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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1907)
' H 1 ! rjrtES DAIJLV " I' fc . U J' )'.- L.T.' y I ' a S ' E 8 ! YoumMit mthymrtyts Conklin's Splf-Filllng Pen is the lPill best fountain pen for both student lountam I and professor on account' of the Crescent-Filler. To fill y Conktin's Fountain SELF FIUINC Pen simply dip it in any Ink and press the Crescent-Filter that's all. No dropper no Inky fingers no ruffled tompor. Guaranteed to be a perfect writer. Loading dealers hnndlo tho Conldln. If yours does not. order direct. Refuse sub stitutes. Send (or handsorno now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 UiitutUs BtlUlitf, TOLEDO, OHIO MME, F. F. ROSS Sclmtilio Chiropodist Manicurist IAIR IIESSIM AN IASSAIE PAIUII 1IM 0 LINCOLN, NEB. AiHt hr iHkKH. Wet, Victim SDK iHtorj L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAKSMAILOH Tb finest work done and price right Gall at our new store. 1230 O St. Lincoln HAVE THE EVANS bo -Your Washing H HUYLEK'9 Chocolates -and Bon Bona. Th Drug Cwtttr. ilNGOtffcDANCING-ACADEMY: nya n St. SociiiljiightsjMon. and Wed., 8 "to 1 Beginner's niglit,W.edi)esday, 8. to l1 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY IN VITED . -SELECT' CROWJ- UNIVERSITY JEWELER OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.$.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YEttOW FRONT Ytw PatrMifi StllcM poogxx.ooooooooooai g Would like to be g p your Laundrymcn O The Butcher's Love Speech. Dear heart I'm In an awful Stew TJow I'll ro-veal my love for you I m such a Mutton head I fear I feel so 8heeplsh whomyou are noar I know lta only Cowardice That makes these Lamb-entntions rise I dread a, Cut let mo explain A single Roast would give me pain 1 should not like to-get-the-Hook And dare not Steak my hope on lookn I never 8ausage eyes as thine If you would Butcher hand in mine And Llver-ound mo' every day We'd soek some Ham-let far away We'd Meat life's frown with love cn rfiBB And Cleaver-road to happiness. The mon's meeting held under the auspices of tho Y. M. C. A. in the Temple last Sunday mornlpg was at tended by Borao three or four hundred students. Tho address of Dr. Wlnfleld F. Hall,. Dean of the Medical Collego of Northwestern Untverslty, was lis tened to with the undivided attention of all present. Tho subject, "Sexual Hygiene," was treated in n very com prehensive nnd detailed fashion. Ovor 100 copies of tlie speaker's new book on this subject wore purchased by those presenUV C. E. CJulnn, '05, now. employed In the United. States Department of Agri culture, Is the author of n, bulletin on "Forage Crops for Hogs in Kansas and Oklahoma." The bulletin Js Is sued from tho government prlntory by the bureau of plant Industry. It 1b pronounced, by those who know, to be a very creditable piece of worki After graduating, Mr. Qulnh took some graduate work, entering the na tlotial service only about two years ago. Since' then ho has dojio com mendable work. Low Rates. Effective November 25,. tho Wabash will put In a very Tow rate of $10.00 (second-class) r Chicago to Now- York. The Wabash has three solid vesti buled trains leaving , Chicago daily from the Dearborn street station, at 12:04, 3:00 and 11:00 p. m. .Further Information may be nad from Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D,, Omaha, Neb. Clements' pftotos are tbe best. RateB to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Big lot $3.50 to $4.00 college boots; $2.25. Sanderson's Sale. What are you going to give her for Xmas? A Unl calendar, of course. Have -your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, JDor. lltb and O. Your Xmas.'shopping won't be com plete until you .buy a Unl calendar. Marshall, students barber.- Cornef Thirteenth and 0 under Famous. Hayden, nhotographer, special rates to students.- 1127 O street. ' Green's .barber shops are the best- In tho Wost Go to Mrs. J. for chiropody.. C-. Bell, hairdresser, Do it today buy her a Unl calen dar. ' Discount on all Shoes, Sanderson's Sale. Palace counter. Dining Hall. 'No lunch Just a.qulat evening 'meal at Dalrym pie's. , . t . ' Bedcman Bros, Ilne shpes; 1107 0st TrjJPrancla Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P V Cameron's luncht .counter 123 So. 12. Tho. eras r of tho clasp is easy, it's flat tho only abso lutely uat ciasn carter - is mo iingnion. Mini on of men know-this buy -- t j I . -' v "V. them and wear them. Tho wear t is Micro, and they cost olily n quarter a pair. Itcmembcr it." tmOM WSrOMU CI., 711 Mmkit Sr.rrMumrsu- Speaking of Xirias Presents nothing is more acceptable or appropriate than a nice gold pin, ring or watch ; it will p"ay you to look over otr stock of holiday gtfts before you buy. Sartor Jewelry If you want to go out In society . . DRESS RIGHT We will make you a dr6ss suit, latest style, best trimmings From $30 to $50 ELLIOTT BROS. j Makers of "Tasty Togs" Delicious Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee 1307 JERRY THE DRUGGIST. HOT and GOLD SODA' S5 THE P08T OFFICE IS DIFfECTLY OPPOSITE OUR ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. Suits and O'coats No,MoreNo .Less World's Greatest tailors J. F. GREGORY, Managor'and Cidter LINCOLN BHfXNGH 145 So. Thirteenth Street Mltlm (A Brightons aro.'ni'ado of piirosilk web. Tho patterns are" new. exclusive Vari- V el onotigii to satiety . . ... -vty4)otjv -All-mctai-partft- are of heavy rftckel-patedbrasi. iryour dealer caii'L, supply you, fa pair will he sent upon .receipt of price. t tnuttMmunmramnt Companyg 4t U2 So, J2th St. -. . Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a specialty; V$VW O Street Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND : OPTIGIANS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Made to Order, SI5 PETTICOATS: Rjlade t Your Exact jMeasuremwit' 11.50 to $3.50 In Sateens, Heathorbloom and Linen Moreen. $6.50 to 110.00 In a very good quality of Bilk. W guarantee a perfect fit and -workman, .hip. Ordera Allied in one-half to two days' notice. QUALITY and QUANTITY , 13' QUE MOTTO Lincoln Skirt Company ETHEL E. ANDEBbON, Prop, , . , U I23S N STREET ii A $& (I N 1 4 .I Pf .1 .' A l.?t HMWWMWMMMMHaM k ',' t ." '. .' ? '' :'VBtt-i a ' - -.t .' , W -J