- -' THBDAILV NeBlRflLSICAN A "v. I ( '' Thrown on Hie market. . We. must have $2,000 in the Next Ten Days. It's up to yon; - X A$1S,QQ0 Stock ot Mens Shoes XI X Crossett's $5.00 Shoes ... $3.50 Crossett's 4.00 Shoes . . . 2.85, Crossett's 3.50 Shoes . . . 2.50 Edwin Clapp $7.00 Shoes . $5.50 Edwin CTapp 6.00 Shoes . 4.50 ;E.T: Wright's 6.00 Shoes . 4.50 Forbesh $6.00 Shoes $4.50 men's Christmas sLippers $3.50 now $2.5(H $3.00 now $2:00 $2.50 now $1.75 $2.00 now $1.25- $1.50 now 95c m f We must, have this $2,000 and should we get this much before ten days the sale will be discontinued. if fc, .-r.y m-. - 0 Boys' Shoes at Half Price HEREFORD PETTI 143 South Thirteenth Street . i University Students Ladies and Gentlemen If In the market for a- new typewriter jordeaI ri ngtoentone; war -"woutd-boTjlad-to-haYe-ounjales- r man call and demonstrate the J -visible IJndenwood. Youra re.- epeotfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 -P-St; Bell-348 BARBERSHOP ti C1BAH STORE W. H. BARTHELMAN, Proprietor . 134 South Eleventh 81. . - Eatt We . --- Petry Bakery Co. Baking Ordor's Fillwl Promptly , f IME RICE DDEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUR ORDER ILL 'in50ErvTFTnioinTxrTBin30: GULLIBLE PUBLIC. (Continued from Page 10 In tho Nebraska Farmer -in which ho expressed the idea that many Nebras ka field wpre already so well Innocu JatetL that to apply ' the-arUflcIaL in- .noculation wouldbeabout as supers fluoiis us to present hair tonic to the wild man of Borneo. Shortly after this tho New York Experiment sta tion showed that in the vast majority of cases no living organism actually reached the farmer when sent out In the proposed manner and that when living organisms did reach the far mar, innaculation was less successful "lhun" WhQirsp1l" from" an old-field of clover or alfalfa was appliod. wo are now hearing no more about vest pock et fertilizer. -Some- years agio,--a-Gierman-chemlBt- nanVeJL Tlttlca. grayely announced thaX he had made arsenic by -burning red phosphorous in ammonium nitrate and preclpitating'out the synthotic arsenic with hydrogen sulphide. It was asserted that the ago of alchemy had returned. If Tlttlca could QolliiaV Why .could not gold be made out of copper, silver and ilnc. It took just about a week for tho bubble to burst. Another German chemist, Winkler, showed that the arsenic was present as an impurity in the original materia, and that Tlttlca had mado a very stupid blunder in testing for It. TheRo numerous Instances elfow ' CALLING CARDS simSion f 317 SOUTH' TWELFTH ST. If you want to go out in society DRESS RIGHT We-will-make-you-a-dress-suit, latest-style-, -best-trimmings From $30 to $50 A ELLIOTT BROS. J Makers of "TaitzTq&T U2 So J2th St' wrfymptmui fjA. Frats and Sororities . "S When in Need of COAL call and tee the. . WHITEBREAST: We will treat you right " Li' G0 J a Phonei: Bell 234j Auto 1610. vuice x iuu v., ' .,i'..i . r n i"fi i -- ' going on' now, 50 per Jygjnt dlS90lmipJUlllJcs - v paper - for the next ten days. Now is the time , to stopk up. HIRSCHlHG-MOnSE COMP'Y PriCrlptiori P.rufiipts '131 'SOUTH ELEVENTH STTl UiaL'Uiere are a number oilmen, taalc lng in the name of science, who ought to be discouraged 'by their really scientific brethren. However, the con servative scientist generally has an aversion to that sort Tf thing nd- la very much disinclined to mingle In a public controversy. Scientists do not like to knock, for ''a boomer lives forevev. but a, knocker dies in a day." In spite of friends, boomers andv erratic exponents-;of science, tno pro- grt'tm uf suluiicu 1h;uuL sorluusly hlu UNION COLLEGE Till hDC Mi(r Ctllip I ffllkUllU Bulldlnr iiiny Ftr First Cfast Tallirhif AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW rgdCTcenTlnTtggftyfrt work nf freeintr the human mind from -sblence-cmvtlhue8 to-improve-'mafie'rlal- conditions. Tho rogresslvo develop ment of tho press will be a factor In forming public opinion into such an attUude..tliat:tUwlli no longer retain ripectl'f.oF SmaHvho bas been-a party ip a scientific fiasco. ' The Yard-0 2Gc bpxes are beauties. Palace counter, Juat plo's. se v JHr a oulct ining Hall. No lun x quiet evening mealat Dalrym- Bcckman Bros. Fine shoes. lloYO. St. Try Froncl6 Bros restaurantrlpSO P. OaraexQa'Junoh'-opunter-l29 So. 127 TT r Mi I i l ! .A&t I Mill ! OIW l 1( .. , ; ; iwim ia , m .. J 1 M. ! 1 Gregory's Semi -Anthracite FOR FUMACES $7.50 KO CLIIKER M SUTE GREGORY THE COAL MAN j r'i' I AMERICAN SAVINGS JANK BLOB. 132 N. IHk STREET -, j . - Tkt fir rmaiidtr'f Schial Yaar ally $1.50 ''H 1 1 1 "-'r-"" - ll r "" ""Sftl. . &" .. 1 'I -jizJtJL f T I ? 'T.Bl ' J' wi "1 ' I m M -H.'l: I 7H iil li "T r-. f ' r- ,-, i . i'rti, -., , I '" " '."I"'1 i . ;i-1. - .. e V X ;'... t- J"&