WifU J ..t)f, . f. THE DAlLV NEBRASKAN It 1 ." - ."V5 C?be:, Balls flebraeftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUIUSlftl EVERY BAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. . Piblieatltt Sfflct, 126 to. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. BdltorlnChlflf M. A. Mills, Jr., '06 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 DU8INE88 8TAFF. Manager. H. C. Robertson, '09 Ant, Manager Q. M. Wallace, '10 Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Asst. Circulator L. J, Weaver, '10 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts par lnsortlon for ovcry fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notlccn and Univorslty bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. CAPTAIN WORKIZER In another column can bo found the information relative to the extension of Cnntnin John G. Workizor's detail as professor of military science at tho University of Nebraska for anothor year. Had it not been for this order of the War Department the captain would have returned to his regiment by Octobor 1, 1908, and -the Univer sity would havo lost ono of its most able ns well as" popular faculty mem bers. With all duo respect and dof erence to tho memory of those who have in yearB past occupied this place, it must bo said that none would have been more Hlncorely missed by the student body than tho proBent incum bent. Every student whom circum stances have necessitated association RESULTS TELL! W claim to bo tho best GLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are kere to provo it Our methods ara tho VERY LATEST and our work men the bost that monoy can soouro. W clean tho nneat dresses and robes without danger of fading or ahrlnklng in any way. We also clean gentlemen's olothing of all kinds. Goods called for and doliVerod. AH goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repalriqg. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD & CO. Phone Boll 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 with Captain Worklzer In his dopart inent will agreo that he 1s ono of tho finest types of the young American army ofllcer. And to him must bo given the credit of combining good judgment and tact in such a happy way as to havo in a large measure dispelled the prejudice against drill without the least sacrifice lof Its ben efits. Personally and dsido from IiIb olllclal capacity, iie 1s known us a true friend of the broad Interesta of "this Univorslty and has been at all times willing to help push this school to tho "front. For all these reasons there Is good cause for' feeling highly gratified at this piece of good news. NOW DOE8NT IT? Does It not seem strange that tho rule segregating the Btudonts of this University In tho matter of home life should be so rigorously enforced In some Instances and so entirely neg lected In others? Spvernl Univorslty of California pro fessors, accomp.aniqd by Lick Obser vatory astronomers, sailed for Flint Island in the south seas, where they observed thes eclipse of tho sun vlslblo there on January 3. "MEMOIRS OF A CO-ED." Tho Wisconsin Daily Cardinal, In n recent numbor of that publication, In dulges in a very sensible and timely criticism of tho "Memoirs of a Oo Ed," which will be remembered as a feature of a recent number of tho Saturday Evening PobI. The remarkn are as follows: "The Memoirs of a Co-Ed," tho lead ing feature of the last Saturday Even ing Post, is very amusing reading for the Wisconsin student. Naturally, the implied charges of the sketch are too ridiculous to Invite serious con troversy and the prejudicial convic tions of the writer too ovldcnt to have us consider the justice of tho attack, but I is interesting nevertheless, to noto to what extent Vivid Imagina tion, coupled with covort animosity, may seek tto pervert popular opinion. FrlondB of co-educntlon will ho amused; its enemies will bo pleased; but It Is doubtful .if tho third party will bo convinced or even interested. Tho author of the "Memoirs" has grasped just enough of the essentials of a 'co-educational institution to muke his story sound well. Tho dean of women, the landlady and faculty membora are shadows with imagina tively adulterated substance. Tho "co-ed," n frivolous, hair-bruinod, diary-wrltlng young miss, belongs back In some eastern seminary tho homo of her prototype. Tho men students depicted In the article are rowdies touched up with a little of tho local color of Atlantic City or tho Bowory. The incidents would have sounded bet ter in a "Curious Pranks of College Girls" column hi tho Ladles' Homo Journal. But they are all strange and weird and unnatural enough as they are pre sented. Truly, such a co-ed as de scribed and such an Institution as, she attended would In themselves be in teresting and novel. In tho absenco of both wo can only read Mr. Tobln and his "Memoirs" and use our Imagi nations, thanking our stars, In the meantime, far co-educatloh, as it is, and the co-eds as we find them. While admitting that such a char acter might be found In some Institu tion where co-education and fraterni ties both exist, none has come within our limited observation, and we can not 'belloVo that such Is by any means typical ofoother Western universities. If Jthero are evils In the practice of coeducation, thoy should bo extermi nated If'JfJgps'Iblo, but It seems that little could bo accomplished by hope lessly exaggerating the reUl conditions as they aro knojwr to those in posses sion of the facts.' Tho weakness or one individual should not bo conclu sive urgumon) for condemning a whole system. - The Forestry Club has elected the following officers: President, I, Hlg- gins;, vice president, H. S. Steven son; secretary-treasurer, G. N". Lamb. Have you had your picture taken for the Cornhusker? The Harvard Medical School . ,W,t,or.l,ho ,2?ip!?t,,0n f .tho now 'JUlldliiBfl, which wero dedicated Sen ttiinbur 21ith, 190C, this schopl now has facilities and equipment for tcach nk and research In tho various branches of medlclno probably uneouoled in this country. Of tho flvo buildings, four aro devoted entirely to lab oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals afford abundant op-, portitnltluH for clinical Instruction In medicine Ind surgery. COUR8E FOR THE DEGREE OF IVf. D. v A four years' courso, open to lwichelors of arts, literature, philosophy or Hclertco. and to persons of equivalent standing. lends to thedegrco of M? , D. rho studies of tho fourth year aro wholly elective; they include labora- ' 'ImMtHwH ' genflCrtl n,ed,5lne, general surgery rtnd the special clinical i The next school year extends from Octobor 1. 190S. to Juno 24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska is accepted for admission. Ior ilitulled announcement and catalogue, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. WHEN Y0UB CLOTHES ARE MADE HERE aaBaaaaaaaa. $45.00, and you saves you from tailors. Make array of stylish DRESHER FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAIN. ,TVKNTY-ROOM HOUSE within walk Ing distance of University. Full corner lot lots of shade good brick sldewnlk. Two hnth i-ooniH on second floor. Dlulng-room large enough to seat forty people If desired. Very small expenditure would make It typi cal Fraternity house. Price and terilis right. Address GOS State Journal, City. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Saturday, January 11. Basket-ball, Muscatine vs. Nebras ka. Informal dance. Friday, January 17 Fraternity Hall Sophomore liop. Friday, January 31. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Informnl dance. Saturday, February 1. - Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. During vacation the department lof Botany received four new compound microscopes. Tho Instruments aro ex pensive, being; high grade throughout They will be used for research work. 1 i Hon. Joseph H. Choate will deliver an oration at the Washington birthday- exercises of the University of Pennsylvania. Why not take your hath at Chris bath house, Eleventh and P streets? The best place to oat In town Is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr Blk. Advertise y,pur wants In the Ne bnxskan. Chapln Bros., florists, 327 So. 12th. Patronize1 Capital Hotel Barber shop. Talk to Ludwlg about your clothes. "WE HAVE GOT IT!" GOT WH ATP .Private dinin? room or students, wt nn i r Wc serye thc very bet of evcry thing and plenty of it. Try it for a week, $325 per Separate tables for ladies THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL you obtain not only ART In tailoring, but QUALITY and ECONOMY as well. Just conceive of tho most artistically made clothes known, at from 2nnn have the ideal combination that ready-made misfits and high priced your selection today from elegant fabrics. Lincoln's Fashionable TAILOR 143 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. BELL PHONE 504 AUTO PHONE 2686 G. K, AKAGI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE Everybody is cordially in vited to call wid inspect onf store 204 South Twelfth St. HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY THB- Qulok and Easy Barbsr Shop C.7BHMERT,Prop. 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Qlve me a call Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly PINE RICE BDEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUR ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION -p."i CINCINNATI OUT PRICE SHOE 8T0RE -AND- Elsitrio Shoa llapalr Faatary 8AVB8 YOU TIME and . MONEY 9 12200 ft. H B i - tc Ji tXjMMW 'nnrinM t'i