The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. VII. No. 7i , l fJJNiVERSITYr6F 'iflEBRASfcA, UlSfcbLN, WEDNESDAY, JAfrtfARY 2$, .& v Price 5 Cent's!
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mHmmriiMt!inn , . kwvwwr&'.rMiv
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Hef Declares iThat AHSMen Mentioned
;', w mf w, Jf w v av,nx r-
:ascPoslble-Candidates -Would
i'Make Good Presidents.
An unusudlfy largo number, .of stu-
talkonVpUrVBright Political Pros
Sectr S lesUsrday f?rriorninfe at' fchapel.
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JAN. 23
lbrskaf 4vM Ifighlid Rkrjc;;
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.The ChalipftJeclarod tat 'hedii
mot Intend tofdlTCU&al)oliticir fronWi
partisan-' ertendpbjnt, but from the
j 17AndrTya vtoofciholposltlDnv that
Ihe next presidential; election mu&t
4iim oiifrwlm ''tiftd'' advanced several
VW fWJiVi'i'WiA- ,Vs-J! .'t t - -'-" - J
n tne- nrat1piace.Tafooq man must
foood' cUIzen8.""!Mr. "Bryan, wliT wilt
certainly sbAHb aemoCTaUcT-Btandard
"pearerris a clean-man, morally, agojod
citizenjiandia man. who. does not shirk
Vesponalbmiy.S f lining ti,; go6d,;can
ibejpaldlofJMr , Tatt?as. a pan,- and Tna
a citizen. Jlq hoff ,;hqld nubile office
Vind Is abundantfyable 'to.flll.tho tofllcQ
fat JWoltWicredit WorK
bther man whbia now'oonaldered aa a"
MSffitiffigD PoaSlbllltj- &f$waii
IhftgraSfiT) 8aldvlw a ..
This Is r(llyrf,aVreraarJable thing
to say. for m many or tne presmenuai
li. . r . .,. . ..- ... ., . ..,. , , . . . ?
ihccandldates haa'been aman-whose
A ) . . f VW
'.' . ' fl JW
"fcharac'piu yasvnotiabqY'e Tproach jlri
caridldates; ivfll be suc'b, men;, that all
the; people. can. respect menu ; '
The. second' .reason j whyi tlie'j next
" campaign must turn, put -well is, ;be
xsause the general policy ofreformin'd
public oversight of grearfiBcar..opera
tlons wlll' toe' conllnued.v -If eitlierMrl
Hughes" or 'Mr. Taft should be elected
this wblild onidoubtedlyehe casei
hl,lc Mr.oaKer.ana jmr. rairoanKi
are perhaps.' riot in Sympathy-, wltiivaH
" .1 - .' . U I c.y -" v .-t
.of the president's ; Ideas. It is' certain-
tha if they . wereolected ; they would
rvi.4'i i
f eeU thQAneco8sfcty:j6if.:v-.cp.ntInuIng the
polled of reform. The whpleworl(j
lcriows how Mr; -Bryan stand's ''land
wnat ne woum jryxo uo ii ue anoum
be eleofeii?! ;Siyen '' coSgressaliould
'bV'controlled Ty a different political
partyLlhey-. would notsdare resist aj
relbrm president. ' "
Thethlrd'easohtwhyAthe nextcam
palgn '-mustittrrn : out well'is because
policy oftlbntlon toliio needs
of the West 'will be contlnVTed., Boose
J H 1 ' .) v ' I i (il I I .11'
yelt ha beii. the first president to
give attention to the needs of the
West;, and his activity "has, ibeeri along j
-ijeveraHlne8; such us irrigation, . pres
ervation pfgrazipg larida and dtoresta,
nd attention to banking facilities:
Whoever follows ihe presidents :wlll
aaturally continue r his work along
heae Unea. vMri.tflBryan te, preemi
nently "a Western man, with Western
Ideas, Vrit'MrHTftakHoiigKianftSt,
em auf has travelec in Hhe West?
c lj(0eUmiie4..eifaie.-I.)V-.i, : -.
"- U&AW
iiMioXatt&fl .1
Noted Harvard ManWllI 'Speak al
1t nvocarion lomorrtww." g
Ilenn tLo Bnro'n RubaoI Brlirirs of
teachers, -whpji lias -IdentlQed, himself
thoroughly" with' Jiia schoolf With him
the 'Har,yard t-lJnlyerslty,.- Harvard"
methods, and Harvard men are ajiub
ject of. llfe-iongo;itudyand.cheerful
service. He' gradua,teti; f rom Harvard
in the class- of' l187B,. 'was 'assistant
professor of English in 1885, ' arid -In
1890 to 1904, he ws professor tof
English, and from, that UmQ has been
the Boylston professor, pf Rhetoric
and Oratory.
Dean Brlggs Vtrtl teaches. From
1891 to'1903 ho filled the additional
duties ot Doari. of JIarvard College.
Since 1902 he has ;been the dean of
the faculty pf Arjts and Science? of
Harvard, University and in- addition
o the30 duties, slrice 1903 he Has-heen
president of Radcfllff College. ViQ
all this work ho has found time to
write two hooks whlchare to bo found
In the. Library, 'School, College and
Character'' is the name of one pub
lished In 1902, arid "Routine and
IdealB" is" the name of ;tne, other, pub
lished In 1904. - - . , '
Doubtless thonstuderita. or this Uni
versity will be glad of the opportunity
to listen to Dean Brlggs on Thursday
at Convocation.. 'Some, pf our etudents.
,wlll doubtless, some day pursue ad
vanced or special courses at Harvard
and will .be glad1 "to wh'lff a little, of the
air of the American Cambridge in
advance." .
Dean. Ck)Ugan will give' a luncfr to
Dean, Brlggs, thoyre. old friends.
Thesubject "of the' address lias riot
as A-t been announced. , .-
For . biographical,, sketch of Dean
Brlggs ofn Harvard, .University, who
speaks at' Convocation Thursday, Jau-
uary 2a, see "Who's Who- in Regis
trar's ofBce, or Professor Panlol Ford.
1 o
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Mrs. clapp will decide About
'trip, to muEom,in
Athletic Beard
':PF.f. v.;K .un:
ball Game With
1 ' ti .ci
for Qlrle' Basket
Illinois Student Declare for Longer
- .. - (Schedule.
"Seven football games for next fall
and a SQuaro deal 'for athletics," was
the ajpga'n of, tho University of Iljlnols
etudonts who gathered in mass moetT
Ing 2,600 strong In the university au
di tori urn Mpndny night at Urbana,
The. affair was a strictly .student
one from start ito finish, -except that
'President Jam'es.who nad recognized
the oVerwhelniing sentiment for moro
games," presided da chairman arid in
troduced theBpeak'ers. ' Otherwise tho
faculty had nothing to do hut .occupy
seats on the platform and listen to
the points that the student orators
drove home.
A3 a result of the chance to express
their views there is much hotter fool
ing on the part of tho students. That
there Is-conslderablecbancethe mni
6fsltyenatewlircha onfthe seven-ganfb;:p'ropdSItIon is5tEe
JGnferal.l5olWiA iz
L. B, Smith, president p the ath
letic association, .discussed conditions
In the Conference colleges and the
?Mform"jagitatIon. Ho declared that'
Uiorie. had been rno "ovils" unefirthed
at llllriPIs 'and that tho authorltfea
should therefore pursue, a liberal' pok
BIgK lot 4Bwell 6.00
Banderson'g Sale;
shoes, $4.50,
' .
m T m
'Ctiarter Dav.
CharterDay:; exercises 'ari'd" Mld
occur-on :riaayj-- eoruary.'Mr . unar
ter day Is regularly . February 15,
which, this year comes on Saturday.
According to a rule of; the Board of
Regents (page 62 of. the University
Calendar) when February ,15 falls on
Saturday the exercises take place on
Friday. When February 15 falls,, on
Sunday the exercises talce place on
Monday. . ' ,
Baked beans, baked .on the prem
ises and .served - hot with delicious
brown bread, 10c, at The Boston
Lunch. - .
' ' ' '!'
' T i - k31
At a anoetlhg of the Dearisof'
Women of the various polleges'ro
contly attended by Mrs. Barkley,,.a
resolution was adopted dlscouraglilg
tho participation by college women In
basket-ball . On hearing of 'negotia
tions which' are bolng carried on jbe
tween iMlnriosota and Nebraska Tela
tivo to a girls' intercollegiate basket
ball game, a complaint .was flied wltii
the Athletic Board asking that this
proposed game lio cancelled. .
Concerning this matter, the Board
passed the following motion: In vleV
of the. fact that the Board of Regents
has rules that the Athletic Board shall
bo the final authority In all athletic
matters, the director of the "Womaiii'a
Gymnasium shall secure the approval
of tho Athletic Board -before engaging
in any women's intercollegiate' ath
letics'. " " V ' . ;
. The .qiiostjonof holding 'ibasUet-ball
Informal s on. other than" (Friday 'of
Saturday evenings was brbugh't be
attempt Badocatgh
land P5jc. game Thpradayveauii of
this week by the Dean of Women". ' I
.The) Athletic Board decided7 not t
interfere $rlth reuraffdnfor'3h8
game THursdaj f Ijgilt,f butiia(rulctei
ino manager to avoid, as. far ag'rpoesl
bio ,tlie
futures scheduling -oCfii
. - . .. . s. . .4i' I
oy 'inrormais uurinr"the
jVrrantromentH were .madAf for aamT
K A- k. v ....T X Ti "-.'V
t- 1 19 at a . r . . . . f
.Tiv . 'm wr. m vy k .gvnnA.aa. mm rw bm
'"Suiijusm w lUBuictrilBK VI u
FootballvR'ules. Committee-to, be. hel
.Therewlll.he aJpeclal meeting. ot
the Athletic Board Tuesday, January
28th, at which tlmthe final yotea ;on
the '08 football capUJn will tbe .called
If no "election, results, the. board, will
th,on name a captain .- . ti
Voes for the captain ot .the second
football team .have fceen cast find can
be secured at Station A.
- . .'ii
Jmnti8iry 24 ds30 p. m.
i r ' w 7 'Hit, -i jt. U :t
, &-Tfl-i i
:";' '-.?
i rr "splits 'S-uiikJ-2ft'
rj yr
ivAi-lrf. V -W -m
i '..
f"' f-i J -y lm 'ir
moriml Hall. 5Qc
' -1'm
The ' time remaining for, those -who
Intend trying out for the, .different
Charter bay eveqte Is growing short
and should pot be Qverlooked. ,Tk
fact that .the preliminaries will. be.
pulled olt-a week In advaaceiof iCar;
ter Day makes H: nqasiaar): t; wa
ildates for the-varIom evea skoild
get out and work reg uUrly fro aow
on. t ' '"
Silver and. bronze e4W rwlll . be
given for 'first aad second places' la
the following events:' . v
Tweritv-llva" va-rd 1h, 'tn')i
Pole 'vault, ' ..
RenMlar Kigh Jump. - '
Knaalag klgh kick. 'W r
Twelve-pound faot-pt. lu'"41'
-Ropeclimte. ;' ''$y-
Tence' Visit. '. " '"1'J:iH"
A penaaat wilt be frea tke teai)
wlhig the ariiteraltf'Telay
. i
. i
raoer i. ,
it A - t. V-