S" . ?" ' " Y " iJ ."W i . ' . -A .. n 5t. t! -. - v S i ' "i - . K ' Kr ! r JW fWiPTTW"yi "gr---;2i I- I liver Theatre I n -- -- jytTMrtW.4ft.t.f ... WED. MAT. A EVE., JAN. 22 ' ". No Mother to Guide. Her . yMt., fo A 25c. , Eve., B0f 30, 20 & 106 FRI.,AT. & SAT; MAT:, JAN. 2f2$ Charjes DllllnghamProductlon - S Mill" M--60P;eopleF Augmented Orchestra'' IWIk.ViWt'S',"i ' TV? -- -' r v- rMt.,r$1.00 to 25c. Night, $1,50 to 50c ox . . . . - . . i .X- ' " ' MONDAY NIGHTMAN. 27. J W! '.JWFJf$MSR0N. Little Dollie Dimples Vft.jM,tf?pf f v. r-- T LYRIC TflEATRE MATINBB V K M. l TB.VB. 7?45 & 9i00 mi I - !' j . . , , ', ,' PRICKS TBH AND TWTYENTS T u-J- T- lr JUDGE, DECOMA & JUDGE7 ' Novelty Tumblers, Acrobats dL Aerial ''' "' Artists' " w ML..ILLU8TRATEO SONG - ' H'She's Sfeeplnk by the .Rio Grande" ERNEST' LENORA Monolooltt - - - Mytfei aut ...Mrt " -CEMENO'BR08. i- -R s.i MINNIE ST. CLA1H A Girl From Missouri .. T ;. COMMENCO BRQ8. "U ' tT, . - ' . '. MAJESTIC Wiik CmmmIi Unit) Jin. 20 ' FULTOI STOCK CO. ; "mid Bjftlis Enemy" - Evenlni prices. ... ..... , 15c and 25c J Matinee, Wed. and Sat. ........ ISc , fcoats rcsvd, Box offlca opena 11 a. m. .. - 'Dancing School CJassn'aWs-iAdyanced; Mohday; W Beginnsrsweanesaayana oaxuraay. Social night Friday.' Private clas class 'every-afternoon. In vLln'coln, New ! street. Auto 5241. every-afternoon. Most beautiful hail in vLincoin, New location, nui w. W' ft-T" . FW V.I - . .tM 'H The JCJ& ,s , ItwIkH, IUIIar$;Fsl mi Cigar -The Finest Place' Inthe West. 34 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. (. ' . . .r. TTTH THE W SMOKE HOUSE . ..Welcbmee all students and invites you .to .Vnjoy our Smoking' and Reading iRenv It's a pleasure 'to please Try " . ' , 'JUN". 10KE HOUSE. "., 1132 O STREET . K v - " - i "t.-twi? i-rrmwirt -w 7 at f ,;;l;- ,. ;, ST-TOT OilTtM.tUTiqiULIlllK , rMfELFTM Art Q STt. THE DAILY NEbRASKAN -fc!! I ,. , ,1 I, T f m P- f-RP Jl JlViW p K R P P F BUSINESS DIRECTORY X K7 tftyiltTBUeriltjr'strideat'U jj i mrK te pntreaiie thHe xfenrai' 4 X ka adTertliers nad te naentlea -1 1 S the super while delas;(ie. , t , lit ATHLBTIO'.GOODS Lawlor. BANKS First Trusi and Sayings. 'Central' Naliona.1. 'BAKEttlES Dalrymple, Folaoni, Pe ltry. . 5.f . , BARBER SHOPS Grand . Central;. Greeny S.h,oj)p,Mar8ha)l, Eramert BATH HOUSE Christ r' BOOK1 STORESVobopf ' Llcon ' ;Unlverslty. - ' - ! CAFE--Savoy, Windsor, Sams,' Dons, 'Buds." j; CIGARS Cole " & ? McKennaj-1 Matt's - Place r . . - V . CEATMERSWood. ' clothing Farqunar; . : Magee ; & D.eomer; Mayer' Bros.; Sterling. COAL-Gregory; Whitebreast. - CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; "Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., RoodjT :Hir8chner-Morse. j,j Folsom. '', i dancing Academy Lincoln, PittB'. DENTISTSM3raham; Yungblut DRESSMAKlNG-i-Soukup. -DRUGGISTS Hirschnor-MorBe, , Jer ry, Rlggs. v DRY GOODS Herpolsholmer; Miller & Paine. FL9RISTS Chapln; O. If. Frey. i FURNISHINQS-Buddl Magee & ' 'Deemer; Mayer, Bros.; Sterling. HAIR, DRESSER Mjb. Davis; Mme. Roqa.vMrs. J, 0. Bell. ' t HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. HATTERS Budd,. Heflley, Lincoln Hat Co. - -" JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWBLERS-tE?. -Fleming; -, Harris; " Myers, i, Tucker; Haljett, Henderaori and Hald. ' '' " "1 -r AUNDRIES - EvanB ; Merchants ; f Yule. . LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymnle.-Hlraehner-Morse.- r. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. JDPTlCIANS-r?HaUett; . Myers ; Shean. JBHOTOGRAEHarBlazek,,. Hayden, Townaend,- Clements. . . PIANQS Schmoller & Mqeller. ' PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS - Boston ' ? Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons;' Francis -Br6s.; SapJs, Windsor, Palace DJning Hall. SHINING .PARLOR Cole t & Mc , .Konna. , - ' i . SHQES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati - Hereford &APetty;, .Rogers & Per kins; -Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. ouiTUKiuma 'weuer. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresher; El Jiott; Heffley;"Herzog; Ludwig; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. "i " ' v r l THEATERS Jewell; i Joy-p; Oliver; Lyric, Bijeu, .Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, i KEY8---Thprp. ' TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. ! & l ' . ' JLow Rates. . Effective -November 25, the Wabash will put in, a, very Jpw rate of $10.00 (second-class), "Chicago to New York. The -Wabash has three solid vestl buled trains leaylng Chicago dally from the Dearborn street station, at 12:04; 8:00 and' 111 00 p. m. Further Information may be had from Harry E., Moores, G. A. P.- Df, Omaha, Neb. Box Writing Paper Sale going aon now. 6,0 per . cent discount on all box paper for the hextten days. 'Now js the 'time to fstock up7 ., tHRSCUU-MpRSE OOMP'Y - l ' ' """''r ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE. This week -will bring a large number of farmers' to the Agricultural Insti tute "now under way at the State Farm, It is tto be hoped that the stii dents of the dther colleges (of the Unl. yerslty will be ready . and willing to extend to - these visitors whatever courtesies , they may bo tablo tp Ex tend. 4 The welfare and contimjed prosperity of this University depends in a large measure upon the feeling t'that these farmers may-have in regard to It. Although they may be more especially interested along "other lines, it certalnlyis the- right spirit on the part of the University students ' o manifest in wliatevor --".'way possible the consideration and 'high" regard felt for them whenever the occasion pre sents itself. 4i -it. 4 t GOOD PRODUCTION. (Continued frompago one.) , very effective. As. Valentine, Mr. Riedel waa convincing. , The real con trasts in the character he conveyed "with admlrahle transitions. From earnestness to a humorous conscious. ness of his own jnconslstencieBYhe pnsaed so effectively that the audience was always enjoyabty in the secret. Mr. Riedel would do well to master his grammars Mr. House-worth as Cmmpton improved so much after the first act that his transition into com placency In the last -were among he mosl effective touches in the pjay, The McConras of Mr. Dick Russell was difficult because the. degree 4of pompousness demanded Is not, for tunately, ,easlly attainable . in youth. Mr. Russell, however, did his part with credit throughout, and gave Dolly just cause to ask Bohun to "bully Finch for us.'i - Mr. 'Elliott's Bohun -was an effective ".'overwhelm or." His voice was admirably a'dap't ed to .the part. Miss Laura Fisher fas maid made a very pretty picture. Miss Howell, and Mr. Riedel,. Who did much for the success of the play 'in cpachlngthe caste during the holi days, are to be congratulated -for their thorough going success. .It Is Jo be hoped that tins is only the jlrst ofa series; of modern plays to be pre sented by the University Dramatic Club.' ' i ' ' Peopio w4io are always crying for somebody "to elevate the American" stage" will pe, pleased "with" the sing ing novelty act given by the Kennee family at the Lyric this week. The famlly'of whom there are five, render selections from varloils operas and do It well. Minnie St. CJair, "A pirl from Missouri;" is a clever cpmedlenne of the Sis Hopkins prder. She Is 'a laugh producer. Earnest Lenora, a monologlst, .sings those d(sgusting parodies on "Inrtho 'Shade of the Qld Apple Tree." His is an unpardonahlo, aln. Commenco brothers, clown acro-l oats, are petter tnan'wnen tney -were here last season. Judge, Decoma and Judge," a trio of aerial artlstsr are above the average. ): Leonard B. Hurtz, 1903, ' will in struct thejclass In Telenhony In the Electrical Epglneerlng - department next semester, vvir, wuriz is general irianuger of the Lincoln Telephone company, ! Last In Mechanic Arts building, Saturday, a case of K. & E. drawing Instruments. Finder please return to Nebroskan office and re.celve reward. V V ""' WiirnaAy'whd tobk analytics book from Historical Library rack by mi's"-r take please return to Nebraskan office? , v 1 - jFound A pair of leather glovjes, bearing the mark M; G. H. Onjer wm nnu same at XMeorasKan omco,, Class Athletic ,JBpard meets In U. 102 Tuesday evening, January 21st, at 7:uu p .m. Plee like mother tried to make. J3aked fresh tw a day by aa exvert womam pie beef, 'at The Boeiejh Luaen. ' ? . , i Dr. 6bM, TYoMllHt, deittst,. Burr lk, .' . U - all - No Tom my v -1 ' , HHHrr ! BB The U of N Caterer JEM s ia btis j reis tot himself ., at. 208..,j2th :! "; ' Cf-Lookfor the i5 Llhtl npi i-uncneoneues hUrryi TTho. lAft bolcrnan; A -. -. 20 PER CENT piscmtStJt h Hits,S)i- iais, etc., at HEFFLEYS TAILORS AD HATTERS I 1337 O St. a i L. J. HERZQG THE laWi4TY JUKI' TULW TW iMti werkieae mt frieee right. Otll a4 r Btwiiort. 1290 O St. - ;r Llnssln y NIVERSiTY JW)ELll 4 tTTlCiAH C. A. Tucker JEWELER DrPS.$.Sheaii OPTICIAN lijijsTttET,! mmnm Yl ft- UH- W WW- Ww WWtWWiWWM -,.!.-... v. .,.. . . ' T . . t - 1, wmmmmmmmmmmammmm . i .. . a. .w. i ---------------- - in i iij i ( ISC I5 m 1 1 1 1 1 ijm ' aS2pPp- rT -AIU v r- ' M BBBr aBBBBBBBB BBHB h MBi --. BB TL-------- PL ---P--- "''i'T BCSMwS --Pi IVVT-T-- lali.-S- P71't i9.m& lr7Vii f ;Ei-M-T- -u-,1t-. 'A'fc-i I1IBIh ' lU I a II l r ' Jvl i-i t-m"i iiair' uy ! Ml.Mn.Lw.. , Hmrl ' 1:1 - l?.ilriA; M' i , Br fc ff ' '?. '! t- T-7i vJ- 7l-. lfc V- ' fl ' j . T"'lwr i'rvl -' Pil B BaJ,, Sflr ' -i, I fV.aPr r- k. . l.v t...iL.A. m -t ' fl l M j . l k.' rf3mimyunr W.ir.-fwpT.' SKSC! . .4 f-Vi ,1 Ki