Vol. VII. No. 59. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN," THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. Price 5 Cents. Do Your Christmas Shopping With Nebraskan Advertisers flebraeftan OUR ADVERTISERS1 v . RELATION -OF COLLEGE PAPER TO BU8INE88 MEN. Change Brought About by Lincoln Commercial Club During the Year ThTDally Nebraskan Teddy. IE ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE On the subject of college advertis ing, Dally .Maroon, the official pub lication of the University of Chicdgo, says In a recent issue: "There have been many 'fake' ad vertising Schemes to Jot money from the pockets of advortlBers, which make np feturtf to the advertiser, and which dn no sense help the University, and frequently damage the University be cause admitting advertising that Is discreditable. "The legitimate publications of the UrilVersltv have suffered from this fake advertising. This article Ib pub lished to warn the advertising public. "That the University student body, probably the best field for any adver tiser with goods that appeal to a col lege public, Is strongly affected by an advertisement In the columns of the paper read religiously every day Is a thoroughly established fact, as Is witnessed by the continuance yoai after ear of the sahld bUSlriesrhauBes on the Daily's roll of advertisers." This situation is similar to that -which confronted the University of Nebraska a few years ago. At that time there were several University publications which sought the support of the buBlriess men of this city, none of which were adequately supported either by Btiidents or advertisers and consequently financial failures were frequent- Then by a combination of publications under the name of the Daily Nebraskan conditions were somewhat improved, but still the mer chants were persistently solicited vto advertise -on programs, score cards and the like. They could not afford to patronize" the dally paper sufficient ly to make it a financial success. Later, through the 'action of the .Commercial, club, they decided to support but two publications, the Daily Nebraskan and the CornhuBkor, bo that they might be assured when they gave advertising to University publications that they wore reaching not-Just the members of a society or class, but the entire student body, the faculty, a large portion of the alumhf, and many friends of the Uni versity. At the close of the year 1907, the Daily Nebraskan stands ns the most up-to-date, best illustrated college paper In the country. It has a circu lation, one-third larger than ever be fore, and is generously supported by most of the business men of the cy of Lincoln. These men are anxious to Tget University business and 'are willing to aBk for it don't go where yoU tier riot granted. They are worthy (Continued oa page four.)" ATHLETIC GOOD8 Lawlor. BANKS First Trust and 8avtngs. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple. Folsom. Pttr-y. BARBER 8HOP8 Grand Central. Green's 8hops. Marshall. Emmert. BATH 'HOU8 Chris'. - BOOK 8TORE8 Co-op. Lincoln. University. CAFE Windsor. Sams. Dons. CIGARS Cole & McKenna. Matt's Place. vAcme. CLEANER8 Wood. Weber. CLOTHING Armstrong. Farquhar. Magee & Deemer. Mayer Bros. Sterling. COAL Gregory. White breast. "CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple. Lincoln Candy Kitchen. t Hirschner-Morse. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln. Pitts'. DENTI8T8 Yungblut. DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morse. Jerry. Rlgg8. DRY GOOD8 HerpolshelmeC. Miller & Paine. FLORI8T8 Chapln. C. H. Frey. FURNI8HING8 Armstrong. ; Budd. Magee & Deemer. , Mayer Brds. Sterling. HA!RDRE88ER Mrs. Davis. . . Mme. Ross. Mrs. J. C.. Bell JAPANESE G00D8 Akagl. JEWELER8 E. Fleming. Harris. Myers. Tucker. Hallett Henderson & Hald. 8artor. Trlckey. KEY8 Thorp. LAUNDRIE8 Evans. Yule. LUNCHEONETTE8 Tommy. Folsom. Dalrymple. , Hirschner-More. OPTICIANS Hallett. Myers. Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Hayden. Tbwnsend. Cltfrrlents. PRI.NTER8 George Bros. Simmon's. RESTAUR ANT8 Boston Lunch. Buds. Camcrons. Dons. Francis Bros. 8ams. Windsor. Palace Dining Hall. : 8HINING-PARLOR- Cole & McKenna. 8H0E8 . Beckman Bros. Cincinnati. Hereford & Petty. Rogers & Perkins. 8anderson. SKIRTS Lincoln 8kirt Co. STATIONERY Porter. 8UITORIUM8 Weber. TAILOR8 Backstrom. Dresher. Elliott. Heffley. Herzog. Ludwlg. Scotch Woolen Mills. Union College Tailors. THEATER8 Jo'- a. ARE NEARLY READY PLAN8 FOR ENGLNEEBIJ1Q BUILD- ING BY CHARTER DAY. Professor Riohards, Speaking Before Engineering Society, Says Bids Will Be Submitted February 16. Majestic. Oliver. Lyric. " Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. The business men of Lincoln who want .student business ad vertise in tbe Daily Nebraskan. Don't do wrere you ere not wanted. , , 11 tii iL Before a largo attendance of the Engineering Society last evening Dean Chaa. It. Richards of the Engineering. College explained his plans for the new $100,000 building soon to bo put on the campus. The building Is tbe one for which the last legislature appropriated $50,000, with the under standing that the money might bo ap plied as tho Regents-saw fit, to tho partial construction of a nlore expen sive building, for which the succeed ing legislature would appropriate tho remaining $50,000. Professor Rich ards haB beon personally drawing tfia plans; they have been approved by tho Regents, and aTo so far -advanced la the details that it is hoped blda can be taken and a contract lot at the next Regents' meeting on Febru ary 16th. Tho new building will be architec turally a orddit to the canipus, will be well finished inside and wjll con- rt&itt-manyipttodatafeatureaof-flqulp ment which will put it on a par with the best mechanical engineering build ings In tho best technical schools df tbe country. Its design is aimed to meet needs that have already devel oped in the engineering department, and In that respect it will bring pof hapB the largest $100,000 worth of sat isfaction ever obtained from a sljttilar Investment by any college, tfhls building has been the project deafest to the heart of Dean Richards for years, aa University' people well know, and his personal efforts more than anything else have brought about its realization, against difficulties extend ing over years of time. The personal interest he has' put into the work of designing the" "building can thorororo be better understood and appreciated by' University students. , DaTTTUhaTaBiBlfedranrurabrot the leading -technical schools of the country the past summer, looking for ideas for the now building, and his visit haB made him moro optimistic concerning conditions at Nebraska. He is of tho opinion that the technical schools of the middle West are better equipped than the more noted oast era Institutions, such aa Boston Tech. and Cornell. Particularly ( in labora tory or ''shop" equipment tho .eastern schools 'aTe very 'deficient; shoving their students Into crowded buildings, separated sometimes by several city blocks- from the main college; put ting laboratories into Ill-lighted!, dingy basements, and In general treating the laboratory part of thVcoort' as if It Were of little Importance. TMe Uni, versity' of Peaasylra'aia Has' a aew (Continued oil pagtf fodf.) Vn. O n