Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1907)
' ,- JUL l , 'tA, , ? y f P. I K Uf N, "r", j.-4. ,"J -, - 4 ... J. - ,-. , 1 X rf" "v,nS '-"r -y-e: . s.'if, - f j - 4 a- THE DAILrY NEBRA8KAN MMaanMMtaMSHBBBMaaaHIMMMMMMaa j4? -A,. . '1 r hK v - ;. ; trr rti !i..' S K .B.V , 'Jf .I . j irVv t . . 'am . . v .J. "BB9' -" C jrt f ';: V: i " -J. J f vA ( fc , 'I'' 2. ;Jii HERZOG mmimr mams' tjulm TlfiJMt .work om and pririfcht. , ' -. 0U a Ar mw iter. 1130 6 si Llntslh u IMlMEt F F ' ROSS Stllitlth Chiropodist Manicurist UM HSIM AM IfSUK PAIllIt , ISM A H LINCOLN, NEI. 'a m k ffarijelfcli mm liftWaf it " . . Lftm E3I nr.j.THORpfrto. :T J Rubber SburiDt: Btenclli. Seats, Trade Checks, Keys letNtmiuiing. General Mattlne Works, 'Model -Makers, Etc Mt S. llth, Iriaeol THE 'llNI' SMOKE HOUSE f Welcome all students and InviteB vou to enjoy oUp Smoking and Reading Room, It 'a a pleasure to please, Try 1 " WFf'n'n'nnn BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' Trr JLoyi tfnWewltjr Atadtf SwtgiAtp ptro4lae theae Nbhia kB adveirtUera, mad to meatloa ' the paper while doing ae. 1 I I 11 WtWWWWWWVvV'pWV'I Us. '"UNI" SrVfdkE, HOUSE. .112 "0 8TREET j; The AGM13 ItwllhirllllftriisfNil ind Clttri The Ffmnf hace in trie West. 34 P Street iVlEMEN CANNON CO. 8WEATER AWARDED. jULMIUiMhMdUMfa CINCINNATI OUT PRICE 8H0E STORE AND- Efefttrit Shft Rtftlr Fatttry iA'VB you , THE;-and MONIY 110 0 St. ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. , BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKBRIBSDalrymplo, Fdldom, Pe : try: y BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's; flhrina. Marshall. Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; -tyhcoln University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, DonB, Buds. CIGARS Colo & MoKenna: Matt's Place. CLEANERS Wood CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast CONFECTIONERY DalrynfpTe; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschne'r-Morse. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut DRESSMAKING Soukup, DRUGGISTS Hlrschner-Morae, Jer ry, Rlggfl. DRY GOODS HerpoWhelmer Miller & Palhe. FLORISTS Chapln CIL-Fjcey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee ft Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rico. , JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris Numeral Members of the ftophomore 8qurd Named. "Bon" Cherlngton, manager of tho Sophomore football team, has -announced the men who -will recolve'iO sweaters. Their hames aro S. B. Biir lolglr.X,. E. Slauglitor, R. T. Dlttorllno, L. T. Spellmeyer? JR. E. Burke, "L. G. Qturdevnnt, R. G. Taylor, C. McVlvkor, Q. B. Lantz, R. H. Sturnegger, F. B. Ryan, Coach Beritley, Captain Price, fMannger Cherrlngton. T? " .Gt"your ahoeia hlnd by j 5 Amrlosin koys t j! . J COLE & McKENNA'S Z Y PALM GA.BDEN f yL' 1132 O - 1132 O Jj Mi- " 5 --fcx6'L0SIVE J m U TAILORS J Kfcml. . DCOC300Cxxxxccoocxxxx30ooaa Baeket-bir Rules. At a mooting of tho Western Inter colleglato Basket-ball .leaguo held at Chicago ori NoVmbor 2&tlf, the. follow Ingr rules were adopt 1. Tho hiaxlmum'Teo to bo paid a. referee in a collegiate contest be $10 and that both teams shall share equal ly the expense and fee of such official. 2. The referee shall be ityBtrucd on V)ut of bounds plays" to run to a position tit right angles to tho-playors where the -ball went out and indicate by pointing his arm and clearly an nouncing to whom tho ball belongs. 3. Blocking of a player not In pos session of ( the ball shall be permitted If the hands or arms are not used in Interfering Tvlth hlB progress. Oliver Thciitre TA rA V MATINEE, 2:30 9 -f Lifly"TONlGHTf 8MB BUSTEBROWN Mat. 7Bc to '25c. Night $1.00 to 26c. FRIDAY NIGHT, DECEMiER 13 EASCINATINQ FLORA With Adele Ritchie & Co.' to 70 PRICES $1.50 to 60o 8AT. MAT. AJeVE. DEC. 14 8TET80N8-BlG DOUiLE . , UNCLE TOMS CABffl Mat. 25 & 10c. Night 50, 30, 20,10o Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Hondorsoh and ttald. IAUNDRIES -Evans; MeMhantaUMrWllllam-Quick. . , -,V0la Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, F6l8om. DalrympierHIrsChnopMortor MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazo'k, Hayden Townsend, Clements. .PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PrtlNTERB George Bros.J Simmons REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS -Boston Lunch r Buds; Camdrohs; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Cole & Mc- Kohna. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Horoford--EBttv::Rogers & Per- klns; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt CO. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Weber. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresner; El liott; HeffleyJ Horzog; LudwigJ Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. , THEATERS Jeweji; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bfjou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS UnderWdOd. KEYS Thorp ' Var-Panta Ca CEKTRAL NAT10HAL BANK P. Ij. IlAlili, President. - - - F. S. JOHNSON, Vlee Frci. BEKMJLM O. FOX, Caller. 1 W W. UAOKNBY Jr., Ajiat. Oar. t. UNIVRSltY JEWEUR & v0PTIG!AN C. A. Tucker ' JEWELER " Dr. S-S. Shean OPTICIAN ' 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FROMT Yew ?rfJH StHeHti Thursday Convocation. GrleglMehloHal Pr0gTanTftfr"thl8' Morning Js as follows: Peer Gynt Suite Opus 4G Morning Mood The Death of 'Ase Anltra's Dance In tho Hall of the Mountain King. Mr. August Molzer First Violin Mr. Edwnrd Walt Second Violin LYRIC THEATRE MATINBB 3 P. M. BVS. 7t45 k 9.00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CKNf S FRANCE8CA REDDING A GO. . 'Her Frtnd rrem Texas'' PANKLEB ' The Mud-Man-Rapld Sculptor .'; ' D0UGLA8 & DOUGLAS Comedy Acrobats - ' WESTMACK- Blackface Comedians MIb Lillian Elche VIolincello Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond Organist In Error. The Nebroskan. was in error yester day in announcing that Prof. A. S. Johnson of the Political Economy do-department- would go to Wisconsin at the end of the second semester. Ho has accepted a position at the x University tor Texas and will ue at the growing sch'ool next year. lrrt Low Rates. ' Effective -November 25, jtho Wabash will put in a very low rate of $10.00 (second-class), unlcagd' to NGWxor: The WabaBh has Jhree "solid vestl buled trains leaving . Chicago daily from the Dearborn street station, at (12:04, 3:00 and, lttOO p. m. jpuruier miormauon may oe nau from Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D Omaha, Nob.' Captain Worklzer will give a prize foil and mask to tho best fencer this year; "The foil will bd awarded by a contest in which ability and form will .bo taken lut6 COnBiaeTaTimr will bo awarded during the later part tho college year. MR. JACK WlLDE Latest Illustrated Ballads 1 i THE LYR08COPE j.. .. i . Elite Theatre L08T m THE ALPS -MYfrTERIOUSAMOU R- CHANNEL I3LAND8V 'CRIME ON RAILROAD TOMMY'S WHISKERS, SONG -TJutT 8cTDearof "You"" MAJESTIC 1 i 1 1 1 fi 1 11 -WeeIrCoii8ncInrMoiiffijfrDBCr9-FULTOH STOCK CO. In a bcahtiftil Society Musicaji Comedy ' - hi Houit iff TroiiblV Evening prices ....', 16c an 26c Matinees, We. and Sal. t , . . . , . . 1 5c boatarcavd, Box ofllco opona 11 a. m. i -t ""c're now locatcH itvthemost beautiful store in the west " We handle jthejfinesf '. . . , HOT .DRINKS,; -.-. .. - n m ii. 1 - i-i - r' I I ! ! I I I I I I W in the city . Come in anct ty ' tnem-rr ,1 LlHCtln Candy. Kitcktn Hth kgd O' S9. west Cotnet Dr. Besgey has ro'c.olvod two very Id bpoks, printed in Latin, 'which dato ack noarlyTourJhUndred years,- One them, IheophrastUB' History, of larits,' -was published 4n 1520, The thor by 'John Ray, entitled "A Now othod of Arranging Plantswas pub lished In 1682. ' -- Tho girls' 'Pan-Hellenic dance will bo hold Jn Memorial Hall at 2:30 Satur day7 afternoon , ,AdmissIon 1sl twenty flvo cents, A. A. Steel. ?99. has been appointed assistant professor of geology andtnln- lng in, 'the university or Arkansas. AiTangomonts aro, being made 1 glrWtrack neot to bo held in spring. for a the pig lot $5 and $6.00 Slfes ?3.95, aanueraons aaio.f . 2ji Holiday Yard-Oboxes'at the. CQ-op. JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOYINI MCTUMS AND ILLUSTRATED SONQ8 -1330 O STREET- " HEFFLEYS BBBaiBBBHHBHBiaBBHBiBBaBBKaaaaHajaMaaaaB 1 UNIVERSITY TAILORS and I HATTERS '61 'ft h 1337 O STREET i X J- & v ,W rJ