" x A " r ' " " i '' r i- 4 r C '1 THE PAllvY NEBRA8KAN wr c ; njt - i 1 iM -f j 1 I V. V-1 i M 1 v w ru wwr ConklhVs Sclf-FiUlno; Pon ia the best fountain "pou fortioth student and professor 'on account of the Orescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's saF- FILING 1 1 . i simply dip it In any iuk ami press the Cresoent-ElUer that'B all. No dropper no Inky Angers no nt (Tied temper. Guaranteed to bo a perfect writer. Loading dcalerit handle tho Conklln. If yours docs not, order direct. Kefuse sub tttatas. Bend (or handsome new catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. , 318 HuhtlLi BtlUM, TOLEDO. 010 We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT PRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1 4th and O So. west Corner LINCOLN DANGIN6 ACADEMY -113)1 N St.- Social nights Mon. and Wod.TB to 11 Beginnors night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED -SELECT CROWD- ' HVWr hsJiitt THE EVANS Do Your Washing MM vfel :.. T c CflaaWaallSaBBaHte I IPPea Fountain BaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaaBBawasBBBaaBaBaa UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A Tucker JEWELER - Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yaar MrtMft ItlklM L.J.HERZOG THE JWmSITY MAKS! TAILOR Tha flnert work don and prioit right. -Gall al.avr maw tor 1230 O St. .Lincoln '; i; Qt yur -sha'as shlnarf by ". ,t Amarlaari bay a at :! COLE eV McKfNN A'S ";f vJpALM GARDEN ih !; THE ANNUAL FARCE. ( Continued from pago 1.) here and nro going to Bend him to ward Lincoln In a minute. Meet him, ho' that ho will got there In time for the hop." (Hangs up receiver and addresses Freshmen.) "Release Mac and send him out the door.' (Mac Ih -released and startB up the road.) Sceno II. Dance at Fraternity hall. Mac talking-to a young lrtdy. Mac. "I would rather two-step than waltz." Lady. "Thon, 'get busy.' ' "KOMEN8Y" CLUB BANQUET. The Instructor In Bohemian, Miss Hrbek, Agreeably Surprised. Members and frionds of the "Kom ensky" club, fo the number of about thirty, woro cntortained at an infor mal banquet "by Miss Molly TJldrich, one of tho members of the club, at hor homo at 525 North Twenty-fifth street last Saturday night. Tho occasion was a surprise on Miss Sarah Hrbok, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who cojnes hero to fill the chair, of Bohemian language and literature, made vacant by the recent death of hor brother, Prof. Jeffrey D. Hrbek. Tho early part of tne evening was given to tho singing of old Bohemian songs In concert around the piano, and other social amusements. Great mer riment was produced by giving each one present, ten beans. Every time they would use a word in conversation, that was not a Bohemian word, the user was required to forfeit a boan. It was surprising to not how well each one would either-speak correct Bohe mian or "shut up". After a three-course banquet, J. B. Bcdnar, as. toastmaster, called upon .the following for responses: "Money," Treasurer Votava; "A Dream," Mr. Shonks; "Our Redeem ing Features," Miss Alice Brick; "The Cedar Rapids Convention," Mr: Tono plr; "Komensky In ine Past," Mr. Ko touc. Communications were rend from JJXj-J. T. Kroy.cllLyjinch;-Neb-and- JMr. T. J. Pinal, who Is studying for estry at Ann" Arbor, Michigan, both charter members of the club. luslc was furnished by Prof. August Moz ler and Ills pupil Mr. Huckle and Mr. Brodocky. In the weo sma' hours tho mooting adjourned, evory one feeling it was the best evening the members of tho club had spent togothor. The next meeting of the club will be Saturday . evening January 25. Tho girls will have entire charge of the program and all other arrangements. In three of the games played by tho Carlisle Indians UiIb season, the total number of spectators has exceeoded 70,000. Clements' photos are tho beat. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Marshal, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth, and O under Famous. Have your, clothes pressed at Web er's SuitoriUm, Cor. 11th and O. HaydenJ photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Green's barber- Bhops are the best In the West. Palace Dining Hall. No lunch counter. " Try FjrancIs Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. sL C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. a n sw 1 L!- .mMKA-Tk 1 ff J IX I tA .aaBBPBBEBBBBVr..asiFBr FLAT jRl MIX CLASP JHg SILK 'm m K3CiKilK FRATERNITY HALL, Tickets ABBOT'S ORCH. XOOW006OWQl! 1 Delicious Hot Chocolate Tsa and Coffse 1307 We are not Tailors, but HATTERS Hats Made to Order atfactory THE LINCOLN HAT Suits and O'coals Made to Order, 115 9e9H9e9BEHBaKESBeSBBaBaB9S99BBBageS9B9BB9S! NO MORE-NO LESS World's Greatest Tailors UNION MADE J. F. QREQpRY, Manigar wi Cutter T 1 f ' iii Lineal Brack, 145 Si. 13th St. faajBaaaaaawaaBaaaaaBia)aaiHiHBaHBBaiataBaaaaaaaa)aaiiiakksiiBM UNION COLLEGE 1 TAILORS &!! I w 1 N'ebi?astean IB sehool yearonly Flat Glasn Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece; pttrm milk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, all dealers or by maik PIOISfEEH SimPfENOBt cO., TIM Market Mtrtmi PMtnlelphta JAN. SEVpfy i$8 mm & , , Limited to 80 TICKETS' $u Sandwlchss off all kinds. Noon hour lunchss a specialty. O Street PETTICOATS Made if Your Exaet MMSHremtnt 11.60 to $3.60 in Bat&ras.'Hftatharbloom and LlnonMoroon. 8.60to 110.00 in tctt good quality of Silk. We guarantee a perfect fit afad workman ship. Orders allied In one-half to two days' notice. . .... ' QUALITYand QUANTITY IS OUR MOTTO ii Uncoln Skirt CoBifMHiy ETEL B. ANDBRbON, Prop. l l JI19C.U.CTBCU u l. I i i IbWU n aiDEGI ri - "r-r-i. s w. " "T1- the Only -Practical Union In Nebraska . . ' Cost. Prices $2.00 to $4.00 r,. CO., 120 Ns. 12th r ,,v i 1 ' "Tly,-l For First Clan JtHtrtaf Mwwmm e AUTO 4t-TC0I.LECEVIEW remainder of the J ,50. Get busy. 2 a mkwLy aVSkaTarLy "'SaBBaaaSBaSP (l -k.. 4