., 1 1- m y 'wtw THE DAILY NBBRA8KAN YoucmMit withjvnreyts chnt Ml n rJA Conkliu's Self-Filling Pen is tho best fountain pen for both student and professor on account of tho Crescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's Fountain m SELF-niXING Pen , simply dip' it in any ink and press tho urcscent-i'ilicr Hint's all. No dropper no Inky fingers -no ruffled tomper. Guaranteed to bo a perfect writor. Lcadlntr dealers handlo tho Conklln. If yours does not. ordor dlrofct. Rofuso buJ Btltutes. Send (or handsome- now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Hinhillia Bulldlotf, TOLEDO, ODIO C0RNHU8KER FEED. (Continued from pago one,) itomorrow night. Tho tickets have, sold rapidly so far and the managers fool they will have no trouble Irt dis posing of tho rest. If anyone does not know whore to buy a ticket ho can find out iby in quiring at the Nobraskan office. HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY THE- Quick and Easy Barbir Shop C. W. EMMBRT, Prop. 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Qlve me a call UniversityStudents . Ladles and Qontlemen If in the market ,for"a now typewriter or desiring to rent one, wa would bo glad to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the visible TJndorwood. Toutb re spectfully, UNDERWOOD -TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. Bell 348 PLAY THREE YEARS. (Continued from page one.) that sport for the year. Noto 1. During tho years 1902, 1903 and 1904 the first football game of the season was not counted aa participa tion under this Title. In 1905 tho first three (3) games of Intercollegiate foot ball wore not counted. Now, however, all intorcollegiato games are counted as participation. Note 2. Athletes' who were barred from competition during the. first so mester of thoir freshman yoar by tho operation of tho "semester rule" thus having their period of competition re stricted to two and one.-half years, -will be allowed to compete, for the full throe years. (Minutes, Juno 1, 1507, p. 179.) TEAM HAS GONE. (Continued from pago one.) Tho timekeeper for Neoraska who 'Wjll act with tho Iowa man has not yot been cnosen. Mr. Dryan will deliver a short ad dress at tho conclusion of the debate before tho decision of tho Judges is announced. It is expected that ao will discuss the question which .will bo debated, as It Is a very important qustlon and will play a large part in tho noxt compalgn. v '- 'V. - t Tho crasp of tho clasp is easy. It's flat tho only abso- lately flat clasp garter is tho .Brighton. Milli ons of men know tins buy thcrti and wear them. Tho wear is thcro, and thoy cost only a quarter pair. Remember it. 1 PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Mann Gt., Pinutartu Brlchtons aro mado of euro silk web. Tho patterns aro .A.. AVAllfBlttlli .n4. m k UVIT VAVAUOAVU VUIT V , J ' i-j -it-P- V CLV tMlOUITIl M) 1U1I1HIV J avocvImmWi All nipfnT nferfa arc of heavy nlckcl-pTnlcu brass, i If vour dealer can't Rtinnlv vou. a ' a pair will bo sent upon receipt of price NiKiii or rivRttR msrumui QKMOXOkCfcO Interstate Debate - Memorial HaftH IOWA -NEBRASKA DECEMBER THIRTEENr'07 & v- &; XH33-V S j - . VMS" TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTER'S, CO-OP, UNI. BOOK STORE '"l Address by W JL Bryan, Music by Cadef.Band yiiKoti THE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and CIGAR STORE W. H. BARTHELMAN, Proprietor 134 South Eiovonlh 81. East Sldo Petry Bakery Co. Baking Ordqra Filled Promptly FIHE RICE BBEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUB OBDER WILL BEOEIVE PBOMPT ATTENTION FOOTBALL GOSSIP. (Continued from page one.) place. His work so far lr tho throw lng has not been up to his high stand ard of last yearr-but Is -partly- ac counted for by tho absence of Rood running mates. Burriss, another forward of last year, oxpocts to return noxt .semester. His presence will greatly strengthen tho team either at forward or center. Stovon8on,-Jones, Wood and-Flowor aro showing up well. - ' n Carl P. Hartley, '07, who has been at tho West Virginia experiment sta tion is in the city visiting his parents. He will take up his work on the ecolo gical -survey or Minnesota under Dr. Clements next year. Frats and Sororities When in Need of COAL call and tee die WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones; Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. The Professor Aaron's second "semes ter Gorman class has finished the Bl bllotaker a gorman play- in our acts and will now 'take up "Das Emger-scnltt.' Clements' photoB .aro the best. Rates to students. 120 So. Eleventh. DAHCE PROBpS-BAHJUg JjENUS CALJJNMBCARDS SIMMQNS, THE PjaWTEB 317 SOUTH TWELFTH 8T. Have your clothes pressed at ob- er's Sultorium, "Cor. 11th and O. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and x) under Famous. JERR;Y THE DRUGGIST. HOT and GOLD SODA ti4e p08t qfpice 18 DIRECTLY OPP08ITE OUR ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS " REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Gregory's Semi -Anthracite FOR FURNACES' $7.50 NO CtlNKER Oil SLATE GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLDG. I32 N. I lib STREET Hayden photographerrflpeclal rates to students, 1127 CLstroet, Box Writing Paper Sale going on now. 50 per cent discount on all box papr for tho next ten days. Now is the time to stock up. HIRSCHINQ-MORSE GOMP'Y Prescription Druggists 131 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Green's barber shops are tho best in tho West. Go to 'Mrs. J; C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Discount on all Shoes, Sanderson's Sale. Delicious Hot ' Chocolate f and Coffee 1307 Ofetreet- r Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a peclH. Palace lDIalng:rH5H. No lunch counter. ' Just' a quiet evening meal, at Dalrym plo's. Beclcman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Mk PETTICOATS Made to Your Extol Measurement H f 1.60 to 18.60 in Sateens, Heatherbloom and 'Linen Moroen. $6.60 to $10.00 in a Tory 'good quality of Bilk. 0 -- We guarantee a perfect fit and workman ahlp. Orders allied In one-half to'twoays soUee. QUALITY and QUANTITY IS OUB MOTTO , ' " Lincoln Skirt Company ETHEL B. ANDER&ON, Prop. - ' 1235 N STREET y ...' 1 . M li ; ml I o O j ... i IMMMMNW LZ. TM-. th '.. .', a v?