-p ti n m 4 r y "-.r"? -'- f -; v-j t , ', w V - 4-7.-- ht H I n I h i. L L , J! tmtmuiM''-$4iiJt'm'J&,t9Hiiifiiniiit t ;irSl .svWtMSv'i ifftmmnngui! ' t wnwiinn r. i "v . -tAx JlZtmm U ' 1 ' TO the w best fountain- pen for both student aha professor on account of the Cresceht-Fnierr.Ttfllll- j1,. Conklin's vi &mt ,; SMEfcMniir im A'rU.J simply dip it in any Ink and press tithe Cresccht"Filldr that's all, No dropper no;inky Pngers jio ruflleil ,'tomper' Guaranteed to bo a perfect .jvritcr., . - . $ " Leadlne dealers handle, tho Conklfn. If ,, yours does not, ordcf direct, 1o(uho sub stitutes. Send for handsomo new cntalo TGPNUlPEN CO.tt j ; . i i !' S19 shikM MMfef-, W2M, OHIO - , . - ,tati ', .j-v: II ;.t1 we f 'Vt Ti ,! W're now located'in the most , .-.bcaotttul . store . mthewcst. W handle th&finest HOT DRINKS tapinnHHE " In. ht city;., Come in, and ft them. , , , , iYh Cwdy KItchtH urlith and Q -So. west Corner -SiJ(,)ii,i) ?.!-' " 1 f :--) LINCOLN 0ANCIN6 ACADEMY -v-w- ' -Una W St.. .rn J.'V.iAcj r " '-' .., SocirI niftrhta.Mon. anrl Wful.. H tn II J 2ej(lniieriiiUC TUWi.sTyDHfq-SBSPBCIALLYINVITBD .. y t . ' . r SY rw- , w , . at ' !2ypIfejGo, ffrtTr ft fpnl r. i '-ilk'Rl ,h ' wimrmj jrrji 4 ',? M - i I t . . .t U.T iTU caklln'rSfaU.FlUIttgrPctTiil .s. rripl toftuJ HJKRcyclg h'fJ - IVer JKnM n itcy. -;-'- V& !MM' ttV. -ivB.PQratru. ar-mrpor.liooan" "AtHlettc Qoodsr-yQuns and; Am lmunltior.". .-'. r..- - v fl3;55-4 OSTREET r?Wfci - -, . -' ji'o J flK!- ' G. K. AKAGI & BROS. t . DCILUflVE L W JAPANESE STORE . T TiUd W osOl ad JBpot' a i .... ... . n' 114 SMffcTvatflfc St. ;-1 v " "Pf ! !; ; WMMitot , '' ijKlf. "1 1-irfVi'itt , v- J.-SW - KMITlliW -.- ,. (( COLLINS GUILTY. '' 7c6nUnued"frbm tfage'l.) Thlii iti. drill' nt tho University of , NebrqBka,.nbout 5:30 p. m., Novohii bor 12; 1907. ' iSiJecincntlon 2nd.In that Cndet Cor-' poral C. H. CpllihB, Conipnhy U&1( ' University Cadets, did, without prov ocation, U8e violent and abusive lanj gtiago to Cadet Private Sam "Wda terfleid. , ' ' , This at and immediately after drill at tho University of Nebraska, about tho hours of 5130 and 6:00 p. m., November 12; 1907. Pica, Not guilty. , Finding. Of tlje first spectflcatioir, of tho second specification, guilty except tie words "and Immediately after," of the 'excepted wordB, not guilty. Of tho charge; guilty. Sentence To be publicly reprimanded. Action The. sentence, though Inade quate, is approved, fho evidence In thl8;aHQ uhows that Corporal Collins exceeded his au thority in giving Instructions to a private at the tynio arid under the circumstances cited; that ho used unauthorized force in so doing and tllat ho violently resented a digni fied and v reasonable remonstranpe made at a proper time. '. Corporal Collins Is .reminded that military authority must be exorcised with kindness and JubUco and that ho. is forbidden to injure those under his authority by tyrannical or ca prlclous conduct or by abusive lan guage. His action In attacking a sniolloi man whose power of Tests trtneo was lessened by his peculiar position in the battalion must be characterized as mean. In giving way to an outburst of tomper under such conditions, Corporal Collins has shown himself unfit to command . others. ' By order of Captain. Workizer: E. A. FftOYD. Adjutant. First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, University Cadets. .A meeting wab hold Monday even- lug by the, committee -on accredited schools. Several ytoschoota wore add ed to the list by those recognized by tho University, among them Bertrand, Tobias, Herman and University Place. The committee also discussed the poli cy which should bo pursued with re gard to schools giving more than t'du required entrance credits. It was de cided that a jnan having extra credits whef e Tie was proficient in the sub ject, arid It was one recognized in the Unlyoralty, would be allowed Universi ty credit. '$; Clements' photos are tko best Rates td students. ., 129...So. Eleventh. Marshall, students' barber. Corner ThlrteentnapdtO under Famous. J u f Have your clothes pressed at Wob or's Sultorlum Cor. l'tth.and O. Hayden, photographer, special rates to. students. 1127 O street. Go to Mrs. J. C, Bell, halrdressqr, for chiropody. c Oroian's -barber shops are the best ln'thelVejR ' : " r- . , Palace Dining Hall. No lunch counter : , ; - Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P - fJ ' ,. ' - iL-i-"- ;. '1 Camerbti's" lunch counter 123 So. 12. Beokman Bros. J'iia. shoes, 1107 O. at Cf H. Freyjftorlat, ils 0 St. 3ttmmB rM i.r'i i ..i ?R , I,. .V"hn.ri.('21)l9v05 .of thou now. lwln,wWlcJf. word vafckV- ii-uiuu. - iu aauo.uiiHHcnooi-now inns mciutios and vxtulpmcnt for tcaclit- hr this country. Of tho;nvo" bttlldln Kftour awttFttffiFur? tfmtory tenchlnflr' nnd rfcaoarch'. Ntn croU8-hopltft!8H IrtonV ntfuhdrtnt op- pofiuiuupH ipr cuniciiiinetruetion ,tn ....iii .. ."" . " ." w"r. 1 .' . o ,: COURSE ;FOR Tfe DtORCE OF.M1. D. M AJir 5T- courflCi.. .open tt.ljachelors of rtrt; llfcmturo, plillosophy or Hclcnee. tind to persons of 'eViulvalont rtUindlng, lends to,,tHdfca;rc"e ofJM, p. The Htudles of tho fourth your nro ,w lollyitlvcjjrithb'yAelWolnWrd tory subjects, general medlclno, genb .al surgery . and tlfe special clmfcal uranenca. , j ' i 2LIQ l?" sch?0.1. 3fCftr , extends, from October 1, 1908T to Juno 24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. lor detailed announcement nnd catalogue', tiddrcsB r : ' ? t , HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL'. Boston, Mass., J fr,-,jd WHEN YOUR CLOTHES ARE MADE HERE you obtai and ECONO artistically W5.0O, a i and saves yod from tailors Make; array or scyiisn BELL PHONE )NE'504 for furnaces; Gregory' $7 GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINS BANK ILDB, ;: ia2InilH:JIIIEET; CCHW3)IKJKCC 2-BXSKETBALL Missouri vs. Nebraska JANUARYS! and ? JEBRUAY u.aJk.i.j..............-... . . v-fVW-WIH-WllUJWIKJJWJ ,-..- .-- Frats and Sororities- Wh.n in tlttf rf CQM -.. " " WHITEBREAST CO- 1,;- .1 We ynll treat you nght PhoniM: IUM 234; Aute If It. Offic110O. JERRY 1 POtT OFFICI 1 WfttCTLY OrfHtlTI QlJJt, '111 NQIOTH. i 1 THE IMIIIST. "IT, ,1.. HOT ui COLD SOfA UNION COLLEGE pSia j Tin nnrt Mite1 ttHt - wttcw I I AIHIHO i5lttlltiM.. -AUTO 4t-C.tElt Vw3 l fwir f-vi-pitt9-riifni -'" MVfllJlUIIO UtlUltl medicine , nnd . surg-cnv ydu have the Ideal combination tha ready-mads mlsWtaatHJHjih'Vlcel yAUrJselectlonodayfrbM ;elflant rapnes ...- n.( , i.,.; , n n.tjE3 mtsmwkim I MY as -well. Just cenclve efth .tviA4 I mader clothes-knswiiat-fromlis.OOt. I i DRESNERS' TAILOR M,1MOkt(Xt;W -i-" " ' AbTOH N PHONE. 2696 ' ) N s Semi-Anthracite 50 iii.,cii!ret,i$tiifE Js ' fl H -:t j.n - 11 'W1 W ' w .? -w. mj, -in. rHf? INFORMALS--2! r- !i "TOTni!5"SI1 rx uwl o ;. t HJU. Ji.x'C'i i. J- ' 1 - -1 ,(- 2 v:f WrMPSil & nVN jraKLCM AND oracum SWW ,M?f.L"i BHMBBiMaMd rt f .r ag' al Ml t . A.- 'i '' Y i" Xtl 'ttfc, f Vi v V '"".'' '' '".'," ,' I I I if' V i Ift. -M MK. .'"-Htl.. . a. t i. aii?MtteA(k,v ' , ' .Jt'HHf . tM s J fiJUfK4iW.-