JbkACQjai-ll!! IFlebraekan kfS Lf 1 i v y !. 1 " - J ..,,-t. ... "- 4 ft ; j yoi. vn. No. 65. v 'POPULAR COMMANDANT'S DETAIL EXTENDED ONE YEAR. Captain Workizer Has Been at No- braska for Three Years as Pro fessor of Military Science. Captain John G. Workizer will ,re- l .--' f. . v yif MifflMMrjClVJli-Ctnfcm-l4Q0Kra Ll iNUKMIlKIU 3111 jnaln at Nebraska as Commandant of University Cadets for at least another year. His detail has been extended one year from October 1 by the Sec retary of "War. ' The ocmmandant was notified of ;1ils extended appointment by the fol lowing order Issued from the War de partment January 6, 1908: '" War Department, Adjutant General's Ofllce, f . Washington, Jan. G. 1908. Captain John G. Workizer, . t 2nd Infantry, University of Nebraska. J . Lincoln, Nebraska. l (Through the Cancellor, University 'of Nebraska.) Sir: I have the honor to Inform you that, under instructions from the President, the 'Secretary of War here by extends your detail as professor of -military science and tactic3 at the University of Nebraska for a period of one year from October 1. 1908. '. . Very respectfully, (Signed) HENRY P. McOAIN, Adjutant General. .Captain Workizer Is one of the most popular commandants that has had charge of Nebraska cadets and tho " announcement on the campus yestor -f- day that he would remain next year - was hailed -with many expression of - approval of the captain's work and. with much rejoicing over his reten- UoiK'" ' This is Captain "Wbrkizer's third year at Nebraska, as professor of mili tary science. During the period of - his service here the commandant has mad&the drill department one of the moat popular branches of the Univer sity. When he 'came to Nebraska In the fall of 1905 the captain found the cadets discontented and dissntlsfled -jwlth things military, By the pursuit of u wise policy, however, he soon raised the efficiency of the department and gained tlio confidence of the cadet ! body. Today Captain Workizer is ac . corded all the respect the cadets can givo-hkth veinft:ie-tlm-hr-!jttMKi3- for a "square leal" and heartily sup port him and his policies. . ; f Y, W. d A. Programs. ,Tho following programs .for the Y. l '.';"' "W & A ndon meetings are an- nounced: r " Monday Estello Morrison,, "The Bright Side of (Life." - . . vM Tuesday 'Evangeline Strickland, J, ''Doing Good in Secret." Wednesday Recognition. Servioe -'., I (for veception .of now members). Vocal solo, Etrells Sboue. Thursday Dr. Harmon, "The Stu dent's Sabbath." Friday Miss Elizabeth Harris, na tional secretary of Student Volunteer Movement. & Baked, beans, baked on the' prem ises and served hot with delicious browni brea'di 3 10c, 'at The ;Bdston: Lunch? ' " A i V J' i &1 o ) i UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JANUARY )Q0 CAPT. JOHN G. WORKIZER Who will remain at Nebraska for at least another year O O O Captain Worklzer's detail as professor of military science and tac- tics at the University of Nebraska has been extended for a period of . one year from October 1. n 4i- THE MU8EUM. Public Display of Exhibits to Be Made . Charter. Day. According t'o present plans, the Museum will be opened to (the public on Charter Day. Professor Barbour had a large force ofcmen working dur ing tho 'Christmas holidays getting tiyngs In shape, and the vast amount Of work which Is required in properly arranging tho different specimens will be. pushed as rapidly a3 possible. Even when the work is completed, many specimens cannot bo put on exhibi tion because of the scarcity of room. The matter of exhibiting specimens to the best advantago is being under taken on an extensive scale. In every case conditions are made as nearly as puaalblu .Met! tlmae which are en- countered in nature. The shape of the cases, and the nrrangemont of shelves makes this possible to a marked degree. During the holidays a feat was ac (Continued on page S.) 0)K)IKDH(03WCHl(00COp0 O SATURDAY Basket Ball Informal - ': '"" Nebr. vs. Muscatine , y Tickets 35 Gents frj : u i $ " - -s a ,: a t- . . . . -.. r n 000Q000OH(0KO00 NEBRASKA HONORED. Sunderlln Will Debate' Against Penn sylvania. Charles A. Sunderlln, '07, for two yenrs0one of Nebraska's Intercollegiate debaters, recently won first honors in the annual debate between the Colum bia and Needham Debating Societies of Columbia University Law School. As a result of his victory, the dean of George Washington University has asked Mr. Sunderlln to represent that university In its debate with Penn sylvania. - - Mr. Sunderlin's Associates in the intor-soclety debate were graduates fiom various colleges, Virginia, Ken tucky, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin being anvong the number. Ono of his Tippuimntu waa J. E. Baker, 'the well known Wisconsin debater, who was a member of the team which defeated Nebraska in 1906, the first defeat this University had suffered In - liriter-col-"leglnte debates. The judge's "were (Continuedonpago-Sr)-5- " 0 0HOOifyMyifOi(Gif ' Game Called at 8:00 X JANUARY 11 H, J908. Price 5 Cents. PRACTICE TODAY CANDIDATES FOR CHARTER OAY EVENT8 TO BEGIN WORK. The Annual Indoor Athletic Contest Is Interesting a Large Number of 8tudents This Year. iPractlco for the annual Charter Day indoor athletic contest, which will take place February 1G, begin in tho Armory at 2:110 this afternoon undor tho direction of Physical Director Clapp. After today regular practice wljl bo held fronl 4 to Gv Alonday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and from 2: HO to II: HO Saturday after noons. Dr. Clapp says that many Btudents have notified him that they will prac tice and try out for tho Chnrtor Day events and he expects this year's con test to be a big success. The ovont3 for tho contest will -bo as follows: First 25-yard dash. Second 12-pound shot put. Third Pole vault. Fourth Running high jump. Fifth Fence vault. SixthRunning "high kick. Seventh Rope climb. Eighth Inter-fraternity refny. race. For these various events tho hour for practice will bo divided into four periods of fifteen minutes each and each fifteen minutes will be spent In practice for two events. The division will be as follows; First fifteen minutes: '25-yard dash. Shot putr " ' Second fifteen minutes: Polo vault. . A Fence vault. , t - Third fifteen minutes: High jump. Rope climb. p Fourth fifteen minutes: High kick. Inter-fra.ter'nlty relay. A sterling silver medal will bo given to tho winner of first place in each event. To the winner of second placo a bronze medal will be presented. The frat team winning the relay race will receive a beautiful banner. All students who are 'not cla'ssed as professionals aro-eligible to coriteat In the Charter Day events and are urged by Dr. Clapp to practice for tho annual contest.. - r The number of students. In tho cql- leges, universities and -liigher 'tech nlcal schools of tlio United States is estimated atr 120,000, or ltStf for every 100,000 of sfyo .population. Qf this vast numbertho state universities contain 50,000for. nearly half. Tho Uhiversltles, including state institu tions, ofvtho 'North Central states can 'claim about 45;000 and those of tho North Atlantic states about , 35,0(J& The number of these studying In Jtha so-called "learned professions!' is ap iproxlinately 7;000 lii schools otUieol- ' oy, 30,000 In schools bf. medicine, and .15,000 In Bchools of law? The others are taking engineering, agriculture,' arts, and practical sciences. t w,wwK,''nttsaTM-.or "v. ": ., ;-,-tr.-vc-v Kr. .'A.- --