The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 07, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. VII. No. 6.
Price 5 Cents.
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Prominent Men Will Address the Meet-
lng of the Society In the New
Temple January 13-14.
The thirty -ilrst annual meeting of
Nebraska State Historical Society and
of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers'
Association will be held at Lincoln,
January J3-14. The meetings will be
held In the. auditorium of the new Tern-1
jile building, an da program of Stirring
interest has been arranged for all
three sessions.
The firjit session of the Historical
Society meeting will be hold the even
ing of January 13th, the first, address
being by Hon. William JLBryan, on the
subject of "History, ' Other speakers
for this session will be Hon. J. L. Mc
Briei state 'superintendent, and Dr.
.George L. Miller, president of the so
ciety. On the evening of the fourteenth, the
principal address will be by Judge
Horace E. Deemer, of the supremo
court of Iowa, and for many years
Identified with the historical depart
ment of Iowa, at Des Moines. Judge
"Deeraer's address will be on the sub
ject, "The Part of Iowa In the Organi
zation of Nebraska." Other speakers
will be Richard L. Metcalfe, Lincoln,
and W. Z. Taylor, Culbertsoh, Nebras
ka The business session will also be
held tne ' evening of the fourteenth,
when new officers will be elected for
The territorial piohers meeting will
be held the afternoon of January 14th,
in the Temple building. A program haB
been provided for this meeting that
will stir the heart of every pioneer.
Some new and interesting features are
promised by Secretary Paine, and
' those who recall the great pioneer cpl
bratlon held in Lincoln last summer,
wljl ook forward with pleasure to this
next meeting, which gives promise of
being even more' successful. Excellent
music will be provided for ach session.
A special Jeature of the meetings
Itbsyear will be the issuance of cer
tificates of membership to all who at
tend. A beautifully engraved member
ship 'certificate has been provided .for
both the state historical society and
the territorial pioneers' association,
and these certificates, handsomely en
grosfledjwilL be. turnlBheiLLqll -who
register. This includes those who are
present members of the assiclatlon,
and those wh6 may become members.
The membership fee in the state hls-t
torical, society Is only $2. There are
no other "dues or assesmenta and all
members are entitled to receive the
publications of thT"8ocletyany ope: of,
Which fs worth more than the price of
'membership. '.The society has Issued,
Dr. Fling Gives1 Somti Notes About the
The Nebraska Art Association for
the past week has had on exhibition
in the Fine Arts gallery a collection of
pictures of extraordinary value. The
exhibition will continue for two weelfs,
belng open to all who are willing to
donate a comparatively ..small admis
sion fee-to the needs of the associa
tion. The Nebraska Art Association waB
formed about ten ytumj ago by art-loving
citizens of the state, the member
ship being chleily composed however,
of residents of Lincoln. Since its or
ganization the society has each year
brought to Lincoln a large number of
pictures by the best American and for
eign artists. These have been exhlh.
lied and the proceedB have been de
voted to the purchase of pictures for
the permanent art gallery which it is
the object of the association to found.
At present this gallery contains pic
tures and casts valued at over ?:i000,
this amount having boen secured in
W) -far, eleven volumes, some of which,
3Three more volumes are now in prutm
and at least one of these will be readyi
i . i' 1.' - '' "' V
Jfor distribution neiore tne annum
;meetlnxa&r JA :ML$ t,h&.
Membesrnip in tne jerruoruu gon
ers' association, a' closely TOlIetf W-
driblets of ?200 or $300 a year.
Professor P. M. Fling, one of the
leading members of the association,
yesterday devoted the lecture hour of
his European history class to a plea
for greater Interest In the exhibition.
He deplored the faot that In past years
only about one-tenth of the Univer
sity students had availed themselves
of this privilege of looking upon th
works of the masters. In Prqfesrior
Fling's opinion no student should com
plete his course without attending the
art exhibitions hot only once, but
many times. These exhibitions have
caused Lincoln to be known in the
East as offering exceptional privileges
of the kind for a city of Its size. It
should be regarded as a disgrace for
a student to bo obliged to confess to
his Eastern acquaintances, who know
that Lincoln is on the map because of
the famo of Its arTTexTiibTtlonB, that
(Continued on page 3.)
Various Asadclatlons-Meju at Madison
Last Month.
Several educational associations met
at Madison, Wisconsin, December 28
to 31.- The following .officers were
elected by the various' societies:
American Sociological Society.
President Professor William- Y.
Sumner, Yale.
First viae-president Franklin H.
Qlddlngs, Columbia.
Second vice-president Professor Al
bion W. Small, Chicago.
Secretary and treasurer Professor
C. W. A. Veditz. Washington (D. C )
Executive committee Graham Tay
lor, Chicago Commons; Professor
Charles H. Cooley, University of Mich
igan; Professor Ed ward A. Uoss. Unl
yorBity of Wisconsin; Piirso" Wal
tor F. Wilcox, Cornell; Prolosuor N.,
G. Weathorby, University of Indiana.
American Political Science Association
President The Right Hon. Jamew
Bryce', Washington.
First vice-president Professor A. B
8eventy-five Institutions . Represented
at Annual Meeting of Intercol-
leglaie Association. -
Hart, Harvard.
Second vice-president Profesnor 11.
A, Gariieldj, Pjrincoton
. Third vice-president Professor Paul
S. Reinsch, University of Wisconsin.
Secretary, and treasurer Professor
W. W. WHloughby, Johns Hopkins.
Executive council, new members
Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell; Pro
fessor JE. J. Goodnow, Columbia; Pro
fessor C. E. Marrlam, Chicago; Profes
sor J. H. Latane, Washington and 'Leo;
Prpfessor isldor Loeb, Missouri.
American Historical Association.
President Professor George B.
Adams, Yale. J
First vice-president Professor Al
bert BuBhnell Hart, Harvard.
Second vice-president Professor
Frederick J. Turner, University of
Wisconsin. t
i uvvivmij Atirmooui s. iiuiymu
Clark, Washington, D. C.
(Continued on page 3.)
Basket Ball Informal
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During the Christmas vacation Pro
fessor Lees was in New York City, act
ing as the representative of the Uni
versity of Nebraska at the annual
meeting of the National Intercollegiate
Athletic Association. Soventy-flvo in
stitutions, located lrt all parts of the
United States, wore represented. Eli
gibility rules, scholastic standards and
faculty control of athletics wore some
of the principal questions discussed.
A marked advance in different parts of-
Jhe country was 'indicated and espocjh
ally the fact that professionalism was
proving much less troublesome.
The meeting was In session all day
of Saturday, December 28, thus giving,
time for a number, of papers to bo
read. The ol3 ruleB committee was re
elected with one exception.
A long report on summer baseball '
was submitted by the committee which
had that subject under discussion. The
committee came to the following con
clusions: r
"Baseball stimulates the most seri
ous violations of the amateur rule,
first, from the-standpoinf of 'frequency
of- occurrence;? secondly, ? from fthe
standpoint W Conflicting practices' for
regulation; third, from the standpoint
of conflicting opinions concerning the '
-seriousness of tlie infractions; 4md
fourth, from the standpoint ofdiffer- ,
ences in the remedies suggested for
bettering conditions. - I
"Because of its peculiai4 dual profes
sional and amateur character, baseball
has destroyed finally the faith of many
in the amatour law. The Validity of
the amateur law Is involved. Baseball
vs. Amateurism stands before the bar '
"History and common sense show""
that In all public contests the bona
fide professional eliminates the bona
fide amateur. The two .classes cannot
exist in contact If we wish a class of
athletics for Ihe bona fide amateur he
must be protected from the bona, fide
professional. It is clear that the un
satisfactory conditions surrounding '
the present rule must, be eliminated
and 'that the principle of. amateurism
jnuaLhefiatablishedIn: factJt-ltJs4o-4
survive." ' -- "- v:
"Th'e Zoological Club. '" .
The Zoological Club will meet at 8 "
p. m. this evening" in the Zoological
lecture room, N. 210. The following
is tho program: ' '
"The Origin of the Heart, theBlood
and the Large Blood Vessels in Mega
lobatrachus Maximus- Schlogel," by;de
Roy. Reviewed by Ivan E. ,Wallln t
.'"Transplantation of Developing Or-
gana In 'Amphibian, l-Embryos," r by '
Lewis. Reviewed by W. AlWUlard. "if f
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- Eles like , mother trledto nake.
Baked fresh .twice a day by an; expert
Woman pie' baker: at the" Boston
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