The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1908, Image 1

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-, -S." id-vO'f, J
No. 66.
Price 5 Cents.
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pjaaaaaaaaajw mm HPIS W B Bhfl IA - V" ..- w)t
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lUrtHrfr K. 'Otrn -
301M . ft , '
.Gallant Kreehmen i Repeat Old Stunt
i' and Get the Captive Away From a
: Frat house in an Automobile.
; "You Never Can Tell"
. By Bernard Shaw
Presented byTDrammtic Club
I The rip-roaring farce, entitled "The
Capture of a Mftster of Ceremonies,"
fwas given Sunday, night (despite the
Nebraska anti-Sunday laws) by the
iFroshnien .and "Sophomores of tho Uni
versity of, Nebraska. The comedy is
alio' snmo ohe that has been presented
before the University public for many
years, each season the time the place
and .the boy being different The farce
as given ran something like this:
,' Act I.
Sc6n A. hall, bed room with one
washstand and a sanitary couch. Sev
eral . Freshmen are assembled, some
sitting and some standing. Time 9
p. m.
President of Class. ,fThe Master of
Cerpmonles of the McDonald clan will
go to bed tonight. Hal Ha! Before
he does we must have him in Texas.
Ho Is at the frat house, so let us be
" " 0(h1?r"FreBhmen". "Aye -ayo, -Captain."
L Act "
.Scene Court yard' of Phi Psl house.
Ohe Hundred, FreBhmon In the trees.
P. of Ct-"You, Harry Major, enter
the' house- and engage 'Mac' in' con
versation. Get' him to the door and
we will follow and get him away."
H: M'. "Aye, aye,; Captain."'
r Act HI.
Scene I Interior of 'frat house. Sev
eral boys studying Sunday school pa--ere.
Harry. Major and .Janitor at, tho
door ' " -
H. M.--"Is "Mac here?"
"He is up stairs reading the
' 'Memoirs' of a Co-ed.' bo up."
- (H. M. goes up stairs and gets Mac
rto -go-down -stairs).
ScenenTFxont porch- of frat hous,
H. M. and Mac talking."
1 H. M. "Are you golrig to the Lyrjc
tomorrow night?"
1 ?Mant-"Wo.. ibellt
Special Scenery ' Stecfcleberg's Orchestra
Tickets reserved at the Temple Thursday and Friday
Nebraska Easily Defeated by Musca
tine Iowa, Basket Ball Five; In
a Rough Game; Saturday. '
-. ,
believe I shall .take in
the1 Majestic."
(Freshmeirdecend from trees, rusli
j.toporc3geb.Mac, jntir carryshlm to
nn auto lntne me roar
qfjthojf rafchouse.. Moving .pictures, by
ifroscope show auto, beating ' eighty
I miles an hour, as It dashes through the
j streets.) ,ft& &V-1T I
sr-. . w .Act IV . . , ri
'Scene Beatrice, a-city, on the Blue.
r winton-auioenwrinKiuoj-ouiatiii iB. n
.tof C'How Is.the prison? Spe
mat ine ropua nuiu mux tuou nu uiuoi
avayV' v
Freshmen "Aye, aye,
no, get
Chorus of
(Auto. stops at a palatial residence
-f." tlr ' ..." ...
land Freshmen enter with their cap-
i Act V.
Scene, I. Interloroi house. jtMacpb
tlio floor bomm7;yndage1dV 'SoVeraT
Sophs at Llncoln)-r"We nave Mac
. iMwiw,wiiH MwmiMniwiiwiimttgiw tf "nmwnJ ,'
uonunuea oa imbo iuurf;
Board Elects New Businesa-'ManagQr
and Editor.
At tho meotlng of tho Student Pub
lication Board yesterday afternoon the
resignations trom tlio "Dally Nobraskan
staff of M. A. MJlls, oditor-ln-chlef, C.
E. Elliott, managing editor, and H. C.
Itobertsop, business manager, were ac
cented. These reslKnatlons will take
effect at the cIobo of the present se
mester. W. R. King was elected to succeed
Mr. Mills as editor-in-chief and George
M. Wallace was chosen for tho posi
tion of business manager.
The Nebraskan is badly In need of
competent newspaper men now, and
any student who aspires to become a
Horace Greeley may secure work on
the best college dally In tho West as a
good starter.
The position of managing editor and
associate editors will bo filled later by
An Innovation.
Before his class in European history
ProfeBBor F. M. Fllngyesterday intro
duced an Innovation which greatly en
hanced the interest In the work. Tho
subject of the regular lecture vnfs"Mo
dleval Architecture." To give prac;
tical Illustrations of the development
of the Gothic principle, Prof. Fling util
ized a large number of steroptlcan
views of French structuroB. In his ac
companying talk he pointed out tho im
portant features.
Prof Fling 8tatedi prior to his lec
ture that It was a fault of this uni
versity that no proper place had been
provided for using a steroptlcan In
.connection with a "lecture which re
quires note taking by students. A
largo room should bo equipped with
electric lights so that those could be
switched on or off as the use of tho
machine demanded.
After tho show or party just drop
into the Boston Lunch for a sandwich
and a oup of coffee or an oyster stew.
"You Never Can Tell" is a Good Type
of the Modern Play.
Sometime ago the Dally Neoraskan
printed an article In regard to (he pro
gress of the American stage, In which
It was stated that tho opinion of ranny
of the leading critics ngree that it is
up to the Universities of the country
to set a high standard of plays for
the public. Of course It Is preposter
ous to suppose that collego people can
play aB well as professionals, but they
can at least get at the fundamental
principles of dramatic art, and Instead
of catering to the cheap melodrama of
the times, they can .pick out deeper
No better case of this principle can
be found than in the University of Chi
cago, where for the past season "they
of isben, Shaw;, Materjhn,jdrnany
have been playing representative plays
other of the modern draniatlsts. Theqe
plays are put on with as much sincer
ity and earnestness as any phase tin
collego life for the modern writers
Biich as arc classed with the above
j men, are -all -writers on the deepest
.and mpst important subjects of the
ago. It Is to them thai the world has
been looking for ideas. In fact many
educators, agree that the cause of ho
recent renaissance In thought andjthe
awakening of tho public conscience
even In America Is duo to the Influence
of Isben and of the dramatists -who
have followed In his footsteps.
Bernard Shaw ranks with the high
est of this school; and we may be
particularly intereste'd In him, since ho
Is the only one among them that
writes in the English language. If there
is one thing he can standi for supreme
ly it is his remarkable humor, but in
all his plays he has a sincere purpose
at hand. Tho play MYou can never
Toll," is perhaps his most unimportant
play In that regard, for it was written'
chiefly to get the effect 6f brlljlancy
but oven In It you can see the careful-
(Continued oa page. 3.)
i i , -.
Missouri Ys;rHebaska
J i, j, i , ,
Jii 3ljt,6C9&
And still nobody has been elected
to captain tlio 1908 Cornhuskor foot
ball team. Tho ballots' for captain were
opened at the mooting of tho Athletic
Board last night and showed that no
candidate had a majority of the votes.
Tho threo candlates votod for woro
Harvey, Mattors and Cook. It Is un
derstood that Harvey and Cook oach
had five votes and that Mattors had
four. The "N" mon of whom there nro
fourteen vote for captain, and. It will bo.
necessary for one candlato to get a
majority of those votos to be eloctcd.
Now ballot blanks wore issued to tho
mon last night and a now vote will be
takon. Tho ballots will be opened at
the next meotlng of tho athletic board.
Tho board last night voted "N. C.
C.'b "to tho cross-country team and
votod football "Ns" to tho following
members of tho 1907 olovon: Weller,
Frum, Ewing, Beltzer, Cook, Minor
and Johnson. A committee was ap
pointed to look Into the mattor of se
curing n bnsoball coach. This commit-
ing final, action. . j , S
- Theroport ofHheiroaBurer Including
tho yearly account of athletic receipts
was accepted. The 'board; decided not
to allow, any officer of the -Unlvesly
o dispose of the, privilege, of 'soiling
programs at athleticonlestsT t , ?
, The Cornhuskor baske.t ball 'vtea!m
met a decisive defeat atthe hands of
the Muscatine Iowa, live in tho Arm
ory, Saturday evening. The scoro was
39. to 21. .Nebraska.-waBj outplayed in
tho first half, the scoro standing 2fi to
9 at the close oFtha initial session.
In tho sbcond fialf ' trio " Cpnihuskors
braced and scored twelve points to
nine for their opponents. The Boll
brothers played good ball for Nebraska.
The line up and score:
Nebraska , G
Woods, 1. f .....2
Walsh, r. f.. ...... 4
Weller, c.......7....,..0
UTell, r. g.. , ,r ,. .-. . ;.0
P. Bell. l.g... ,,!...;... '.."2
Totals :....Jv7.8 " 6 -8
Muscatine i .' ;,..'; G FT . F
Fuller, 1 f., '..,v.fl. -0., 3
Lilllbridgo, c... .'.... L... 7 0 ' 2
Haves, r.g...... :,,.l 0 ' 3
Williams, 1. s) ' . . . .'. . . . 1 0 1
Totals, -........... ,17 f,,5( , ,13
Officials: Referee, Morban of Mub-
catinp; umpire. J. P. Hewett of Lin-
cln-. ., , e ,
The' second Nebraska team played
Cotner before the main game and de
feated them by the score oMT"to 9.
Yhe Zoologlcaf Club "''
' The club will meet a 8', -Tuesday
evening,' January 14, 1908,. In the
Zojoglcal Lecture Room, N..- 210. 'The
program will be: "Trihedral Taeniae,
as reporiea oy various Autnors re
viewed oy r, D. Barker ai
mem oi me ueuia, o)
viewed by JJ. C. EJder.
irker andiVPevelop-
.ment of the Redla, by '.Kdssbach, "re-
ap - r ' ''