X 1 ttttVII.' Wo. 77. ; UJOVE&SITY OF MSrAsKA, UNCQINKbAVFDBRtoAfeSi'liSij:! ;" -' " " PriscSt' " - - . ( OJKtob6i la FRATERNITY HALL FEBRUARY 7 i ( ti.: L' M'lA ) Ci3lf.'-J i SHI message IHANIFI I fin m I s mf I MfH MmJLw Lm 'BllfW -, fe! A ? N,- ' v EK iiF.- 41 r:. !? r.j .!-. I -. " ft. CALDVVELL REVIEWS PRESIDENT J ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE. f,ie. . y . - -. jftmit. w.'ii v7florodsbrc "Of Attack on Dtifftn'tit R Cajtltal. Without .Precedent Amepi glHcumenta of Former Presl- .', IV" 41-.. , .... Need ef Many Reforms ln.lndustrlal World. t -. - TjStrPrefeldentSRoosevjelt'sV recent special jmeswge Ho.. Congress Is a most -Rigorous mocumont, embodying au wwe'nqualijtiefe'jwiijch have made his utterances, uniquo among the-'official o'ctfrnenttor'the presidents, was the 'lecTationof ProfT Hf Caldwell at 'Convocation yesterday; Very few of ;our"'forinOr, 'presidents, have oven ap, proactfed the "Ropsevelt style." Wash Ingion's Farewell Address, Jefferson's Inaugural Vmf Jackson's proclamations .Save, some qualities In common with" ,fhe papers,, 0 our. present oxecutlvo; ..but .alliif "them lack tbestraight blow - -from tho shoulder vtylch characterizes. .the latter. J The president's last message not ; only is&i vigorous setting- forth of tmbfcaV prlnclpiesV.but It Is also a cry .irjfce:yTolatlng these" principles. he' ratAck Is given additional, force , brcnufte of tho fact that 'the ' write? ,,Eamqsre;dIes,for.tho,exlsting evils. .'The whole rip. parked by power and .'directness and by statements which ;'p'fteii .approach the limit of .conven- tlonr J k WhToes-Mr; Roosevelt make so vigorous.san-attaclc.0Ji capltfllJL Shall .welleverltdueito" a desire -to gain control J6ftnosIab,drvote'or Is Itpos- 'ilble that the president is covertly fostering the third term 'idea7 is ho seeking to vindicate past acts, or are i words caused merely by his earn estness and.Jntense; Interest. In the subject?.' In .studying the message, for nsweir&rtothese.qruestlons wo cannot fciivto4note thfit the tone Is not in sincere. 5 Yet, o 1nq. other x hand, ,' President Roosevelt is anacknowlr edged,rmaster; of the igame of politics. tit seems! ndeedthat1 Itf ' hfm tho -'praotlcal politician. and .(.lieman. of ethics, are united, t, ,. . - " v, ". resldn't RoosoYelf demands, wo can! hardly say suggestst-many, logls latlyeacts.He calls upon Congress . to) '. enact anpjther employers'. -liability act,. -which, will stand the test'oft'eon stitutlonallty. Ho discusses U10 uso andabu'se of the" injunction and asks That laws be provided to regalate Its sc. ,v .' r I But It Is'lrfispeaWng pfthojnduB' trial trusts that the president reaches the height of, His daring. The great . combines are flayed alive and certain ones are specifically" atlacked,PYesl4 dent Roosevelt declares that thelnep state Commerce Commission 'should tavethe power, tot regulate all rates, fliphyiloi valuations, anii (o sur pervlse the finances' of the;' common carriers. The statement of these prln- (Continued on page' four;) x prirzr. JUNIOR .? J"V Formal " ' . ,-A . j I5.: w "'ClVlt 8ERV4CE. Examinations for the Philippine iSer ' vice. -'..'.' - t Tho United States Civil Sorvlco Commission announces examinations on March 11 and 12, 1098, to bo held. in Lincoln, Omaha and Grand Island to secure oligiblos from which to make certification to fill 300 vacancies in the position of teacher In the Philip-, pine service.. The entrance salary of the majority of male appointments will be $1,200 per annum, although some appoint ments may bo made at salaries of $1,000 or $l,100,rbased upon the ex perience and the relative standing in the examination, and they will be eligible for promotion up to $2,000 per annum for teachers and from $1,600 to $3,000 for division superintendents. Women will be admitted to the ex amination and may bo appointed at $000 per annum, as there is a special need for women to teach tho domestic Hcli'iice subjects. The following are the subjects In which the -applicant will be required to take. examination: "' 1. Penmanship. ' 2. Arlthmetjc. , r ?.. .Geography " ' I. Physiology, 0. English. G. History, 7. Nature study and drawing. 9. Science of teaching. 9. Experience, "training and fitness. 10. Thesis of 00, Vords to test knowledge of syntax, spelling, punctua tion and capitalization. As an insufficient number of eligi bles. for these positions was secured from recent examinations, qualified persona -arc urged, ioenter these ex aminations;' j ; "JifurthjrJnlorniatlon. call at the. Registrars offlee or. at the,Iebrnskan oiucu.. -,, . . . . EtU Gravell, K&dph kan'oa 'Gamma. a back in Lincoln. . .,..r,.,. i.r,Krff; s, - - :- '?- ft'JJ.T t e5 PfOf ;t-ti V '-) m2kl&& JmiJP.OJR.VIAL. IS f ' 1. :i :, i( SATURDAY t-FEBRUARY 8- f ?' IAmnrial Wall V x ' ,, J1 A v .H '".-.- - ' I . wwmoQoommi Plfe'O'M I TICKETS 3 DOLLARS 5 VISITS ILLINOIS. Dean of Engineers Represents Nebras ka at Illinois Institution. Dean Richards of the Engineering School is at present at Illinois Unit yersity attending tho inauguration of pean,Gau8s of that Institution. Dean, Gauss .was onco an instructor of $r, Richards. Slnco then he has hen dean of the Purdue engineering school, from which place ho goes to. Illinois; His acquirement by thojlattor instltu-. Hon will give to Illinois a big boost amonjg western schools. Dean, Richards is the official ropre sentative of Nebraska at he inaugu ration ceremonies, many other profes sors also being present from other schools. Mayne Will 8pek. Mr. C. M. Mayne, tho popular sec retary, of the .City young .Mona Chris tian Association will addresshe -regular Y. ,M. C. A. mid-week meeting In the Temple tonight from 6:50. "ib 7:30. MnMayne has had many years of 'experienc'ovin dealing with 'men es pecially young mo'n, and this, comblhod. h -hI? ?r,,nai,, haPPy wajj of W pressing things, enables him to .strike, ion eyery time in addressing -men.-"- 1 mi . - .'. ' iuo apeaKer uas ior tno past two years been leadipg the UnlversitynBI-i ble leaders'-norma class and tonight he will speak along Uiat line. 'Tho meeting will be the climax? of' thtr ef fort made today to bring our .Bible studr enrollment up to ,tho five hun dred mark so that tho work at Nebras ka along this line wilj be in propor tion to her standing in other lines among sister institutions. The Sophomore basket-ball team de feated the State' Farm students by a score of 34-to 9. Cherrington proved to be the star of the game by throw ing reoven goals. The- line-up was 'as follows: Cherrington; center; 'Bent- ley and 'Schmidt, guards; Mitchell and JC. C. "Schmidt, forwards. - " ... EVENING Tickets 50 Cents PRESIDENT WEAVERLINQ INDff, INlTELV SUSPENDED. . v 'fit VJ Infrlngetf Law of -the state In Reyark; " To Klrinapplng and1 irVMiht Crllleftn) on the,UnlyersUy.; UT Contrary to thojppectatlon ofsthc studont body, wordas given out ye terday afternoon that Mr. WeaVorling president of the frodhraan c(ass had boon indefinitely suspended ,B'y 'the, Chancellor. Slnco tho Sophomoro hob about a month ago Mr. WfiavArlJiurVwi sovoral o'thor ffeshmon'haVo'beon hold - ceromoa The other members of 'the class whowero suspended r,n(bng rwitn Weaverllng were Hn.rryMlnor pAiik Hool, Boh Bonsdn,' and Charles Wq Carthy. it Is understood that' these four nien will lose their credits, oV tho first semester, but will be alldqd to register for tho second semester and again take up their studio. Vhen McDonald was returned on lUme'ji was tho general impression that tKo matter was settled. But yesterday when tho boys attempted to register for tho second semester, tho .Regis trar refused to allow them to'rioVn. AH gt tho boyswhohad boon suspend;. eu were allowed. to, take. the, examina tions ,a,t tho 'closb of; theflr8t!seesi tor, with the uqderatandlhg ttffi th Ghancellor 'should passrbnr the -matter! When hd 'returned from a, trip J6the, East. "ln company" with ; to "classf mates, Welso andMailoiy, .Weay.orllng called on the Chancellor; this ntertlng and was inforae'd' that ho-1ia"d''b'eo Indefinitely) suspended, and that, his5 associates -would Ipseihelr crodlts' fon" tho semocter. - -'-' $. Therp tetsoine talk aboutthoca'mf pus, among the first year menof?atr, tempting an organized-remonstraace against tho action' of the Chancellor In suspending tho president, fto 'defi nite action has-been taken- arid' the class seems to be dlxlded as to the proper 'course- to pursue. Since Weaverllng has been" suspended the class has-been without a president and It would 'he' very difficult to get all the members but. to V class" meet- ing. 'The' election of bfflcers for 'the socond semester' Is to be hold' soon, and at this' meeting the matter will undoubtedly be taicen up and disposed W. .The,' mewfeers of both classes re-. grdt that matters "has taken, such a - serious turn '. , ,j ' u . Wheaaskpd by a Nebraska r$orbi?' what he could say In regard to the . case of Mr; Weaverllng, the' Chancel-.., lor replied that he could- say nothing; favorable. He said It Was time to put a stop to 8uch(foolIshHes, that it aot only-breeds k spirit JftwltmeMbut , alio ;brlngs much oritlclsn upoa the ' Unlyersltr by the .people of vLlscoln aad' the state at large; . i- " ' ' ? ' v rr. 7 ,. , .k , Yoar car are wohW pay forja nice lumqh- at Th'e ,Boton Lsch. i Wby go home? v - -.- n .rv '.. la suspension because of tho partlhey' took jftth'e kidnapping ofjMrRfcDo alf Wsniaatdr of ceromoBfcB 'of riti& V ' Set. ' .-.i''W, "'-'..jWi-'