The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1907, Image 4
', THE DAILY INEBRA9KAN V P" ft I f r l -- i Yotumfflit with jour eyis Conkliu's Self-Filling Pen Is tho best fountaiu pen for both student and professor on account of the Crescent-Flllor. To fill Conklin's Fountain SELF TILLING Pen simply dip it In any ink and press tho Crescent-Filler that's all. No dropper no inky fingers no milled temper. Guaranteed tp bo a perfect writer. Leading donlerfl hnmllo tho Conkllrf. If yours dooR not. order direct. Koluao sub stitutes, Hondjor Imndsomo now catalog. THE CONKL1N PEN CO. 310 Uiitxllid BillJlii, TOLEDO, OHIO MME. F. F. ROSS Scisntiilo Chiropodist Manicurist MIR OIEISIII MB MASSABE PARLORS 1339 0 SL, LINCOLN, NEB. AfMt (K BjnfcKM, Hick.', Vifitabll Silk HMlirj L. J. HERXOG THE UH1VEBSITY MAKS' TAILOR The finest work done and prices rights uau ax our now store. .1230 O St. Linooln HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing H HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Boiift. TM Drag CwtMr LINCOLN OANGING ACADEMY -113 N St. " ISociaLnights Mon. and Wed., 8 loll Beginners night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 JNITSTUDHNTyBSPHCIXIIYTNVITBir SELECT CROTO- illYEHSITY JEWELER 4 OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean , ,, OPTICIAN HM STREET. YELLIW FMNT Ymt palfiiwn MkHri w ft .x g Would like to be V cV your Laundrymen Ci IYIILEBRO FOR COLLEGE JtfEtf. (Continued from Page 1.) recognized in thhj tjquntry-nB "neces snry, provided Uncle Sam is td bo hot ter represented abroad than ho has been In the past. During his tour Dr. Harlan had occasion to Interview hun dreds of businessmen, both Amer icans and foreigners, and he discov ered that almost without exception they say that the United States con eular service IS still far from being up to tho mark. Low Rates. Effective November 25, the Wabash will put In a vory low rate of $10.00 (second-class), Chicago to Now York, Tho Wabash has threp solid vesti buled trains leaving Chicago dally from the Dearborn street station, at 12:04, 3:00 and 11:00 p. m. Further Information may be had from Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Qaro Pierce Hartley, 1907, Is In tho city for a three weeks' visit with his parents, before leaving. Yor Minnesota whore ho, is to work under Prof. P. W. Clements formerly of Nebraska. A correspondence chess match la bolng arranged between Cornell and Harvard, the games beginning within the next two weeks. It wub announced laBt week by Pres ident King that $25,000 had been re celved towards the erection of a Men's Building In Oberlln. Mr. Frank B. Denny, 190G, and Miss Marguerite B. Plllsbury, 190C, will be married In this city Saturday, Decem ber 21st. (...Baked beans, baked on the prem ises nud served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. Tho University of Kansas Is to de bate Colorado- Missouri, Oklahoma, and Washburnthis year. Manager Eager has Just received six excellent photographs of the Nebraska-Kansas football game. Dean Ringer, 1904, will act as toast master at the Cornhuslcer Banquet Saturday evening. Clqments' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. What are you going to "give her for Xmns? A Unl calendar, of course. Have your cldlhes pressed at Web er's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. Your Xmas shopping won't be com plete until, you buy a Unl calendar. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Hayden, photographer,- special rates to students. 1127 O street. Green's barber shops' are the best in the West. Go to 'Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody.. The total registration at Purdue this year la 1704.- - - . Do it today buy her a Unl' calen dar; , Discount on all (Shoes, Sanderson's, Sale, Palace Dining Hall. No lunch counter. Just a qlilet evening meal at Dalrym pje s. ,, -... i1 " . Beclcman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Try FrancIS'BrosV restaurant, 1020 P . ir Cameron's- lunch, counter 123 So.-' 12. JWItr4 Trnl WuS wimt jlj au. CLASP KS SILK Delicious fjp) -.., Sandwiches of Hot 3&$Vi?) a,,klnd Noon Chocolate VyQVTq hour im,, Tea and Coffee 1307 O Street specialty. 1 J UNION COLLEGE Til 1 1 flDC Main Colligt I AIJLUlf O lulldlnt ....... I ' ' ' ' I JERRY THE DRUGGIST. HOT and GOLD SODA THE P08T OFFICE 18 DIRECTLY OPPOSITE "OUR ' ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. Suits and (floats No MoreNo Less World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter LINCOLN BRANCH I45 So. Thirteenth Street Frats and Sororities When in Need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right . Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1 106 O. lie " - Mmwlk I u' " 'BaBwIaBSrBHBBBttWBBBBBBBBPVirvSflBT ' i -T- ., The Nebraskan school year only BRIGHTON for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,-, all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO,, TIB Market Sr6ot Philadelphia , Makrrt of I'umetT Xuiptndtrt i 1 I Ftr First Class Taljtrinc AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Made to Order, SI5 PETTICOATS Mitfl ( Ytur ExmI m SH VStwVwWI WW f 1.60 to 98.80 la Bteaa, Hefttherblooa'aad Linen Moreen. . 96.59 to 110.00 la a vvtj good quality of Silk. r . Weguirntee perfect fl and workmaa ship. Orders Allied in one-half to two dy motion , QUALITY and QUANTITY " IS OTJB MOTTO '' t f Lincoln Skirt, Company. ETHEL E. ANDEBbOK, Prop! ' ' -' 1235 N STREET ' '" remairider of the $ L5Q;' Get busyl "H sn ' 'S ' l k l t-.a . "VI iA 1 1 m i i) mhmnkhm i . i. -- , .i... .... f. . 'X .- I. k '' ,iM)" ' tJ8 5. 'a t