The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1907, Image 4

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    TME tA!L,V nbk:in
. .
Buy your parents some
Linens or Furs for
Christmas ,
Linens now offered at
20 per cent Discount,
afl Furs at 25 per
cent Discount
Box Writing Paper Sale
going on now. 50 per
- cent discount on all box
paper for the next ten
days. Now is the time
to stock up.
Proscription Druggists
Three passenger trains leave Lin
coln every day via the Missouri Pa
cific at 8:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m., and 10:16
p. m. Through pullman sleeper for
Kansas City leaves every night at
10:15 p. m. The day express for Kan
sas City and St. Louis leaves at 8:00
a. m. For full Information regarding
rates, connections etc., call fit city
ticket office, southwest corner Twelfth
and O streets. Depot, corner Ninth
and S.
Lawlor Cycle Co.
Racycles and Ivor Johnson Blcy-
cres, t Edison Phonographs and
Records, . & M. Sporting and
Athletic Goods, Guns and Am
munition. 13:24 O STREET
Low Rates..
Effective November 26 the Wabash
will put in a very low rate of $10.00
(second-class), Chicago to New York.
The Wabash has three solid vesti
buled trains leaving Chicago dally
from the Dearborn street station, at
12:04, 3:00 and 11:00 p. m.
Further Information may be had
from Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D.,
Omaha, Neb.
wltai;, Billiards, Pm and Cigars
The Finest Place in the West. 934 P Street
" - -
Welcomes alhstudents and Invites you
to enjoy dur 8moklng and Reading
Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try
1132 O 8TREET
Rubber. Stamps, Stencils,
Seals, Trade Checks, Keys
Locksmlthlng. General
Machine Works, Model
Makers, Etc
MS . lltfe, Iilaeola
Linsly hall, tho new Yale library, Is
practically completed, and plans are
being made to throw it open to the
'students? The building Is the gift
of the late William Baldwin Ross of
New York of the class of '5B, who gave
$250,000 to establish a memorial to his
life-long friend David Linsly1.
8peclal Rates Via Wabash Railroad.
The Wabash have on sale dally
round trip tickets to all the winter
resorts of the south New Orleans,
Gulf Coast points, Florida, Cuba, Weit
Indies, etc., etc. For descriptive book
lets, rates, time table and all informa
tion address Harry E. Moores, G. A.
P. D., Wabash R. R., Omaha, Neb.
(Continued from page one
$000,000 building to be devoted to en
gineering, and the mechanical en
gineering -laboratories' provide only
foi nine forges and sixteen wood
benches, an -equipment ridiculously
small. On tho other hand, the middle
western colleges, Purdue, Wisconsin,
and Illinois, have good equipments,
generally purchased with care, and
providing liberally for the shop
Professor Ulchards displayed his
elevations and floor plans la the dis
cussion of the Nebraska building, and
gave the reasons which influenced the
choice of the particular designs used.
A modified Doric-Roman style of
architecture has been followed and the
building from Its elevation, will be
one of the handsomest on the campus.
Dark cherry Ted vitrified brick will be
used throughout for the building, with
deep raked joints, producing a splen
did effect in a building of this size.
The building Is to bo two-story and
basement, in the form of a cross, the
long bar of the oross extending east
and west; a short wing projecting
south, and on the north a ono-Btory
extension. The south face of the
building will lie on a line with the
present west entrance to tho athletic
Held. - .
The most noticeable feature about
the elevation is the large window
An event which attracted a good
deal of attention and which, incldent
ly, has done a great deal of advertising
for colleges, Ib the touring through
Europe by six boys from Vandorbilt
Universlty who sang their way
through the continent.
Our discount prices on all Christmas
presents were.mndo when we marked
our goods. All prices are low. The
University Book Store.
Tka Anil flailtu tm
Chocolates and
Bon Boris.
Clements' photos are tfcd best.
Rates to students. s 129 So. Eleventh.
Havit your clothes preBBed at Web-
&t& Sultorlum, Cor, 11th and O.
Marshall, students' barber. Corner
Thirteenth and O under Famous.
We're now located in-the most
beautiful store in the west.
Now is the time to buy
Xmas Candies
in dainty boxes
Lincoln Candy Kitchen
(4th and O So. west Cornet
spaclrig, which occupies about 60 per ,
cent of tho total wall -Bpacer- Profes;
sor Richards is convinced that good
lighting is something worth securing
in rooms to be used for careful labor
atory work with tools, for lecture pur
poses. The new building will contain two
large leoture rooms, offices and the
remainder will bo devoted to the
mechanical engineering laboratories',
nil of which have been given space.
Roominess has been emphasized in
the plans; the ceilings are 16 feet
high, and lighted by the 10x10 foot
windows, the rooms will bo perfectly
adapted for satisfactory work.
The laboratory space will, of course.
bo much larger than that at present
available. Sixty freshmen were re
fused assignments to tho Mr'B. Wood-"
working laboratory lastytiar, which
has forty benches aria lathes. The
new wood-shop will have room for
eighty workers' at one time. The
forge shop-Is also much larger. The
foundry and cupola rooms will bfl very
commodious and convenient, with a
Concrete floor for mixing niolding-
send. The machine-tool laboratory
will be well lighted in every party
something the present students of thid
department would appreciate, and
will be over twice as largo as the1
present room. In fhe wash and locker
room 400 lockers . can bo put, and
there will be plenty of room. Tho
most unpleasant feature of the M. E.
laboratories at- present, which interr
feres a good deal -witheffective work
arises from tho fearful crowding of
the men in the locker and wasTi room,
and this condition is being amply pro
vided against in the new building.
The forge-room, wash-room and foun
dry rooms are each semi-independent
parts of tho north wing of -the build
ing, each lighted with its own roof
The building will be nrovlded with
ventilating ducts, and pro.bably a ven
tilating system with a power-fan will
circulate the air with heating colls for
tempering tho fresh air in winter. A
seven-foot air shaft Is required.
The basement will be excavated,
but not finished, except under 'the
Hydraulic laboratory, where a 10,000
gallon concrete tank will be placed.
Steel beams and concrete, floor slabs
will be UBed, with wooden covering
over the concrete floors in most of
the rooms.
-The-Hydraulic laboratory will be
one of the new things which Nebras
ka has not had heretofore. Hero a
thirty-foot standplpe will be mounted
above the 12,000-gallon tank; by
means of air-pressure, any desired
head can be put on the water in tho
standplpe; experiments in weir
measurements and calibration, and
numerous other experiments not given
here at present, can be performed.
The basement tank will be connected
with the largo underground flro Tdsotf
voir south of the Library building,
and the water of the reservoir4 can be
used and returned again with only
the expense of pumpng back and forth.
The foundry room will have a five
ton traveling- crane, and tho cupola
charging' floor will be reached by a
hydraulic elevator.
Haydon, photographer, special rates
to students. 1127 O street.
Tka Dnf OtttUft
f? out wok
, AkVMWtf .
Fancy box paper for Christmas pres
ents. 840 N. 11th St
Green's barber shops are the best
In. the West.
Go to 'Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser,
for chlropbdy;
The- finest trork done a&d prioea right.
Oall at oar new store.
1230 OSt - Llnooln
(Continued from page one.),
of your patronage because they sup
PjorLJInlzersity affairs, .; '
Now that tho Christmas season is at
hamLbuyvyour fihTlntmaa glfjtaat
Palace Dining Hall. No lunch
rco'unter. , . '
, .Just a qulot evening- meal at Dalryra-J
Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. sti
Try Francis Brjbs.' restaurant, 10$0 P"
Cameron's'' lunch counter 123 So. 12.
SclMtifli Ckiroptflst Manicurist
Do Your Washing
them. The stores are stocktid with
every variety of presents. Bdtight in
Lincoln, gifts will carry added worth,
as they have1 that ,coHeghtte 0r iMyar
sity" style not found1 In tho average
town. So buy your Christmas' gifts
before you go homo they will be
more appreciated.
Phi datrima Plhi.
A flro in the Phi Gamma fritornity
house at 5 o'clock yeStorday after
noon did about $200 damage to- tho
building and to personal property of
two of the occupants. The Blaze start-.
ed in a back room, of the house 6n
the uripor story. It was discovered
after it had been going for several
minutes arid had destroyed tnost of
th6 goddri in tho room. The bldzd was
Jiut out by the Q street flfe depart
ment, hich-respond6d Quickly to the
call. The origin of the fife is a mys-tdfy.
S'HSr !V ,v'i v "