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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1907)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN H & 6 - ft fri H ii fe - J. IX"- !,kii tt foe mails flebvaeMn " ' ,' THEPnOPJSRTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP .NEBRASKA. I.lneolnr-Nebraskar-' PUBLISH EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PyhlJhUoj! Office, 126 No. 14th St. -Editor-in-Chief. Tv. M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor. .X.CIyde E. Elliott, '09 Biiilneis Manager.. .IVC. Robertton, '09 . Editorial ndBnilrraiCOfnceT BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PfiitOfflCe, 8tatl0h A, LincOlrtKNeb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER R Payablo In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICE3 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents por Insertion for. evory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published frco. Entered at tho postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns socpnd-class mall matter under tho Act of Confcrcas of March 3, 1879. ' THE THING TO DO. Tho Cornhuskor banquet held last Saturday evening at tho Llndell Hotel was an entire success In overy senso of tho word. The attendance, whllo not as largo as tho committee had wished, was larger than at any time in the past, It is to bo hoped that the popularity of this function will continue to grow until it has a place in. tho calendar of University events second to none. This object can be obtained only by arousing the enthusi asm and interest of tho students gen erally. Anything less than a 'repre sentative crowd of the students, whilo not exactly defeating tho pnfpOso, does to a great extent accomplish this very undesirable result. Freshmen should be taught In the first years, of their college experience to make a decided offort to Bupport as many Special Sale of KfMaire 13 ligno...". JjoMniro 15 ligno Special Discounts on Many Lines of Holiday Presents J. B. TRICKEY Co. WHOLESALE and RETAIL JEWELERS, 1041 0 St., LINCOLN worthy -causes as circumstances will permit ami not be left to learn by ex perience that which, If properly .put to them, would at onco be conceded. -Tho real genuine advantage of this informal gathering of those having the interest of athletics seriously at heart is perfectly apparent to 'anyone who listened attentively to tho toast given ii tho 'coursp of the' evening, -T.hore-was-a- serious tonec-anfl pur- pose present In each and-pvery toast, livened by just the proper amount df wt and liumor to make a comblna- tlonbbth enjoyablo and 'fiisTriicTlve. . A further point which received seri ous consideration riimnrCornhu8ker Banquet whs the subject uppermost In everyone's mind, namely t whero will Nebraska's athletic field bo, or even wIlIjJLliere be .a Nebraska .field, next season The last .question -could bo easily answered, if a few more publlc splrltejl) gentlemen like Col. C. ,.Jt Bills could bo Interested In the f subject. And this Is exactly what the friends of athletics at theXIniversity must de termine upon. The legislature does not meet until. after the, close of "the next football season. In the mean- smmmmOMaummmm jH: ifc frtii's jji'-ot' .-."- Wt-' Jw5 time aio we to sit quietly by and do nothing or even come back to school in 11)08-9 with no. placo toxoid ath- lotlc events. ThisJsa.subJecL worthy. of the best , efforts of every student, faculty member and friend of tile Uni versity of Nebraska, and tho present la the tlmo to begin to do things. Tho Lyric theater has a fair bill this week. Frank H. Tlniiey' In a ijlnrjknuir-pmno act "tries" "lionl To please, "and ho did." The playet, "A Stolen Kiss," needs expurgation. Ade line Francis In character story songs would please more people if her songs wore mora select. Her voice is good. The iStetner acrobats do clever work ond areHnnny. Don'tvfor Teachers,. Profosaor T. Wv Nichols, superin tendent of the Evitnston Bchools In district 70, has placed utaworld, espe cially the college world, under great obligation by tho rules governing teachers which he has placed In every school room. "We take the liberty lV present for our faculty's earnest con sideration such of these rules as, with modifications made to suit changed conditions, seem to be appropriate. In all fairness to Professor Nichols, our readers must not hold him responsible for the modifications: 1. Don't fQrgot that you would, not have been called hero If a better teacher than you could have been found for tho money. 2. Don't smoke during class hours oi swear-flt the failure of students to applaud. 3. Don't work by the hour. A few minutes off of either end will not-dlB please the students. BrevJtyiB the scul of wit. - - 4. Don't questlonJtudentB. It hurts their feellngsfio let the students ques tlon you Opera Glasses $10.00 , '. $11.50 5.''Don't force your opinion upon a student. Opinions are a student's long suit and ho will" resent your interfer ence. . G. Don't believe a student is ever educated- because ho does the thing you want done, in the way you want: Imitation Is not education. 7. Don't read to Btudents. Let them read to'you. They know best what -will -lritefcst-tliemr - 8. Don't mark student's lesBojis. I You-can guess at his standing at tho end of the semester.' It you are In "doubt, Tie "wil help you. 9. Don't examine., or test students. They need overy minute they dan spare from social functions, to prepare for the next. ,; 10. Don't suspend. a student or send a note or report home.Jlk hurts the student's feelings and might causp his parents embarrassment. , 11. Don't do any orazy thing. Leave that to the student. 12. Don't reprimand a student "for ueing, oemnu in his studies. Hehas to bo in order to .pursue them. . .i Patronize Capital Hotel Barber a S mammamimMmm u rvM(' - CHRISTMAS GOODS 1PIINE LEATHER NOVELTIES USEFUL, DURABLE, ORNAMENTAL Pocket Books, Card Cases, ImcTWrist .bags, Trunks, Oxford "Bags, Suit Cases, Ladies' Satchels, Fitted Bags, Flasks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases, Toilet Rolls, etc., etc. Our line is complete and of the newest styles. Visit us. WIRICK'S TRUNK STORE 1036 6 STREET Jm UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, December 17. 11;00 a. m. Memorial , Hall. Convocation. Dr. Inez C. Phllbrlck. "School Hygiene." ll:30i a. m. Memorial Hall. Senior class meets. Thursday, December 19. 11:00 n. m.Memorlal Hall. Convocatlon.NTne Messiah." 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Junior olasa meetsNv Friday, DecembervSJO. Christmas vacation .begin6:00 p. m., Friday, December 20, and ends. 8:00 a. m., Monday,, January Saturday, January 11. Basket-ball, Muscatine vs. Nebras ka. Informal' dance. ,Fr1cIayr January 31. iiasicet-oau, Nebraska vs. Missouri, ."informal dance. f Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior .prom. Friday, January 17 Fraternity Hall Sophomore Hop. Robert Hill, 1900, is visiting his par ents in Lincoln. Special Rates Via Wabash Railroad. The Wabash foavfl on sale daily round trip tickets to till the winter resorts Aof the south New Orleans, Qulf Coast points, Florida-, Cuba, West Indies, etc., etc. For descriptive book lets, rates, time table and all Informa tion address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Wabash R. R., Omaha, Neb. Found On the campus, a sum of money. Inquire of tho French De partment, U. 301. Lost, a jewelled Delta Delta Delta pin. Return to owner or leave at Nebrnskan office. s Fine Uni Calendars can bo obtained at 340 No. 11. Dr. Chds. Burr Blk. Youngblut, deiitist, 203 Have you bougnt your Uni. calen dar? Bettor do it today. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. V JAPANESE X-MAS PRESENTS We-havsiusrcccivcd-arargchipment"of7'OrlentaI goods for our holiday trade which we will place on sale at , ' EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Brass Vasos, Candlesticks, Trays, etc, . . .. ,50c to $10.00 China Vases, Cracker Jars, Tobacco Jars, etc. . '."""'" " at .:...... : v .. . 15c to $5.0.0 Hand clecoratod Pottery,' ChinaJ etc., at 5c to $8.50 O. K. AKAGI & BROS., Exclusive Japanes iStoro, 204 So. 12th Bill Books, Shopping Box Writing Paper Sale going on now. 50 per cent discount on all box . paper foiv the next ten days. m Now is the time to stock up.. HIRSCHIHG-HORSE GOMP'Y Prescription Druggists 131 SOUTH -ELEVENTH ST. lfa l'W SMOKE 'jjiHJSE Welcomes all students and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and. Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 113.2 O STREET The ACME Bowling, Billiards, Poil and Cigars The FIncsl Place in the West. 934 Paired MEMMEN CANNON CO. Pitts' Dancing School Class . nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall in' Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. BAGKSTROM COMPANY EXCLUSIVE . TAILORS 1320 N St., Lin 661 n, Nib. ' f i - t. if .! tr ii ; i.. '-, ii , . I