H THe DAILNEBRAfekAN f w I' ) i v ' . Cjbe, 3)aUs ;fleblaftftan THE PROPERTY OP " TJIE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. I Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNBAY AND UIHDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrtlicUH.W(H,-m N. 14th St. , . - EDITORIAL STAFF. ' Edltor.n-Chlef..f....Mi A'. MHU.'Jr. '0 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager ,...;.. H. C. Robertton, '09 Aaat. Manager Q.J M. Wallace, 10 Circulator W. A. Jonee, 10 Atit. Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta por Jnsortlon for ovcry fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofTloo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mnll matter under tho Act of ConjTrosa of March 3. 1879. THE ART EXHIBITION. Bvery student is urged to make au ot.peclal effort to attend tho art exhi bition now being held In Art Hall, not alone because of tho good It will do the Individual, but because of the good it will do the University. The pu; "pose of this exhibition Is to build up u permanent gallery to become a part of the equipment of the University, ll will be not only a very valuable, but a most attractive addition to the ad vantages offered by tho University. It Is planned to purchase three of the pictures now being exhibited and every dollar will help to make this possible. These three pictures jutti "Canal at Bruges," by Charles Wur1 ' ren Eaton, valued at $1,000; "The January 24 8:30 p. Sophomore Leap Year Informal KOiK0OiK00 Fortune Teller," by Lewis F. Mora, valued at f 1,500, and "Market nt Mor el, Franco," by Frederick J. Mulhaupt, r valued at $500. THE .FOOTBALL CAPTAINCY. 'Tho uncertainty arising from the continued failure to elect a footlbail captain Is a source of serious wor to' those who have the interests of next season's football prospects most a I heart. The oholco'of the right man for the place Is a matter of very con siderable moment and worthy of tho best' judgment of those upon whom the duty devolves. In affairs of this kind where4 ihe, influence may oxtend far beyond tho Individual, personal considerations should' not have tho satno- weight tliat might be entirely Justlffalilo 'under other" conditions. It Is said' and' with, every' show of reason j lint nrJrttv 1 nnr liittm tlinli ta ,mnn on th'etehhwho rimong those eligible isbe'st.fltXed-fof 'this plaqe. This Is ope,. . . of -the .strongest -arguments ngainst'the system 'of selection by pdpiHar-'vote of tho student body in practice at, many other schools. r For siho reason that tho matter In that event Is1 largely itaken out of the hands ot tho men possessed of flrst'hand In formation a io which of a given num ber to be selected from, 1b best adapt edtotho position. They know which man posses In the highest degreo tho quality which marks him as tho one ' who will contribute tho largest shnro to tho Huccefls of the team so far as his offlco as .captain is concerned, and will affect tho outcome. It is to be hoped that no other considerations will animate this year's "N" men that sim ply the one consideration which now hi the man for the place. It is hard to rise above and forget the other con siderations, but such Is the duty and test of those who are truly men. NEBRA8KAN CHANGE8. in view of tho complete change In the staff of the Nebraskan for the coming semester and the many open iLgs for the Journnllstlcly Incline student, It would be well for those who wlBh to do work along this lino to be gin to make arrangements according ly. The only way to make the Nebras kan a paper of merit and usefullness Is for It to have tho support of tha University public. This support Is best manifested by., doing something positive for its good. It takes tho com bined efforts of a number of Interest ed workers to accomplish such an end. The attitude that the college dally Is something in which nono but those Immediately Interested have an inter est, Is entirely wrong. Every student should feel that he has a duty to per form In this connection, and that when a call is made for reporters an oppor tunity to exercise his duty is offered. Don't hang back and wait for soif one else, but respond at once with but one object In view, namely to make good and to serve to the end of the semester. ni. Memorial Ha.ll. 50c Special Class In Entomology. Owing to.the continued and Insistent demand for trained entomoliglstB, Professor Bruiier is instituting a spe cial training clnss In entomology, the purj)ose of which Is to prepare young men to -All positions In government; station and state work along entomo logical and related lines. Tho train ing Is lntonded to include both tho economic and systematic features", as well as museum and field work The course, jvlll begin tho flrst.of next se mester and continue through at least two- sbltool years. This course " Is'of fered only overy third yoarv ,v A meeting of Interested parties for disciiBBlnglho plana and scope of the proposed work Is called for Wed nesday evening tho fifteenth in the of fice of tho slate ontqrnollgist at tho . . m, .-". .i '. j. . . t. . . Htaio uiriu. ino ume ts' eigne aciocKr Mr. Porter, pf York, president of the Cement User.s' Association, wus In Lin coln yesterday making arrangements for the 'convention of the association wJiIch. will bes hold-;durlng February, 7"he 'convention' will lie'etMn the Tern ple,wid'a, display .of. concroto. mater will be made In the bnsement. ' T It I I I ' YOU ALL NEED a DRESS SbBWBbHDh I IBBBBBBBBBBn BBBBI III DBBBBsWl BBBsVcin fsTsBBBBBsTiH HSBlW J'iilBTfliBBBBBBK .. trmi mwmmm I9sn,JkJ'40MHHvmU sc JJ LibbbbbbW MssBBsbAnA f MUWUlEMtfWMi I lflwll 1036 "O" STREET FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAIN. TWHN'TY-ItOOM nOUSE within walk Iiik dlHtnnco of University. Full corner lot -lots of Hhndc good brick sldcwnlk. Two, bath 1001ns on second floor. Dhilng-room lnrge enough to sent forty people If desired. Very hiimH expenditure would mnkc It typi cal Fraternity Iiourc. Trlco nnd tonus right. Address E03 State Journal, City. UNIVEH8ITY BULLETIN. Wednesday, January 15. It; 50 a. m. Tho Templo. Y. W. C. A. Noon Meeting. 6:50 p. m. Tho Temple. Y. M. C. A. MId-Weok meeting. Thursday, January 16. 8:00 p. m. Chemistry Lecture Room. Pathological Club meets. Friday, January 17 Fraternity Hall Sophomore' Hop. Friday, January 31. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Informal dance. Saturday, February 1. Basket-ball, Nebraska ys. Missouri. Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. . . Junior Prom. - - Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. - German Club. The German Club will meet with Miss Vera Molqulst, 936 South Four teenth, Thursday evening. Now Is tho ume to buy swell, up-to-date shoes and slippers. Twenty-flvo to seventy-five per cent discount on all broken lots. Sanderson's Sale The best place to eat In town Is at Dons- Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Tho best coffee I ever drank that served in The- Boston Lunch. Try It. Matt's place Pool and' cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. Why not take your bah at Chris' bath hoilse, Elevouth and P streets? Eat at Elairi's. i ' ;. i u i iv x i. "' fWE HAVE GOT ITT' y w 'fiOT WHAT P"te dWng room for students; " ft lift I h weerc thc very f best of every.- thing and plenty of it. Try it for a week "$3,25 7per." Separate tables for ladies THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL I th V f:V BBftasM is ging to. help you, bat by making a special price of $35 on them for the rest of the week. Uall-No Tommy The U of ISI Caterer He s-m-business-for-himBelf-. at 208 So. 12th 'l-ooR for tho Red Llghta Hot Luncheonettes HURRY! Tho6. IA. Coleman, CENTRAL NATIONAL BMK TWELFTH AND 0 STS. P. L. IIAX.I,, Prcaldeat. V. E. JOHNSON, Vlo Pru, DBBHAN O. FOX, Cashier. W. W. BAOKNBTJr., Aut. Oar. Retry Bakery Cb; Baking Orders Filled Promptly FINE RICE. MEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE7U8 AND YOUB OBOBB WILL BKOEIVB PBOMPT ATTENTION . . . ' -' " ' i. M Sjff LUDWIG . -' r c