Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1907)
v f . , wV T pyrff "T -vn&gz - - - - ji yt THE OAIL.V NBBRAdKAN Vr-Sl . f-r' & We're now located in the most beautiful store- 3n the -west. Now is the time to buy Xmas Candies in dainty boxes Lincoln Candy Kitchen (4th and O So. west Corner r ' , wT - - , Ladies and Gentlehien If in 1 .Uae market for a new typewriter i or desiring to .rent pne, w would be clad to have our sales- man call and demonstrate the visible Under.wood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD ; irypEf r(tr cq. ' m ?k. Bell 348 -V 'St -- - v- "" rfcrr DAHCE PROGRAMS BANQUET MENUS CALJJNGCARDS 317 SOUTH TWELFTH 8T. Retry Bakery Co. BatingirdbrB Filled Promptly nWE RICE PPEAD OUR SPECIALTY PEONS UB'AND YOUR ORDER WILL BEOEIVB PROMPT ATTENTION 8 HARROW 8 E Cwpeco Sbraak.Qaarter Sl;e Collar 1(1 Mint AjhT O a. nK j.,1. CLUETT. FEAHODY A,Ctf Maker of Cluett nJ Monarch fehhTi University Students 5 Gt your shoes shlnsd by J 5 American boys at, COLE & McKENNA'S 5 PALM GARDEN : 4 1132 O - 1132 O ft Pi BBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtaBBBBBBBBPl M I I . D OTSfARJV I VT w KM ,w IS383SS8CD82Sfcil igw gs ) III uaaiBBmBaaaaaaaiabr h LA V ViDiWfc-' til I KOtiOJl " BUSINESS-DIRECTORY X Etery Lojral UaWenlty Stadeat la 1 f arced to jmtroalxo these Nebraa- 4 x kaa advertisers, and to inenttoa 1 1 I the paper while doing an. I t t U m it ATHLETIC QOOD3--Lawlor. HANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymplo, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. tiOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, DonB, Buds. CIGARS Colo & Mckenna; Matt'a Placet CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo 8c Deemer; Mayer Br6B.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Wbit(ibreast CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympja Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Morsei DANCING AJCADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. "DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morse, Jorr ry, Riggs. DRY GOODS Horpolshelmer; Miller raine. FLORISTS Chapin; O. H. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER-i-Mrs. DaviB; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. O. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. I AUNDRIES EvanB ; Merchants ; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, ! TAitmoAnil fMnmnrifa PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESf ATE Humphroy. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Cole & Mc Kenna. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Weber. TAILORS Backstrom; .DroBhor; El liott; Heffloy; Herzog; Ludwig; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood ' KEYS Thorp. . TROUSERS Baker Pants 'Co. CENTRAL NATIONAL BJWK lJQItEIHlANnLQJsi8 P. Xi, IIAIiXi, President. F. E. JOHNSON, Vlee Prea. BEBMANO. FOX. Oaahter. 'AV.-WrHAOKNY-jrr.TAaatrCarr i 1 "X IfU. -v. v. .IM n -f f)y 20 PER CENT Discount Sale on Hats, Suit ings, etc,, aU, - HEFFLEYS TAILORS AND HATTERS 1337 O St. Win prizes. State Earm Exhibits Successful aH Chicago. s Tho Nebraska AgrlculturaiSchool made a very goodliowlng at tho Chicago International Stock Show last weojcr Twenty-two faf. steers from, he"re were exhibited and nil but two of them were in tho winnings. The total prizo money won on them was $900. The highest prize won by a Nobraska anjmal was tho yearling championship of all breods, won by tho Angus steer,. Flint. The grand championship of tho. show was awarded to a Shorthorn calf exhibited by a Canadian breeder. Another prize given to Nebraska cm account of the general excellence of oifr exhibit was one (possibly two) of the Armour scholarships in animal husbandry. These scholarships aro for graduate work and are valued at $250 each. Lnst fall theianlmnl husbandry de partment hero planned to send n student stock-Judging team to the Chicago show this year. They wero unable, however, to carry out this plan. - Tho Chicago International this year was the largest stock show ever held in any country. The total entries in cuttle alone were between 500,000 and 600,000. The attendance was between 400,000 and 450,000. This was con siderably larger than InBt year not withstanding the fact that no rates were given by tho railroads this year. Tho International Stock 'Show brings moro visitors to Chicago than, any other annual event.. It Is also becom ing popular among society people of Chicago. An exhibit of German Coach horses from the kaiser's stables attracted considerable attention and fa,vorablo comment this year. Only ten students from the State Farm went to the show this year. Special rates hav'b been promised by the railroads for next year, inr satisfactory rate Is obtained a special train will probably be sent from. Lin coln. This exhibition Is considered to lie of great educational value and a large number "of agricultural stu dents from Nebraska have attended in previous years. Dr. F. D. Hill, head of the depart ment of Plant Pathology at the Experiment- Station, delivered an ad dress Thursday evening before tho Botanical Seminar. The subject of his address was "How to Find Litera ture on Any Botanical Subject." Dr. Hill presented several bibliographies and lists untl tho best-methods -for their use, which was very helpful to those 'taking advanced work In Botany. Banquet Tonight. All football men whpateatthU- tralnlmj-tablB-trjIs-tall are InVltwTW attend the banquet at the Windsor Hotel at 9 "o'clock this evening. Attention, Hawkeyes. Meeting tonight at tho home of Prof. L. Bruner, 2314 South Seven teenth street. All Iowa- students aro cordially invited. " , ' Dean (S. E. Bessey, Dr. Heald and H. J, Pool will attend the" meeting of the American Association', for the Advancement of Science, 'to bo hold In Chicago during the holidays. . - . Hr The 'Varsity' basketball five will meet the Wesleyan team at University Iia(?e tomorrow night. , .' , . . . . Big lot nice $2.00 house slippers, 05 cents. Sanderson's Sale,. 'Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 TOY LAND PRICES 50, 35 & 25o WED. MAT. 1&-EVE., DEC. "18 ADELAIDE TJHUR8TON In Her Greatest Success "The Girl from Out Yonder" Mat., 75c to 25c. Eve., $1.00 to 25c THUR8DAY NIGHT, DEC. 19 t "The iGrand Mogul''! Ore, $1.50; Bal., $1.00 & 75c; Gal., 50ct LYJRIC THEATRE MATINBR3 P. M. EVE. 745 it. 9i00 PRICES TBI AND TWENTY CENTS FRANK H. TURNEY N "Ana no uia MR., JACK, WILDE Illustrated 8ongi WRIGHT HUNTINGTON & 66.' "A Stolen Kiss" ADELINE FRANCI8 Character 8tory Songs ,BTEINER TRIO -Grotesque Comedy, Bar Act LYR08COPE Elite Theatre THE TRAINER8 DAUGHTER STATUES NIGHT OUT ECONOMICALTRIP . MASTER A8 GENERAL , " TH E PIRATED L "" I :WOOD, I INDUSTRY INNC-"RWAY "G. A. R. By Mr. Llntt - Week Commencing Monday, Dec6 FULTON STOCK CO. In the Beautiful Romantic Com. t edy Drama r NELL QYWJNN" Punnlnn nrJae " 1Rn nnA 9Rn -"" r """"''"'i' Maljnees, Wed. and Sal ,. . . . 1 5c boats reavcl, Box office opens 11 a. in. JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVim NCTURES AMD ILLUSTRATED tON8 -1330 O TREET- CINCINNATl OUT PRICI SHOE STORE ANPt Elttkrlt Slip tojHsk fultf. r lAVM'vMHr TIME - sihI - MONEY r 'Ft lttO O St J. WHAT THE PIPE DID A at . MAJESTIC I ' - - - -rr-'-zn ?5 J 1 """ - - a n. r .v ' ' , M" j $ A I J$ h l . "1 t f . S ? fc" M HC " - v A - '-' 'zuf?i