The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1907, Image 1

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y0i. yji: No. 57.
Pt ice 5 Cents.
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Financier at tho Cornhusker Banquet
v ; ' w-. '
i plvea University People Much En-
couragement The Banquet.
Senior L
Class Meeting
. The movement for a new athletic
field ' received a good Impetus at the
Cornhusker.banquet Saturday night In
the Way of, a nice boost by Colonel
Bills of this clty. In responding to
the toast "Town Pans," the colonel
discussed the attitude of the city en
thusiast toward the proposition of get-
ting a new athletic field for the Uni
" verslty. , He declared that he would
help organize company to promote
.the purchase of an. athletic field. He
said If twenty business men of Lin
coln that he could name had been In
vited (d the banquet- that the question
of getting a field would have been tiet-
tjed before 'the closoof the feast
' Since his speech Mr. Bills' Is looked
vpotfas the man who will see that the
"University gets a new field.
The banquet was a great success.
" H was the largest ever held, more
than one hundred and fifty being In
' attendance.. Those whpwere there
were filled with . enthusiasm for Ne
braska and her athletics and cheered
every speaker.
rTho toast list was as follows:.
. ,'. ",iJ. D. Ringer, toastraaster.
----r-E. B. Mockett, Nebraska's first foot
' Fail captain, "Old Football Days."
, John Weatover, captain of '02, "Foot
rbtl." ' .
l Glen'Masori, captain of.'OG, "Fellow
ship Among the Players."
-- rJohri-Wellerj- captain ofJ07, ''The '07
Dr. George E. Condra, captain of
'07, "SlgnalB for Bigger Things at Ne
braska." ', . rCoi. C. G. Bills, "Town FanB."
Ca,pt. John G. Worklzer, "The Uni
versity, in Football."
'" Captain Worklzer and E7 B. Mockqtt
were 'unable to attend. Dr. Edwin
Maxey. responded' to the toast assigned
'tfi Captain Worklzer.
The. CorhhuBltor football men will
bo" banqiietbd this-"evening-at the
'".''Windsor Hotel: Manager Calkins of
f tUatJiosfelry will give the feast;
" . - ' " - T
.-C ;'pr. BesBey has1 among his collection
" ' '!or. ancient'-books on -the subject of
,,;:;, .botany .on, entitled.. 'Theophrastus,"
' written in Latin and published, In the
vyoar 629. Dr,Besaejr secured the old
, -IreHc at an auction in Berlin for the
. -'iSum of $3.50. Several of 'his' collection
eve .written in ine Liaiin ana uouna in
I ; ; . g
iTbday ' ":. I
Play Announced 2
A'ellum. ''
'- ' ' Tlie Botanical Seminai1 ylll meet
'"at, 8 P. ni. December 19 In-the botan-
;lctil. lecture room, the subject being
pA Symposium oh Hybridization."
' 'rhQ JpHowing papers will' be read:
l"The .'HlatoTy. of Hybridization,',' Mr.
, , yestgate; f,Rocent Deelopmeilts In
., .Plant'Mvbrirtlzatlott." Mrr Dennv: Re-;
('.!.-.- t"U i f tV'i'(
'dlzation,"' Professor Emerson,
Banquet to Debaters and 'Judges Last
Friday Night. y"
The PhlAlpha Tau banquet to the
judges of tho Nebraska-Iowa debate
and the visiting team was held atthe
Windsor Hotel Friday evening after
tho debate.
Those present were the members of
both teams, tlie Judges, the members
of the rival teams In tho Lincoln
Omaha high school debate, a number
or the University faculty and the
members of the Phi Alpha Tau fra
ternity. Dr. Maxey presided with a dignity
relieved by his, customary good humor.
In introducing the toast list, he saldf
"Tho obiect of numerous toasts Is to
promote sleeping. Trouble .Is often
experienced in this respect after a
banquet, but if there be a sufllclent
number of toasts, the difficulty Is re
duced to a minimum."-
Toasts were responded' to by Judge
Ben C. Taylor, Mr, Brant of the, yjs
ltlng team, Mr. Randall, their coach,
and by Messrs. Van Orsdel, Knodo,
Peterson, Swenson, Hough and othors.
Professor Caldwell 'recalled tho de
bating of former years.
Thp, enthusiasm, and good cheer
were heightened "by the announcement
of a message from the north that Ne
braska had wrested a divided verdict
from the "Gophers."
After a Boason of mirth and excel
lent good will all around, .the banquot1
ers adjourned, as tho toafetmaster re-,
marked, "Into tho cold grey dawn of
tho morning after." ' . '"
. : . .
The Nebraska basketball team do?
feated the. Crete Y, M. C. A. Friday
'night by the score of 30 to 27. The
game was played at Crete.
The"SenIor Prom -will take place
Gt the Lincoln .hotel April 4, ,1908, -'
""; ; : -'-' r-Xvr; '.
The best oyster stew In tho city Is
that served at The Boston Lunch.
Try "it." "v- -
Athletic Board Postpones Election of
No election of tho .captain of the
1908 football team was announced last
night at the meeting of the Athletic
Board. On account of an irregularity
tho ballots were thrown out and, new
blanks will be Issued to the following
men: Collins, Hnrte, Chaloupka, Mat
ters, Harvey,. Kroger and Porrln. Tho
above men wore voted Nb.
Tho board voted to send Dr. Lees
to New. York City to attend a meet
ing of. tho rules committee, of which
lie lsa member. Coach Cole was re
elected for liext year. No N'a woro
voted . to the. cross-country team, as
they have not yet returned all their
A committee was appointed to in
vestigate the throwing put of the
Freshman football, team by tho Inter
class committee.
Incidents at Minnesota Information
Concerning Next Debates Is An.
noupced by Professor Fogg. '
Kr. Bell Wants 8tudents to Get
Things Straight.
There seems to be some misunder
standing among, the juniors and
seniors, especially the , members of
the Law College, about-' the charges
made by Mr. TOwnshend for tho pic
tures for tho CornhuBker. Tho,prlqo
charged to all is $2,75; of which $1.50
goes to Mr., Townshqnd for which
each student Is entitled to one dozen,
pictures. The other $1.25- goes to
tho. Cornhusker to help pay for .the
cuts to be. placed in the book. Any
additional pictures can be secured at
$1.00 per dozen from Mr., Townshend.
, There hdvo been, some Inquiries
with regard to the possession of the
individual cuts after the Cornhusker
Is through with them, There -are no
individual cuts, made, the. picture is
.taken from' the proof-mid. placed on
the design, decided upon by tlie staff.
The-design Is then dent, to the en-
grayer and one cut,is' made pfiho"
Bevoral, 'pictures.
'5 J
Nobraaka defeated Iowa unanlmoiiB.
Iowa defeated Illinois unanimous.
Illinois xlofented VyiscoiiBln 2 to 1.
Wisconsin defeated Mlhnesota-r2
to 1.
Minnesota defeated Nebraska 2
to 1.
Such are. the results of thotsbrlea
of debates which were hold at' differ
ent western colleges last Friday oven-""
ing. When it is considered that hi
overy case the afllrmatlye was victori
ous, and that the affirmative team was
by no means tho stronger" of the teams
which some colleges produced, It
seems very Hkoljr that thoro must
have been something abodt the word
ing of the question which mude the
affirmative the best side to support In
a debate.
The attendance nt the debate in
Lincoln last Friday night was remark
able not only for tho size, but also for
the quality of tho audience. Governor
Sheldon, a member of the Supremo
Cburt, and a member of the State
Railway Commission wero in the aifdl- '
once. .Dean Ringer, who is.romem'
bered for"1 hfs law, rebuttal against
jWaBhlngton University ln""190'Jf "
watched the. light from the north gal
lery. " .
Minnesota won their debate with'
Nebraska on account of the superior
manner in which they seemed to prej-sent-Urerr-TJldiT-oT
though, their arguments 'when an
alyzed are" seon to bo a series of fal
lacies, Nebraska does not contend for
a moment that the 'decision was" un
just or that Minnesota did not earn
her victory. The Minnesota speakers
had ah apparent strength which made
a deep Impression.-
'Thp Minnesota case was this r-It Is
Impossible io- separate rato making
jrom the oyljs of overcapitalisation:
: Q,-F.g-ICiRSBO.E'.--:
, k - . ' tt , 4 . -
and the control of capitalization
rates Is Jntor-dppendbnt.
Tho Nebraska casewas this: The.
principle ofatalo control Is funda
mentallvcorrect. national, control
jvould produce corrdptlon,and, lastly,
rates are not dependent on capitaliza
tion; - .- .-isr-
Mr, Bracelln and Mr. Cronln, two
of Nebraska's old debating stars, were
much in evidence at this debate. After
' r-
tho first Nebraska speaker had con-
eluded his argument a big voted from
ono corner of the room called out,
MWhatJs the matter with Nebraska ?,"
T'hen, from the other corner of tho:
rcom came -a little voice In reply.
This became so Tegular .that ufter
each Nebraska speaker .finished the
audience waited for the little duet.
Yesterday on the bulletin uoar,d
Professor Fogg Rotated a" notice con
cernlngi the 1fext,tiebatosto bVlieTd
In December of 1908. ,The first try
,outg will be. held next May and the
question for debate. Will be announced
some time lo-Aprll. -
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