,is-t.-r!j'.'::? '5 :ii( &?? ymy:"yf J' THB JDfMUY INEJBRAKAN - v r . . t P. I -tofK'l m '-'''"- ' T-M S--.- - -, Oliver Theatre ;v TONIGHT AT 8: 15 r Mrs, Leslie Carter ' tV ;tlnDavidBelasco's Greatest Play ''"DO BARRY Priced $2.00 to SOcents. Thursday Night Jan. 16 - ISABEL JRVING . , In 'a New 'fray By Cdye Fitch Tha Girl Who HasEverything -- -PrlcerlSO-to S25e? Fri. Sat. and Mat Jan 17-18 What Women Will Do n Eve. 50, 30, 20, 10 cents. Mat. 10 to 25c. LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 & 9:00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS JOHN MILLER ' Contortionist IllusWtcd Song "STINGY MOON." ' StfEANAN irl LLfAMS ' c '&. Jn(a';Blt49fC;Nonsense . arNOBLETTEAND fAARSHALL Hints In Soldiery . ORIGINAL BOOTBLACK QUARTET Genuine Melody. Plenty of Mirth " ' MR.JFRANK STAFFORD ' "Supported By MISS MAIRE STONE . C"l .-. ' ' ' , f n Week Cmiiiclij'Miiiliif, Jan. 13 FULTON STOCK GO. ftRChon the Cricket Evening. prices .,. . . ... .-15c-and-25c- -Mattoees, We, and Sat 15c -beat a reoTd, -Box' office opens 11 a. in. MAJESTIC - Pitts' Dancing School Class ' nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday.' 1 8ocalnlghty-Frlday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall lri9LfncolhT'New' "location, 1124 N "street' Auto 5241. -2x:z.-c-tK Itwllitg, 1 illianls, ) and Clears R. f . r? the frMtf ' Pteee Jn tkt.Wesl. 934 P Street MEMtoEN CANNON CO. ' '. V v.. tv i -v THE UNI' SMOKE HOUSE f,' Welcome all student and Invites you to enjoy Vur 'Smtklng 'and' Reading '. Room. It's a-pleasure to please. Try - "UNI" SMOKE- HOUSE; ; :e r . .;11320 STREET''; M i x . , . - f r J. r THE FIRST t uvmis iiik Mska'oIan-1 . sMaaalaVuikJ $ .jrMmn-:. .?. -. ' Hut lll-t t T Hi 4 TIIST 'For Sale. - For.,aloJ6uraarrmtie'in gbod-lor , vcalttyfiAOdreftoo Nobrankani: tf. BUSWESS DIRECTORY jj Kttx Lojml CHlTeralty 8tadai la 1 1 arg4 to Mtrealse thet Nbri- i kB dtertUan, ad te Mention 1 1 t the paper wall doing so. i i t u it HjAiktLyllMfesbMHVMVifefMsVHV lecaV aV W aW 4V aa? tat Sfa i ampr"rB74fCamrrP4prBaB ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. BANKS--First Trust and Savings. Central ..National. ir. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS-Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris',. BOOK i STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE: Savoy, Windsor, ' Sams, Dons, Buds. CIGARS Cole & McKonna; Matt's Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING-rFarquhar; Magee & rDeemer; 'Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL-Gregory; Whitobroast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Morsc. Folsoni. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln; Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungbltit. DRESSMAKING Squkup. DRUGGISTS Hirschnep-Morso, Jer ry, Rlggs. DRY GOODS-rHorpoJsncimer; Miller "& Paine s FLORISTS Chapfn; C. H. Frey. . FURNIBHINGS-Budd; Magee. & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. DaviB; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. Ci Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. HATTERS Budd, Hoflloy, JJncoln Hat Co. "JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Merchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-MorHo. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Sttean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blasok, Hayden, Towns6nd, Qlomerits, pianos scnmoiier & Mueller. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphroy RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camorons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PAJtLOR-r-Colo.,& Mc- .Kqnna, , SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogors & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Wisher. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBhor; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College . Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Jpy-o; Oliver; X.yric, Bijoy, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. , KEYS Thorp; ' TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. , Low Rates. Effectivb" November 25, the Wabash will put in d very low rate of $10.00 (second-class)! Chicago to Now York The Wabash bife! 'three sbild yesti buled trains leaving Chicago dally from the Dearborn street station, a 12:04, 3:00 and lliOO p. m. . Further information' may be liad from Harry E. Mooros, G, A. Pi D., Omaha, Neb. - , ... . . ..!-. Box Writing Paper Sale going1 tin nOw.!) 1503 por . cent discount on ail ,,box ' ', paper , for itho, next ten days. Now is the tune :;.to;stodis2; HIRSCHINI-IURSE MIP'Y v Praaeris)tUn Drufgltts ' (Continued from "Pago 1.)' ly veiled coutompt he holds for tho or thodox world. To tho person who frequents tho or dinary show where they havo the soft headed hero, tho ontirely impossible horoino and tho unnntural villlan, u 'play Buch as "You Can Nevor Toll" will seem flat, for there aro few' "breathless escapes" and unexpected poll co rafds, or vengeful threats. t is entirely tho ordinary run of human na ture, without the sensational climaxed Tuesday Convocation'. Song Recital by Mrs. Lillian Dobbs Helms. Miss Marian Camp, accom panist. My Heart Ever Faithful. . . . .. . .Bach Zunlan Lullaby Traditional JSuril Zuni Lovers Wooing Like a Rosebud LaForgo Endymion Lehmnn The Rosy Morn Ronald Tho Cuckoo 4 . Lehman The Old Silver Dollar. How dear to our hearts is the ennh on subscriptions When tho generous subscriber pre sents it to vlow. But tho one who won't pay we refrain from description, For perhapB, gentle reader, that one might be you. Exchange. Notice. All Juniors and Seniors, LawP Aca demic, Engineering and Scientific stu dents who have not handed in their write-ups for the Cornhusker will please call at that office In the base ment of the Administration building Tietween the hours of ten and twelve during this week. F. H. Burr, Harvard big guard, will captaitv tho' crimson team next year. Although given a place on Wal ter Camp'B All-Antorlcan eleven for the past two years, ho failed to inng It this yeah The athletic board, .of control ac:th"e University of Washington wishes to establish a graduate system of coach ing for tho football, baseball aiid truck teams, and tho 'varsity crew. AMERICAN HISTORY 14. HI8TORY. All students who may wish this course will please notify me as soon as possible. ' H. W. CALDWELL. Prof. F. A. Stuff will lecture qn George Meredith, Friday afternoon, before the Association of College Al umnae. Tho meeting is with Mrfl. George Smith, class of '97. . ' '! Notice. Practice for the Charter Day con tests will bo held at 4 p. ,m., in the Armory tomorrow. Raymond J; Pool will take- the class in dendrology next, semester, which heretofore 'has, been taught by pean Bessey. f . - t For sale Dress coat -and 'vest, silk lined and faced. t A dandy cheap, calf room No. 3, 1339 Q" street. . "Miss Pound will offer n two hotix course in American Literature begins nlng the second semester.. Lost A 'Q7 class pin. Finder will kindly IeaVe skme at the'Nobraskan of flco and receive rew.ard. . " i ' : Found Pocket book. r-Addresa Box 1403 and prove above property.' 20 PER CENT ........ -: i , Olscnnt Sale m Hats, Silt - Ins, etc., at HEFFLEYS TAILORS AND HAITERS 1337 O St. UnivarsitySfudents Ladies and Gontlomcn If In the market' for a' new typewrlteV or desiring to rent one, we would be glad to have oursales m.an call and demonBtrate the visiblo Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 714 p-str Beir348 L THE BARBER SHOf lil-CIBAn STOHE W. H. IARTHELMAN, Preirletor 134 Soulh Eleventh St. Eatt SMt DANCE PROGRAMS---BANQUETMENUS CALLING CARDS : nnTwtiiTTJE -L "Ji.i-A 4! T.J.TWORr i 0. ' ' '"' ' ' - Rattf r Suuhm, Stencils.: SeaIt;Tra4e Cheeks, Keye5 I aatSAMiltallalal llameaearfll. r tiwesaeiTffjt u iwwtffjf . . Jsshlhs"Wiflfi aUiL as a. iiiki"Mim 132 awLiaaaam 1 1 JsLaaaar MM aaBaVaLaBaW4. 1 'BBaBB'l arVaaaaW. AA !Baaa PI CLUPkcbrfHIfOtW-ftiMARtER SIZES ' : M H IB CENTS EACH 2 FOR 25 CENTS ' ; H .' 1 1 duett, Vtttoir A Ca, Xakvr of C1ut n4. J I.. f jM SnniriBvaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBvi - Mft iBSaaaaaavsHBjBaavr . bVlAbV Ll ifta MjAfi 'SHI Ah7BBBv F9Jlixm aasBBL 'TaBaBBatBal c t ."! 1 -Ml -" . fv T V! ' 1 'I t 'v r )? c ?cnGoc yzy.S$XK