The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. VII. No. 64.
y Price 5 Cents,
Janitor of Beta Theta Pi House at
Wisconsin Receives Letter Asking
Him to. Return the Garment.
MADISON, WIS., January 8, (Spe
ciul.) "Janitor of Beta Theta PI.
Fraternity, Madison, Wis.
Dear Sir While In attendance at the
educational meetings In your city last
week, I occupied the southeast room
on the second floor of the Beta house,
where I left my pink night shirt when I
hurriedly departed for homo Saturday.
My night gown bears the trade mark
of a Lincoln clothing firm and will be
easily recognized. I believe I left the
''gown hanging on the foot of the bed.
Enclosed ' find thirty cents In stampB
with which to send shirt bo me.
Yours truly,
Lincoln, January 6, 1908."
The foregoing communication re
ceived at the Beta Theta Pi house this
week from a professor at the Univer
sity of Nebraska, who attended the
meeting of the educators here last
week, Is similar to many that have
come to Madison this week from pro
fessors asking for the return of lost
articles and that have led Wisconsin
students to believe that college profes
sors are absent-minded. Sororities
and fraternities opened their houses to
the five hundred men of thought dur
ing the holidays so that the educators
would be at little expense while here.
When the Greek- letter people return
ed to their homes Monday they found
articles o'f all kinds that the educators
had forgotten. There always has been
a pppular belief In the absentmlnded-ness-of-college
professors and the re
cent visit of the men of thought Fas
only added strength to that belief.
The pink night shirt asked for by
the Nebraska professor had not been
discovered at the Beta house when this
article was written. The "janitor' of
the Betas, however, declares he will
find the garment if It Is In the house
and will see that it is returned"to the
gentleman from the Cornhusker state.
The "Janitor," when asked if ho re
.membered the Nebraska professor who
occupied the southeast room where the
night gown was lost, Bald he could
not remember how tho educator looked
but felt, sure tha,t ho wore black pants.
The-number of forgotten nightcaps,
'razor Btrops, shaving mugs, pajamas,
hair tonic bottles, dumb bells, and
shoulder braces increases every day.
-LetterSf are-being received- dally Irom
.members of faculties of universities in
all parts of the country .asking lor
fnnrotton articles?
( A nrnmVnnnf nnrnrltv on Storllnc
TCourt "reports the addition of shaving
s soap and a razor strop which were
.left by the absent-minded men. Phi
Delta Theta .announces that a pair of
stockings of groat original value was
.left in' the house and' AJpba Tau Ome
ga has a night cap and a razor strop.
The Betas are prizing two elegant ra
zorp which they have added to their
A gorgeously frilled nightgown from
the domain of Columbia University
was found stuffed under a freshman's
pillow at the Phi Kappa Psi house, and
tho fTaternltywi", receiving numer
ous requests for other apparel.
i f
Captain of 1908 Kansas Football
Team Jumps to Death.
Urban Angney, captain of next
fall's football team, and an all around
star athlete of Kansas University,
committed suicide at Lawrence yes
terday by jumping from tho dome of
Frasqr hall at tho university grounds.
Angney left the following note on the
window sill from which he jumped:
"Dear Jesus: My life Is passed. My
pleasure Is gone.' No pleasure for
me. You can know the reason. I
was called Dor what I owe. If I only
had done It sooner. Do not hold mo
responsible. Good-bye. May you all
live happy."
Urban R. Angney was quarterback
on the football team the laBt two sea
sons and on December 5, 1907, was
chosen to captain tho 1908 Jayhawker
eleven. He was recognized as the
best player KanBas had had since 1897.
He weighed 148 pounds and was a
clever dodger In an open field.
wlng to injuries received the Sat
urday before in tho WaBhburn-Kansas
game, Angney did not play all of the
Nebraska-Kansas game last fall, but
was put in during tho last five min
utes of play and did good work. The
students at Kansas had figured on
Angney's leading their eleven to many
vIctorIes"next fall andhlB suicide has
cast much gloom over the Jayhawker
Angney was twenty-one years of ago
and lived al Wellington, Sumner
county, Kansas. Ho was one of the
best all around athletes in the Jay
hawker school. Ho carried three foot
ball "K'b" and one "K" In. each base
ball, lacrosse ' and basket-ball. Ho
would haye received his A. B. at Kan
sas in June, but was intending to re
turn to school next fall to captain the
Alter the show or "party Just drop
intp, the Boston Lunch for a sandwich
and a cup of coffee or an oyster steft.
Hold Important Business Meeting in
Memorial Hall.
Yesterday the Junior class held a
short meeting to Jecldo the question
of wearing class hats. Sentiment
seemed to favor tho wearing of hats
rather than caps, but strong objection
was made to tho gaudy colors that tho
class had adopted for tho caps of last
year.ConBoquontly, on tho recommen
dation of tho hat committee, the claBB
decided to change their colors to tho
more quiet and Btyllsh combination of
brown and old gold. It was thought
that In making this change In the
class colors many Juniors would wear
hats who would not be seen with a
bright red hat on their heads.
The matter of the Indebtedness of
tho class was discussed and a com
mittee appointed to investigate all
bills against the class and make a
definite report regarding class finances
at the next meeting.
The Junior Prom Committee report
ed to tho class that arrangements had
been made to hold the Prom February
21 at tho Lincoln Hotel, and that ow
ing to Increased expenses of music,
etc., the price of tickets would bo
3.00 Instead of $2.60, which has been
the price in previous years.
There will be two courses open for
beginners the second semester. Course
5 consisting of lectures and readings,
gives two hours credit; 4a, primarily
for beginners, Is a ono hour course.
By special request Dr. Lowry, presi
dent of the Nebraska Art Association,
will give a talk on the pictures of this
oxhlmUonaTlne exhibit room in the
Library building, Friday evening, Jan
uary 10.
The observatory will be open Mon
day and Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30 for
a view of the sun's spectrum.
Q -
O V ..
Basket Ball Informal
Nebrtlys. Muscatine
Several Schools, Including Wabash,
Colorado and Crelghton Want to
Play the Strong Cornhuskers.
Shall Nebraska schedule a game- for
next Thanksgiving with Wabash, Col
orado or Croigliton, or shall some
other school bo taken?
Shall the next Thanksgiving game
bo played In Lincoln, or In somo
othr city?
These are the questions that are
perplexing Manager Eagor in arrang
ing a Oornhusker football schodufo
for next fall. Several schools havo
written Mr. Eager, asking for a game
on Turkey day, but ho cannot decide
what school to play or to havo tho
next game here or some other place.
Her hastwo - or three goodoff erain
other cities, 1)ut tho demand from
some Lincoln people Dor a homo game
next year makos him hesitate about
Manager Eagor Is pretty well con
vinced that any of the several games
be can arrange In other cities for
Thanksgiving would be a better prop
osition financially for Nebraska than
a contest here. Students have not
been turning out well at tho "Lincoln -games
'during the last few years and
this taken with tho fact that tho ath
etotic treasury of Nebraska needs
money makes Mr. Eager look with
considerable favor upon offers for an
out-of-town game next Thanksgiving,
Three of the propositions for a
Thanksgiving game with Nebraska
that are receiving Manager Eo'ger's
attention are from Wabash, Colorado,
and Crelghton universities.
The Wabash eleven would be will
ing by next fall to come to Lincoln,
and the foot that they defeated St '
Louis this year would, make them a
drawing card for Thanksgiving. Tho
Indlanas 'look good' to the Corn
huskers and are a possibility for
From Colorado conies an offer for
a game at Denver on Thanksgiving
day. The mountalnore are clamoring
to get the Cornhuskers out there on
that day and will give Manager Eager
a good proposition. The metropolis
of Colorado Is recognized as a live
cltyjjfnd Eager would Hko to send Ne
braska's stars there next fall.
Several people have been surprised
when Mr. Eager' has Informed them
that Nebraska.. might , play ,.Cralghtoa
at Omaha Thanksgiving. But the lit
tlo manager of the Cornhusker ath
letics lias always showed them why It
would be a good thing. "
'Crelghton," he says, 'will giv us
& big guarantee and Omaha will turn
out a large crowd so that it will bo" a
good thing for us financially. Then,
it will help pacify thoscTOmaha new,Sv
ipapers (that always are attacking us
"for not giving the Metropolis ar big
game. Crelghton would not give us a
hard game, but after a stiff row of
games such as we had this year an
(Continued on page 3.)