mJL (& l'.Wl4 .,& jfc,. W-w V . f ' sr- I .. I ' - -".-''j-.'-'fi r'n-j-" ifaa. - - ; ' 11 1 tfbelitMelrta&jtah i nil i m i i .f -w fi,,!. ' ; ' j,, , JHH- THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. fllUSMEO EYMVJAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AMI MQHBAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. ' ta!iNffiiMa,itiM.i4fitL HUtinlniCHIef.iT.TrtrmMr AifMllli, 'Of Mariaalng Editor Clyde fe. tlllott, 'M Builne'it Manager... H. C. Robertton, '09 Editorial and Business Office j BA8EMBNT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poetofflce, Station A, Uncoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. B Centt Each Telephones: Bell i 1486, Auto 4888 TNnivmUAL. NOTICES will bo chanced for at thotrate df 10 conta por Insertion for ovory flf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notloos and. University bulletins will gladly bo published frco., ttntnreA at tho txiatdnlco at Lincoln. . Nebraska, as sooond-olass mall matter undor tho Aot of Confcroiia of March 8. 187. WHAT ABOUT 1T7 Inasmuch as tho first semester of this school year 1b drawing to. a close, there being but four weeks more of lectures, It Is a good tlme'ito take a - look around to see what the semester examinations may ibrlng forth. "A great deal can he accomplished In the four weeks and a little time snatched from tlrarploasures-of-the-holidayyacaUon, toward making-amends for-slris t)f-om- mlssion committed in tho weeks past. As a general rule the authorities say that the vacation period should be devoted to othor things than studying, this undoubtedly is-tme but neverthe less cases can bo imagined wherein a fracture of this rule would. ba-.advls .jabler Tho AVhole point Is that there always is a number of students who have a tendency to get behind Jn their Wotkv and by so doing '.bWonToMlscouir aged to tho extent of sometimes want I Just 15 Shopping Days Till Christmas My store is a store for mes'ptuff." THat Ts the place you SHOULD go when you want anything for a man. My merchandise Is the 'kind that appeals to men. I don't carry any dry goods, store Stuff. If I cid I wouldn't do the business because you expect and do get better values from me nobbier styles. BUDD,T2TH7nTER ing to give up-tho struggle. It Is this spirit of. glyjng. nn.thaOvorlcs more hardship and loses the student more hours of college credit, than anything else oxcont perhaps a persistent or Constant fftllnrfttn lmcnmn In tnroRtfin" in bis college work. It should bo the policy of the instructor and also of . tho fellow students of such a one to fencourago rather than discourage an Increased effort on his part -during the few romalningweoks' of tholjomcstcr. " Enough "menioave'the-TJnlvorsIty-with- out completing their courses and nec essarily this number Bhould not be In creased by a pbljcy qf deliberately dis couraging a young student who has been unfortunate enough to get a bad, start On tho other hand the student who has been able to maintain a high standard; "of scholarship thus far in the semester should not througlTovor confldenco decide to let things slide for the remainder. The proposition is quitp as true one way as th other. A good record can more easily be wrecked than a' bad lor indifferent one " bo reconstructed: 'The ,bjily solution of tho ilifflculty Is a consistent deter mination .to every day do' the work - x J. .- - r$' - ; (, fit .P.-. '.v-.. ! T-v .i - - 'n tf assigned. Any other course of action"! 1b beset with trouble. New. Books ..In the Library. Allen, Grnrtt.. Evolution df tho Idea of God. Barringor, t .M. Description of min erals of commercial vafue. Berty, A. and TlsBerand. Topographic liifltorlaue du vleux Paris. 5 vols-. -Cumont, Franzv Tho mysteries of ftithra. Gannett, Henry, of the world. 'Statistical abstract Hugo, Victor. Intellectual autobiogra phy. Ibsen, Henrlk. Samtliche Werke in jdeuCacher'Sprache. 10 vols. James, Henry. Tho BoBtonlons. Knox George W. Development of Re liglon In Japan. . Mahaffy, J. P. Silver Age of the Greek World. - Marchant, J. R. V. Commercial his tory. Ogden, Hollo. Life and Letters of E. L. Godkln. Oliver, Frederick S. Alexander Ham ilton. Ransom1 Caroline L. Studies -in An cient Furniture. n Rich, Walter H Feathered game of tho northeast. Shakespeare, Wm.v Antony and Cleo patra. The Yr-Mr G. A. mid-week meeting will be held in the now rooms In the temple on Wednesday openings. They will commence ten minutes earlier than formerly, ai 6.60 p. m and close .promptly at 7t30. T.hero tyljl be a Bhort song service, at the beginning of the meeting. Th topic for last evening was "The Spirit of the Con vention." Arthur Jorgensen reported on the International Y. iM. C. A. con "vention which-Tvas-lield-at- Washlng ton, D. C. Mr. Jorgensen attended the convention as a delegate from the Uni versity Y. M. O. A. y The TFreshmen Hon'committeo, of which Earl MalloryMs chairman, re ports difficulty inobtalnlng a satisfac- rv date foiC-thelr-lyonT T-he date-f most favorably thought of, however, Is February 7th Tho dance In all probably will bo held at the Lincoln J$tJ. Tho Freshmen were out in full forco at the County Fair last Saturday, nnd contributed nobly Ifo alluring bargains offered at the various booths. Many hinted, however, that-by-tho time an other County Fair came around they would be wise enough to escape with street car fare. Recently, the geology department has Jias tho Moropus Jaw and slnill photqgraphod. It is the most nearly perfect jaw and skull In existence and is estimated to be 5O,00D years old. The Carnegie Museum ''recently offer ed 1700 in cash and 100 in exchange for the specimen. Baked beans, baked 'on tho'prem ises nnd served hot with, delicious brown bread, 10c, aW-Tho Boston Lunch. " ' S rri-i . - zi ti " fuToir rm fcafcr zi lxl A - - -' ---. . ?""' T.ivf ffci--F,'rT ", .T? r nW Ml ' I . ' ft i i J. ?-. . . . a Special Sale of Opera Glasses LeMaire'X3 ligne -, .$la6ti LeMaire IB ligne $11.50 , Sptclal Discounts on Many LlrteMf HolKay Prtitwtt J. B. TRICKEY Co. -WHOLESALE and RETAIL JEWELERS, 1041 0 St., LINCOLN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. f hursday, December 12. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Musical program. 8:00 p. m. 145 South 11th St. Pathology Club meets. Friday, December 13. Iowa-NebrftBka debate. Saturday, January 11. Basket-ball, Muscatine vs. Nebras ka. Informal dance. Friday, January 31. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Informal dance. Friday, February. 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. The details of the Law hop have An ally been decided Upon by the commit tee. They are bb follows: tho dance 1b to be given on tho evening" of Feb ruary 7, at (Fraternity Hall, tickets $1.25". This" is the flrst-soclal-affalr- glven by tho Law School in a number of years and no doubt will be well supported by the men of that college. Specfal Rates Via Wabash Railroad The Wabash foaVA on. alo laily round -jtrip tickets to tall tho winter resorts of the south New Orleans, Gulf Coast pdints, Florida, Cuba, West Indies, etc., etc. For descriptive book lets, rates, time table and all informa tion address Harry E. Moores, G. A P. 4;r-WabaBh R R Omahar Neb.- - - ' ' ' ' Mali's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 140 No. Eleventh street The best place to eat in town is at Doqb Cafe 114 So. Eleventh b treat. Dr. Chas. .Youngblur, dehtlstOS Burr Blk., -; -zzz y Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. - s C. H. Frey,lorlstll33 O St y ImpotaiJt r of "Men's and Young Men's Suits 19U. .iv . jiv Wm i i ? " $15.00 $16.50 $18.00 $20.00 . T S. r. suppose young man you come in airtd try on one of these suits then look in the mirror . s then the sale is made. yyyf lowest pdiccs wd yi Jff THE TRUTH M(J&W -i i-Li i .WW. ,- I. t '.M 2A1 J ?t.T LaiAlolr Oyer Col' Racycles and Iver Johnson .Bley cles, Edison Phonographs and . Records, D. & M. 8portIng and Athletic Goods, Guns and Am-' munition. 1324 O STREET , THE FIRST TRUST a SAVIM8S MM XMsanuMT paid at k pift oitrr PlMt NAltMtl B"k JMsaW, TmMi afcl . V - HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing s s G. K. AKAGI & BROS. - EXCLUSIVE s JAPANESE STORE gterybody la oordlaliy in vited to call and Inspect QTtrstoy, .. 204 South Twelfth St. Sale rr M V .m' k. ' mmm, . h mm m sl Mil Mfc , . Suits $14 - . -Tt i s . irS- I I 4. -.r" 4 -. ' y 7 "i r ' ' 2&&fci' j y.tJf.JWCtfc, T&VAjJIMWta'N ..n y MMMlMflWM ( .' ,- x