iiii a"-- NEBRflSKAN rirri-g. arm? i Jo AS- t r- to; y I ( 0 S-7 k Ipljver Theatre r.rv JEHUHSDAy-NIGHTrJAN;-9- .EltfEL DOVEY and FREDERICK C. TRUE8DELL In the Musical Play "The District Leader" PRICES $1.50 to 25c. FRI. NIGfiT & SAT. MAT. JAN 10-11 KATHRYN 08TERMAN In the Two Act Comedy "The Girl That Looks Like Me" Night-$1.00 to 25c. Mat. 50c & 20c SATURDAY NIGHT, JAN. 11. MABEL McCANE Ajd 3$ In "The Girt Over There" LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 & 9:00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS A "w TTT? Vj): .- ,- An Artistic Feature i fit j '? fWTi o - i , r-r 7)V V : i -lllustr s -t : J? . v'R.&.r oiwno strated Song, "So Long, Joe" JOHN J. WILDE NAT FRANCO TJje Man of Many Faces WLXER WASHBURN and NELLIE KEELEY BROWNING & LE VAN Comedians CLAYTON, JENKINS 4. GASPAR MAJESTIC Wik CoeHcl MirnUy, Jan. 6 JWJjTMJLCJL Woman Against Woman Evening prices.... 15c and 25c Matinees, Wee and Sal 15c boats reavd, Box office opens 1 1 n. m. THE FIRST TRUST 4 SAVINGS MNK Owned by the Stockholders! of TbeFtrat National Bank J JHWUUaST PAID AT 8K PER CENT Ftoat NatltaaJ Bank Rooaa, Tenth and 0 T - ChocqUt... and Bon Bon.. S&tfafiftJws4 iif;i?fJ"Ayf TrS , , OEMTML MTiOMt MNK 'WWW I w m, JuninoncvieeFrH. C W.r W..MACKWEY Jr., Ai Aaat. Car terror miwr,.,v i.u4ti)vi - . -..V...,-.. Smtistian BBT BaM -BJ -. aaBW BMBBaF . B. g VlMB.aiBltaiBiBa.' -- - . Nil jIJgieiuiIor- Gyc I -?Go? Racycjes and Iver'Johnton BIcy-'i? ilefc' tfedlsVn'pnonnrpn. && "swftpi; ;8F?rt'n? nd Athletic XSopds, Guns and. rn- ?J324 OSTREET i . jfc )k A Mt A 3 It it it H K It BUSINESS DIRECTORY ii t M it Kyory Loyal VnlnralU Rtsrimit ( 41 H t HiTfBd TC patronise thciio Nebrai- kan advertliera and to mention It the paper trulle doing- an. t f t ir ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. ' BANKS First Trudt and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dal rymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmort. " BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, .Sains, Dons', Buds. CIGARS Cole & Mctfenna; Matt'a Place. CLEANERS Wood. GLOTHING-Farquhar; , Magee & Deemor: Mayer Bros.: stnrllncr. COAL Gregory: WhitobroaHt. CONFECTIONERY Dairy mple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympia Candy Co., Rood, Hirschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morse, Jer ry . Riggs. DRY. GOODS Herpolslioiinor; Miller & Paine. V FJLpRISTSr-Chapln; C. H. Froy. BJURNISHINGS-Budd; Magee & Deemer; Mayer. Bros.; 'Stirling: HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. RossMfsfX CTBell.' HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. HATTERS Budd, Henley. Lincoln Hat Co. JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson . and Hald. LAUNDRIES Evamj; Merchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. MILLINERY Famous"; NIchols OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shoan. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PIANOS Schmoller & Munller PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. KJiiAL. jjjstatjs Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds: Camerons: (Ihnrrh- raimnv Donsr "-Dickinsons Francte ' BrosT Same, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Colo & Mc Kenna. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. auiTORiUMS Weber. TAILORS Backstrom; Dreahor; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tnllnro THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; uyric, bijou, wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Undorwodd.-" KEYS Thorn. TROUSERS Baker panto Co. ' Low Rates'. eXSmuor, 25, the. Wabash win put in a VjOry low rate of $10.00 (s'econd-clas), Chicago td :NewYork. , .TJiQrWabasluhas three solid vesti- iJnsClllcago dally iiuui mo uuuruorn sireoc station; at 12:04, a:0,0.and 1,1:00 p; m. . p Further InfnrtrinHnn mnv ha Oirwl -from Harry E. Moores, G. A. pjf D., Brown University freshmen must wAlkgon acertain?Bido of the street Falluro" tocbmplymean8 a ducking uflder the pump? ? j Preslflfint rtnmWftn III nirltnflnir.Hha o8tab;U8hwgCotft;dei)artw'ejRVo(jB wawomww&myMw? 'n;ThojSUe.rit W6manVf4l)yitBon Jol tonfjs ftb !le),prodUcklj HyatudeniB f Minnesota" fnJ FfthViirifv 5 tr s -a John at -" T ..".,'"' "i t -T i - .T. S DfChaBrjYoJtfgbWt:; deal emtlat, ' 211 , V!- CCSi.8!?''. 'IteriiBd'urlii Sllli- ART. EXHIBITION. (Continued frqm Pnge 1.) he has never attended these exhibi tions. The-UnivoTHity Hludcnl Bliould" not think thnt only (hoso tilings' -nre of value" to him which directly "portain to his specific course. Oftentimes gradu ates, have lamented the fact that, fn tho pursuit of law. or engineering they have lost tho broadening influence of art and literature. An understanding of whnt Is good In art Is Just as neces snry as is tho ability to appreciate good literature. Both are essential if ono Is to really live life as It Is meant to be. After all the most important thing in lifo Is sliupjy "HYing.'.' An understanding of art is necessnry ir ono would really "live." In the exhibition of tho Nebraska Association are pictures by, all 'the foremost American painters and by many foreign ones. There are imint- JngB portraying all sides of lifo. Thoso paintings should be studied, not mere ly looked at. The Student must nqt think that ono visit to the gallery is sufllcient. Ho should go many times, even though for only a few minutoH each time. He should study each pic ture, analyzing tho characters or scene and endeavoring to see what tho artist sought to express. If this is done, the students cannot but receive some amount of culture from each exhibi tion. This will be the foundation of a still further appreciation of art In later years. If not acquired at this period, of life, it Is doubtful whether It will over be. Wednesday evening Dr. Fling will lecture in the gallery on "How to Study Pictures, giving a few hints to those who havo not heretofore given art n etoae study. EDUCATIONAL ELECTIONS. (Continued from pago one.) Corresponding secretary Charles H. Haskins, Harvard. Treasurer Professor Clarencp W. Bowen, Now York. Executive council Professor Chas. "M7 Andrews, .Johns Hopkins; Profes sor James H. Robinson, Columbia; Worthington C. Ford, Library of Con gress, Washington, D. C; Professor, William .McDonald, Brown; Professor Max Farrand, Leland Stantord, Jr., University; Professor Franft M. Hod dor, Kansas. American Economic Association. President Prof essor S. N. Patten, University of Pennsylvania First vice-president Proressor Davis R. Dewey, Massachusetts Institute of Tchnologyr- " ' Second vice-president Judge John MJu, Newark. tvj C Third vice-president John M. Glenn I a . . re of New Yoi'k. . . ) 'i ocwuiury mm treasurer i'rjoressor William Daniels, Princeton, j American Society for Labor Leglsla tion. , - Pi-eaiderrtlToroflHor Henry W. Far. nam, Yale. -- --- - . f Secretary Professor John JR. Com nionBynl ve.rsUy qf Vlsconsln. Treasuref Hon, Liipiei S, Hank Madison. Tjtk' r T ' H Notice Star Gazers. k Shortly before the ChriHtmnH vnJ. tion began aTodd's Astronomy- b.ook was lost on tho second floor of tho Physic building. Since that time tlig book has been seen in every building on, the, catnmis hut' the .owner has not been able to got his hands on it Tho name "R. 4. Vanprsdei" is yrritten on the second pago of the' book.' The Nebr.askanw.QuJd, lJktohavQ.tbo bopk returned to this ofllco. " j tronlxe Capital jHotel Barbor akep. U- all -No Tommy LaLVaJI "'tHtaH aaP"i!PW??r IH bbbt'" 'M"'J' ' -xi aaaal IPPlVK'V r r -v- w?Viaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaW f SaBPJaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaPiff WvPlaB aaaaaaaaa' c"- WaawSaaal laaaaaaavvt v ,, . w A&KaxSBaaaa .aaaaaaW 4 .i. - ' m'r"- fflPlaaJ aaaaaaaw 4ifc "" w i wtiltt aawfl aaaaal aaaaaV' JlL -' Jfc3alPaW aaaaaaaaaaaaV ' ' -aT --WMaaatrc flaH aaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH The U of N Caterer . He's in business for himself , at?08 So- l"2h ' -. VtTLooU. for the Rd Light"! Hot Luncheonettes - HURRY4 T11? 1A- CbteitTan, - 1jL 'l -J- Pitts' Dancing School Class nlabta Advanced, Monday; Beginner, Wednesday and 8aturday. 8oclal night Friday. Private class every 'afternoon. Most beautiful Hall Jn Lincoln. New location, ,1124 N street. Auto 5241. ' ' t ) n r M.j - la J. HERZOQ TIE Wlf CTtlTY tttkr TAIHK TU finest Work don aid prices right. 001 t our new store. 1230 O St. ?. . Llhoofn THE GRAND CENTRAL BAkBESHOPiiHNArttoir W. H. iARTHELHAN, Pxitter 134 South ElevMlML Easl list r akTYhSaCuBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall r'TaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaJ" Ua V aaaawllPaaa -SjfTBy"-' -.w-i aaSL Mia.aaf ' l.f aaaaa.' m. PtO f 1 r I 11 Lm m." MaataaaNC""- ' W 'A ;a4'aVVL"MMMUu,72 - .KVv;ea: ij- aaaSvaaaaaVamyVvaaaBaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .OaaC Baaal Haaak'Wi'SaPSRSMwBTLa'&'H lAfBaBaaalBawTffjgffninnpaaaaawBaaaaTl xkEaaaVl ilaaarTtlT S i! V " "--S--iPBa-tW V