The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1907, Image 4
r i' . P ' ll ...., If. ' ppUwiM"" I Clothing Event oi the Season AND one In which the shrewd buyer, whether Man or Woman, will Instantly recognize a .marvelous opportunity to secure the newest, cleanest and highest quality of merchan dise ever presented to the public at such ifhparalleled prices. For a Few Days we offer Our Gigantic StocKs of Men's Suits, Oyercoats Winter Caps, Trunks and Bags selected to meet the demands of the best trade In the city and state, at a "GREAT" bargain. We have no special reasons or excuse for this extraordinary reduction, other than to reduce our "great" stocks at a time when It's the most advantageous. Our loss r s your gain. A magnificent saving tojpurchasers of high-grade merchandise. CALL EARLY and' Investigate this wonderful offer. Compare prices and quali ties. No careful person can afford to miss this "great" sale. What we say means much. What we. do means more. . js L Mens Stiitsand Ill MWWiiWSWk- mmmmammmk , . '- 0' coats I m.ww J J KHI I Winter I CaLl $40 and $45 Suits arid Oyercoats , Now $30.00 $37.50 and $35 Suits and Overcoats Now $27.50 $30 atd $27.50 Suits and Overcoats Now $22.50 .- ' $25 and $22.50 8ults " $20 arid $18 8ults and Overcoats "" and Qvercoats Now " ' Now In Our-Storerftfr Men or Boys? at. 2' ?, $15 and $12.50 8uits ind. Overcoats Now $10.00 .?. $ '$10,.3ult8 and nOyecoats. Now $750 (J B i;i u . W'l' ' Reduction 1217 6 street W C9 .P r.r.EJt.r.M.rwm'B 0 trt XJNCQLN TVJEBf All of Our Bags, Suit eascsanf Wunks - ;dl " o 1A JHH s " VVT . o Redaction o . uMiaMMUa --yry:r-..-rmrri,,-t--raB I' r -" ll 3W8 s Sv . -.-, f . 9- I !;- - -.ti i. i. 3,