flowor: 'sub, H. D. Schmidt. Notice, Jurriors nd Seniors. All Juniors and Seniors who havo not yet had their plcturos taken for tho 'Ofc Cornhusker should do so bo- fore Saturday evening, February 8th. This is absolutely the last coll. All members of '08 and '09 who hayo rog (stored this somester should also have this d,one not later than the nmo. date. Notice, All students desiring to take Latin. 44 will please meet me tor a moment in u: -205 -at 5:00 t. m. today to do, cldo upon a permanent hour for the class. It will be necessary for every one to be present. A" GROVE E. BARBER. The question for the debates which are to bo hold in tho high school do bating lonfeue, which was recently or ganized by Professor Fogg, has been selectod. The high school 3tUdents will discuss the election of United State senators by direct vote of tho people. Ctrmnn Club meets with Edith Patf torson at Chi Omega house, 1035 J street. Baked beans, baked on the prem ises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at Tho Boston Lunch. OQOO0$Q FRATERNITY HALL, FEBRUARY SEVEN, 1908 LAW HOP EDDIE WALT'S ORCHESTRA Q0WW3WSKtoOOOKO RECENT WORK OF THE SIMPLI FIED SPELLING qAfgO.a Many NevV"Msmber8'"AdaW'''lo"tho Original List in Thlt 'irid Other English Speaking Countries.; The Simplified Spoiling Board havo just published a second list or amend ed spellings that have been approvod by tho Board and Council. Tho fol lowing aro a few of tho changes Jn the second list: oko, ache. gost, ghost. boro, borough. Hand, Island. blld. build. nutn, numb, coco, cocoa. sion, scion. dot, defbL sir, sieve, ok, egg; thum, thumb. foron, foreign. tune, tongue; On January 12, 1906, at tho instiga tion of Andrew Carnegie, tho Simpli fied Spelling Board Was organized to tfromoto, by systematic and continued effort, the gradual simplification 'and regulation of English spoiling. Tho board originally consisted of eleven members. At the "time of its organization ninotoen moro were elected, and several others havo .been added at intervals since. The bus 'bor now consists of forty-three siem bors, nine of them ropresonting othor English-speaking countries England, Scotland, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Now ZealancL It 4s auroly interesting to tho stu dents of tho University of 'Nebraska to know that Chancellor Andrew takes a loading part in the wprlc. Other noted men on the board are President Stoosevfelt, Chief Judticf Brewer, William T. Harris, editor of Webster's International Dictionary; Henry Bradley, associate editor of the Oxford English Dictionary; Davifl Star Jordan, president of Loland Stan ford University, and many other prom inent educators of tho country. In tho beginning the Simplified Spelling Board conceived tho Idea of forming an Advisory Council composed of scholars, educators and otbors in terested In intelectunl and social pro gress, to whom changes in spelling might be referred for their opinion, thus the council woyld constitute a body of oxpert advisers. At its annual meeting In 1Q07, tho board adopted a plan for tho estab lishment of such a council and after considering and corresponding wjth a great number, now announces the election and acceptance of ono hun dred and sixty-five persons as the members of tho first council. As the counoll now stands it has representatives in nearly every state in the union and in every .phase o'f educational and professional activity, dthors of like standing In ovory state and among all professions will bo added lat6r. The first step ofUhe Board after Its organization in 1906 .was to publish a list of common wordB spelled in two or more ways. This wob known as tho Threo Hundred Words. Persons Interested 'were aslcod to examine tho (Continued on "page 4.) IX