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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1907)
X " ,--vi . THfBTSVICV NBBRA8KA1 ! t v (H fc :;. J 4 1 JwVre now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest . . . HOT DRINKS --- in the city. Come in and try them LincolnGandy Kitchen f 4th and O So. west Corner University Students Ladies and Gentlemen If in the market for a new typewriter or deBlring to rent one, wa would be glad to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours ro spedtfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 714 P St. Bell 348 T DANCE PROSrUMS 1ANQUET MEHUS CALLING CARPS SIMMONS, TOE PRMTBB 817 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Retry Bakery Co, .Biking Orders Filled Promptly Qt your shoos shlnstf by ' !! Amsrloan boys at ! COLE & McKENNA'S PALM GARDEN '. 1132 O - .1132 Q ! W '7T' .Baking Older Filled Promptly S " ; ". rote RKE MEAD our specialty R. ' PH0NKU8 AND YOUR OBDBB WILL JijSv " BKOBIV PBOMFTV ATTENTION ' , " .. V MM iiaBBBBLBBBBBBHsBBSSBBBBSv8!LsBBaP CI Bt v .i ' ' StJ Ctapco Shrunk Quarter Size .Collar VT fe-- ? . ' '. , - ttfV 1 UcnUeeli,TlforS5cenl- r- rift 51, '" t . ,. , , " Ma clukit. peabody & co. , ,0 l.":'?i..- ' . 171 V linkers ofCltMtt and Monarch Bhlrtt ' '1.7.1 H . r : ' 7- i WIN8 ONE VICTORY. (Gontinued from-Pago-lr) Washington University. Ho wjta al ternate on the team that debated with Wisconsin in 190G and was n lr.ember of the team which mot Wis consin last April. He' was managing editor of "The Cornhusker" Inst year. Byron E. Yoder, 1908, of Topoka, Ind. He was a member of the team which debated the University of "T11T nols Inst spring. During last year he was business manager of "The Dally Nebraskan." He is a member of tho Delta UpBllon fraternity. The Minnesota Debaters. Algernon O. Colburn, 1908, is a graduate of the South High school, Minneapolis. Hg was a member of the Forum debating team that won tho Jacobs Prize Cup in 1905 and of tho team ,'thnt defeated IoWa in 1906. He is a- member of the Dra matic club, Delta Chi Law fraternity, Delta Sigma Itho Honorary society, and Is now managing editor of the Minnesota Daily. Mr. Colburn Is an J nthleto as Well as a debater, He was sub tackle on thp '06 football team and won the much-coveted "M" on tho track team in 1905( Harold .C Deerlng,-1908r was saluta torian of JLhe '04 class in the 'Minneap olis EaBt High school whore he also served as a representative- of his school in the state league dobates. He tleh for first place In tho Fteah Soph. contest for' -tho Dunwoody Peavey prizes In oratory in, both hia freshman and sophomore years and won tho Peavey Debate Pr,lzo in his 1 sophomore year. He was also a mem ber of the Forum Literary society team that won the Jncobs Prize Cup in debate in two succesBlvo years, entered the Pillsbury oratorical con: test in his Junior year and is now.. the Minnesota representative In the Ham- itlon oratorical contest. Mr. Deering Is a senior academic and Is now serv ing ad assistant to Dr, Robinson in the economics department, is editor oT the- Minnesota Magazine and secre tary of the University debating boaTd. Stanley B. Houck, 1908,, was also salutatorian in the East High school, class '03, and represented. that school a? a winner of District Championship In the state league. He won the Jacobs Cup as a member of the Fonum team In 1905r.4ind Is now the. veteran intercollegiate debater -In the University, having served against Northwestern In '06, against Iowa in '07 and is now entering his third con test against Nebraska.- Ho waB a member of tho '07 Gopher board, sec rotary of tho University debating bbaffl Muring the two 'years '06 ang 0EHTRHL NATIONAL BANK , TWELFTH I AND 0 ST8. P, I,, IIAIjL, Preildcat. ' L F.-H. JOHNSON; Yloe Pre. IlKKi" m "- tii, imnier W. W.HAOKWBY Jr., Atat. Cjr. 20 PER CENT . , r Discount Sale on Hats, smt ligs, ctc.,at HEFFLEY'S TArtORS AND HATTERS 1337 O St. , I l. . II t ilj ! 1 vi, is very acyve in uie uuercHis otj tsbf Dolta Sigma Itho-Timl Ibtt Senior Law. The Nebraska Debaters. William Ross King, 1908, of Osce olauNeb. Mr. King was ji member of the Nebraska team which debated with the University oMlllnoIs at Ur bana'HQst April. Ho Ib president of the Nebraska chaptor of Phi Alpha TaA, and a .member of Delta. Sigma Tlho, (rfo honorary debate fraternity, and of Dolta Tau Delta. Clyde C. McWhluney, 1908, Law 1908, of Lincoln. Ho wvb .awarded one of -the first-year scholarship prizes lu tho Collego of Law last year; was- a member of the debuting squad of 1005-1906, and was. an alternate on the Nebraska- team which debated with the University of Wisconsin at Lincoln laBt April. Ho was tho llrst president of the University Forum which became a chapter Phi Alpha Tau. He Is a member of tho Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Lawrenco J. Weaver, 1910, of Be atrice, Neb. Ho represented the Be atrice High school three years In debates, was class orator and wou.I he Forensic Prize. Ho was a member of the University debating sjjuad last year. He belongs to the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. Ralph A. Van Orsdel, 1906, Law 1910, of Maxwell, Neb., alternate. He was editor of "The Dallyfc Nobraskan" n: 1905-1906 and was superintendent of the Ohlbwa, Neb., schools last year. He is a member of tho Alpha Theta Chi, Phi (Delta, Phi, and Phi Alpha Tau fratornltlee. NEBRASKA'S RECORD. Decisions in Fourteen Debates 8lnce 1901. 1. Nebraska-Colorado. College, 1902, at Lincoln. Unanimous decision for Nebraska. 2. Nebraska-Kansast 1902, at .Lin coln, i Unanimous decision 'for Ne braska. ' 3. Nebraska-Missouri, i902, at Co lumbia, Mo. Unanimous decision for Nebraska. I 4. Nebraska-Kansas, 1903, at Law- rence, Kansas. 5. Nebraska-MisslourL lOOSnt Lin coln. Unanimous decision for Ne braska. 6. Nebraska-Kansas, 1904,' at Lin coln. Unanimous decision for Ne braska. 7. Nebraska-Washington, 1904, at St. Louis. Unanimous decision for Nebraska. - 8. Nebraska-Iowa, 1905, at Lincoln. Unanimous decision for Nebraska. 9. Nebraska-Washington University, 1905, at Lincoln. Unanimous 'decision for'NebraBka. ... 10. Nebraska-Wisconsin, 1906, at Madison.- Unanimous decision for Wisconsin.. ,r " . . ,. -J 11. Nebrftska-jIscpnsIn, 196c", at Liffcoln. TWO-Yotes" foOVIsconsIh. ; 12. -Nebraska-Illinois, 1906,aU-U bana. Two votes for Illinois. ,13,. Nebraska-Iowa, 1907 at Lincoln. Unanimous decision for Nebraska- ; 14. Nebraska-Minnesota, 1907, at Minneapolis. Two votes for Minne sota. , v . Everj day next week tho University calendars will be on tho Yv W.1 C. A. rooms. Prico, 50. cents, j 'x ' . , -j Manager H. O. Bell intends to bo? gin soliciting advertising for the 1908 Cornhusker next week. , ' M Have you bought your Unl. calen- aarT Better do It Itfday. . 1 JL Patronize Capital Hotel Barber snotv QKverTheatre TAfVA V MATINEE, 2:30 p wi-fn i t TONIGHT, 8:15 8TET80N'SVmQ DOUBLE UNCLE TOMSXABIN Mat 25 & 10c; Nght503p, 20, 10c MONDAY NIGHT, DEC. 1i DcviFs Auction TUESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 17 TOY LAND LYRIC THEATRE MAT1NBB 3 P. M. BVB. 745 U. 900 PRICES TEN AIJD TWENTY CENTS FRANCE8CA REDDING A CO. "Her Frend From Texas" J; PANKLEB The Mud-Man-Rapid Sculptor DOUGLAS & DOUGLAB Comedy Acrobats WEST & MACK Blackface Comedians . MR. JACK WILDE Latest Illustrated Ballads THE LYR08COPE Elite Theatre DISPATCH BEARER AIR8HIP THIEVES OH. ME, OH MY' SIMPLE MINTED PEASANT i;V. 8EEK AND YOU SHALL FIND TROUBLE ' SONG "When the Moon Plays Peek-a-boo" G. LINTT MAJESTIC Wiek Couiuiit Uniy, Die. 9 . FULTON STOCK 00. In a boautiful Society Mrical Comedy j , cTht Htust f Ttfkikli' .EvsnWg prlees .t". 1 So and 25e. Matinees, Wedaml Sat. ... .V. . . . 5c beats revd, Box office opens 11 -a. 'in; '" JOY-0 THEATRE FIMEST OF M0VIM MCTUlEi: AND ILLUITRATID tONIS -1330 O TREET CINCINNATI . CUT PRICE '' SHOE STORE M m . 4 -AND- n 3 w i',"'"'B nWWSm- AV8 TIME v amT . jJb 4,i f i'' wmmrrm K 1M0 9U. frB ' m frfcTOTWaX vl, . 4 ,- H i i 1 J I f HI .11 , -.-fl -rl m .,?: ssissiis.sita v l v I " ' ',.