WWfiM'Wwfn;w mi wigyw.t r '- swswrwswsRBJs X . ? V V - AMhnU M iii" ' """' '" " ' n i M ' ii t in , !' j. Jf. ' . i tyfttrTiw.'m.i 7J'imMiinnM r" n I. s: t' i v" i- "lA. 1 J3 ... . . -.. , ., !.- v aw p,t.tt jRcwajuntt THE PROPERTY: OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. ) A . HIUSIIEI EVERT IAY EXCEPT tlHUAT AW MtftW ' . BY THE STUDENT PUB. fcOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. ditonln-Chlef. ...... Mi A. Mills", Jr.V'gs Mng1ri Bdlter...'.. Clyde jL'Slllett, '09 M," BUSINESS STAFF. '- ." '-Mtn'a'itr ...,..H, C RebarUbn'M ! Mariana fl. M. Wallaca. '10 Circulator. . . . . v .i .;. .W. Ai Jones, MO t Atat. ClVeulator.,. ...,.. L1. J;, Weaver, 'JO, Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. n , P ostofflce. Station A,, Lincoln, Nebw assure'.' tMsV happy state ef ' asairs sYfry ,Kyalfstiident,aad' faculty teem ber should feel 'iWils: duty to icftid a' helping, hand, And In our final word we would suggesty-nT? means of In creasing Ihe Mdettof bf th'6 Dally: Nebraakan la tjate future; the close and vital iritoresfe'of the stuaont body Is equally important .with an eftcleat staff. T ' " . 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR . . ..Payable: Irt Advance ' ,. - Single Copies. S Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 Zi t INDIVIDUAIi NOTICES will be charged for at the rate of 10. cents per. Insertion for evory flf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published fret.' TnntnrAri t thn ' naatofllca at Lincoln. Nebraska, aa second-class mall matter, .under the Aot of Conferees of March s. i879... , . .. ' .... ..... v.. ;.. . . : CONCLUSION. - Thia number of thq Nebraakan will conclude the issue for the first semes ter and will also, mark the end of the labors o the present editorial and' business staff. It is with fepllngs very 'n'ear regret that we turn frbjn ths work, nqt that everything is onjoyablo i.n Jtf.ork of this, sort, for such isnot the. case, yet me pleasant . icaiures, easily displace from our memory the' unpleasant.' and there is nothing loft .iomar our recollection. It. has been the, ambition of the. present staff to .eschew everything that bore any re- semblance to yellow Journalism and at all tiiftos to manifest' a wholesdmo re- Bpct for fac,ts as we found them. In c,Uier words, to give, everyone a square eal and. never abuse the privileges ' wfl possessed by virtue of having 'ciiafgo of the college daily has been our hopo. If wo have at tlmes,and jlp, ,th.e judgment qt some, .overstepped u.fii.. i . . " .. ' iv .; - y v;,r-rqhr. Ihe" .BUslrtess fflinir.' j ', '- With' hls issW 'the present Irian-' agement of the Dally Nebraskah re tires '.and .transfers "rcsporislbility, for. the paper to. Otter hanas.A in aomg so wo wish to exDross our , real appre ciation for- the manner inl which' the paper has been supported by the. fac ulty, student body of the University, andby'the'bUBiness' men of Llcoln. The former by their prompt payment. of subscriptions and the latter by their generous advertising have made it nofiHlblo'for the .Nnhraskan .to main tain a high Standard of college Ijour-'J nnllBm In spite of a general Increase in expenses and a univorsal tendency to retrenchment in. advertising, v ., Kfearty commendation 'lsduew' all who ihave contributed time and effort to the monotonous "grind" of getting out the paper. .May the new manage ment have the same ldyal support arid assistance during, the coming semes ter. HUGH.C. ROBERTSON. To Studenta of Mathematics. The next meeting of the' Mather matlcal seminar will .be hold on Satur day, February 1st, at 7:30 p. .m., in room SOI M. A. All studenta inter ested, either in pure mathematics, or .In ItH nnnillpjiirnn in nrohlflmn nro- s'e&ted in engineeririg and other ap-' piled sciences, are cordially ' invited to attona. ' 'Aside from the two pa pers to be presented, one by Dean Dpvl8 and the' other by Dr. Brenke, there will be discussed plans for fu ture meetings. It Is proposed to vgrant one hour, credit for regular attendance and for the presentation of the results' of .a problem selecte'd and ' worked out feithoc independently or under the di rection of an- instructor. It is .hoped .that a considerable num- i The ., , ,,, t mj t.My.y.aii .MiM mi Harvard Medical m OCmBJI With tho comnlfttlon of thn nnw hiilldlnu-B twhloh wnrn AtA1nAiA Stan. fember Mth 1806, thB. school jiqwha facllUea.ahAfc.iWlWiaJlt; JX timi Ink 'ahflr ' research' in the various , branches of medicine probably itneqlaleJi 111 thlB eoilntrv. Of thn 1va VmhKntra tnitr nrn ilnvntml Antlralv ta Aax- . oratory teaching1 and research.- Numerous, hospitals affoW abundant - , portunltlcs for clinical Instruction Jn medicino and Burgery. x. . .rf , , .rs VW-X, IMt9M " ur mi u. r ur 'hjbwii, ,na, w poisons pi equiyaionV'HianxiinK jeaoa' io , ma '.degree m. u. . uurHi.uuipB oi mo iourin year r are- wnony ciccuve, inoyiaetue wura .Mary 'V subjects.! ' ffeneral. hfcdldno. KGhe'iklV BursrorV knd 1'tha' miI4U MnlA course r.on theoeqree of m d. " - . ' . -r . .- , ... . .. a- rour .yjcnra" coarse, .open or bachelors of arts, IltOraturo, philosophy. ? M l Kmnilia - '' "- " -VV.. v, .. ' v. ., ' - IT . '-.TV. -."X : ..The next: school year extends from October 1, 1908, to.' Juae 2i, 490e. . The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. iFOrVaoUtlIcd' announcement. and eatalosmo. address ..' A 'HARVARD MEDICAL i'SCHOOlV Bestoh. t Msm. . ?-, '.' 'j H' ' , J, - K ' , ' Jt ' ' - v t 20--PER CENT DISC0UNT--20 ,Qpme in and exapijme, pur ney? Jiine of Spring Goods. . TWEiNTY per cent Bis count on allFall and "Winter Suits. DRESHER FalhiHabie TAILOR 143 SOUTH TWELFTH St. BELL PHONE 604 ( AUTO PHfNE MM UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. :Ft E S ,U L 'T- 3" i Wsclalm to. be the' bast OLBANERS and DYBRS, In Lincoln , and are Mrs to pVbve It ", Out msthods arothe VEDRY LATEST aid ottr workV lBMB thfjftsat 'that mdney can ilecurb. ' .--. ' r; i , c W slew.tlis fineat dreads and robes without danger otfadlngior l.thrinklng. In any way. L We' alio olean gentlemen's olothlng of all kinds. Oeeds celled for and delivered. All goods tkbrdaghiyiWrlHi'ed. We do ' altering anl pairing. v ' ' "CAUL OR WRITE FOB PRICK L1tT. J. O WjOOD Sc C30. , fhtne ell 147 . 120JNI TRERT, LINCOLN, NEi. Phone Auto 12t2 ---- ' .- , , .the limit ,so set forth', if was hecauso L9f-mls'taken judgment- and, not; because of a "'deliberate t'iritontforf to wllf ullyi trijure an. fnriocen't party-;' F6t the sin; to'f omlsBlori, which by tho way coyeVu Iby far 'the largerfleldthere Is, noth ing, to ..bo4-pleaded excejpt lack of .tlmo! and space; k , ' . . To ihpse members of the faculty' 'arid suderit hody who from nuclear iraroepirou ui uio iiouuh vi v. college; i paper. are ever ready to supply re porters with notys and, tho balance of (the. staff with, encouragement we ten: 'de btir most sincere thanks, For the iri'owa of iatorest and Importance in a ' college comniunlty like this which the , facplty iPPsaBs and refuse,; or at least, .refrain, . from divulging would flir ari tim 'daily;1 ye cfanet help hut feel, fateful to professor whorls 'broad -'enough to take the interest of the college publication into the cirple of 'Ws" consideration. Ifpr all the many "fnvoVs of this uature We 'ar'e dily5 'gratefub and t in -addition to this spirit of gratitude ' ther'e is the hbpek that 41a nhf nnnrlir lAr4-AV varlll Va.afl ffABJ uic nutu uwnij Qiobvvu nut uu m a .' neW Postal ruling. By a recent order of the Postmaster. Qenieral, no daily' newspaper ' IS al lowed to send copies to SubicrlberS vyho are three 'months or m6re In ar .rears.. There are a few, of. the sub t'acrlbers to the Dally Nebfaskan who are In arrears to that extent and un less payment Is; made in the' hear fu-i ture the subacrlptions' wlil.'be stopped W( trust that this Will hot be neces sary and that the circulation of this paper may not need te be reduced .by tthe overajflht of .sorqe of .our friends if your 'subscription lsJ unpaid, klpdiy mall a money order o draft to the minager' as S6on as cohvehlent orously. treated as we freely acknowH odfeo ourselves t$ have Veen. Much, ccanpe accomplished by a college dally even In Its rathert rsatrfcted'field. but! M.JrfiXr tha.t-.thei,gretest s.SryXqssi uu petxuiiucu ii, ib priiunuiy wiouvim ber of students will come and take' part in the discussipu of these plans. "" J. M KINNBYi Secretary. -..- . -. - , --' ir Prof. Phillips. Mr; 'F J." Phillips'; hed-oi tHo, For-' estry 'Depkrtm'nt appeared .for tKo "flrsVtlffier,Ibefore, the 'Nebraskk Park and Forestry Society which has been holdlrig iheetlngs in this" cltty. the past week, . He also addressed the State Horticultural- Society.' In both In stances Professor JPhUlips4.jnade a most favorable Impression and several of his hearers expressed 'their isufprisd at. Nebraska having such a bright and. able man at the head of the f oresttry department Leap VearProgram. Tho ladles of the "Komerisky."'- 0lub will give. thep following program to-; night: v1 . '.' VI " :V Piano Solo .Miss Mollie Uldrich Leap Year Miss Abbie Brlch Poem ,,Ii!stM'. . . .Miss .Anna Kdstofys Vocal Solo. .Miss Irma.Sadllek Paper "Mrs. V. Naprstek". ...... . Mrs. Fred JHerman dihreas.. , , , . , ... . .Miss Sarah Hrbek JnBtruihentat DUet. .';...:'. ' ., , .... .,-Misses Krlsl and Herman - v -')$?? im& w '" ;: Tourar, fare wouHl 'paV foit nics t .xuurvw, ro wuuit vny xora.. nic Saturday, January 25. ' 8:00 p. m. Medical Society meets. "Election of "officers. 8unday, January 26. 4:00 p.m. Lyric Theater." Y. W. C. A. meeting. Saturday, February 1. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Friday, February 2i. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prbm. . Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. , Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. -Big lot 5.00 shoeB, $3,60'.' Sander son's Sale. : t Lostr Dolta Upslloh pin at Frater nity Haldurlng Soph9piorQjHop. Re wurd for' return 66., this b.fiice. 'T'yribt'take- your hath .at OhrIs'; " The best place to eat ia.'towri is at lJons .sjare 114 ho. Eleventh street. - r r : ri - . ,. , ' . Dr. Chae. Yosngtfut. dehUst 22 Burr Blk. , . fc Chapiri Bros., florists, ill So. 12th. Patronbse Capital Hotel Barber shop. I -y-. '- - - - ' Eat at Flam's, A. NEW COURSE,. The Department of Greek offers a new course for the second semester.-. This coursewlll.be known as vQreek in English" Course 2b and will em phasize .the study "of English Words, especially modern aclentlflc terms, de rived and borrowed from Jhe Greeks language. It la Intended primarily for those who may wish to obtain, In" one. semester a fair knowledge of , the Greek elements In our own language. It may also be used as preparation for second year Greek (course 3) i "it will be a five hour courae Dwll at 11:00 Jn,.U. 201 by Professor Lees.', v ? Consultation, any afternoon, offjee, f215-U. r1- rr- ' ,f '-toenails. -;, Effective November 25,-thei:Wabash will put in a, very ow tate .of, $10.00 (second-class),; Chicago to New York. , .The. Wabash' has' three solid "vesti huled. trains leaving Chicago dally frojm the Dearborn street .station, at 12 i 04, :3 : 00 arid 11 : 00 p. ' m; , - -FuHher InfdrmatioD: 'may bo 'had. from Harry B. Moores, Q. A. P. D.r Omaha, Neb. . ,y, Special Rates Via Wabash Railroad. ine waoasn nav on. sale ( dally round trip tickets to', all the" winter 'resorts' of the" SoUthNew .Or'lMs, . Quif Coast pttnTSi Florida, ;Caba, West ladies, etc,, etcr , For descriptive book lets, fates,, time tableland all informa-' ilori address Harry 'B..Mobl:es, . A.-" P. D Waba'sh ft. R., Omafia; NeK -. i ; i -- - w u-- k;'.lostH-Xn Mechanic Arts hUiWirig, Saturday,- a case jot K. & E. 'drawing instruments. Finder please return to Nebraskah'offlktid deceive foVafdr Found-rA pair: &f- leather gWves, bearing tho mark tfl. 'G. H. Qwnefr will .find, same at Nebraakan office. LLAtob ' Sld locket wiih Phi Kaiiba Par mounting, ".between 1536 P street and University campus. ,c it GOT WHATP Pyivratc dktok ( room for; studenkv uui it nn i r wiv:. thing and plenty of it; Try;it for a .weefc-o QQS'.-ipir. . Sds,njnrf ffcVfjiriliMt rnv lssrlis . JjJ -ihrtiwwy mmm,imum w, , rti tlftmMtrfmf IM4 m. . 'Y -H ljft. M ST" ' & ' Tf ' &: ;; y? il v k .car? v 1 -NttV v v,v..;',,JSv ,VS -.' i '"'va "II :'V?fC.y"'a 1 iSlWa tow HUTELri mssmmEZWsmGmmmi iSfHviErl ':' i. sstudeSPboay,''aIid' iide ibil3r