be Bails fie raeRart u VoLVIIr No. 53. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA,, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I J, t907 Price5CefltsT LOSES ONE MAN PUBLIC GULLIBLE i rr X Li,' .IMP" J- It, -, t' fe. iowa team "Will have to use an alternate. One of the 8cnlor Members Hat An Abscess on His Jaw and-WIII not ' ' Be Able to 8peak Friday. Word has Just been receivod from the Iowa debaters that they will bo forced to appear In hard luck at tho .debate" Friday evening. One of the two seniors on tho team hns an ab sceBs on the Jaw and will bo unaolo to debato on tho thirteenth. Law rence Mayor Is preparing to tako his place. The team will arrlvVin Lincoln Friday morning. 'Professor Fogg has decided Uiat,, it will be impossible for him to go to. "Minneotfta with the debating team when1 It leaves this afternoon. Tho work of tho department makeH it Im possible for him to be absent tho length of time that would be necessary to make tho trip. Professor E. B. ' Conant of tho college of Law will "chnperono" the team and act as tho representative of tho faculty. . - The third judge for the Minnesota and Nebragka"Uobatu ' Is MTTItr"B; Scott. Mr. Scott Is. an Instructor of Political Science In tho University of Wisconsin. The other two judges are Judge J'. A. Vlnje of Superior, 'Wlsccftmln and Judge-John J. Fruit of La Crosse. The Nebraska team will leavo for Minnesota at 4;30 on th'o Burlington this afternoon. It Is expected that the studenfs will give tho team a send-offi Professor Fogg has received a leu ortronrMiramueriimTilteriirBainoT College, Oxford -who opened tho case for Nebraska InHho debato with Wis consin -.last spring. Ho says: "Al though it is impossible to bo present at the' debate my thought and sym-. pahles will all bo with you on the thirteenth,' and none will rejoice more over a Nebraska triumph than I." Bur", detto Q. Lewis, '04, head statlclan for tho public servico committee of New Xork City, George A, Leo, '04, Spo kane, "Washington, and Walter F. Moy or, 03," have also., written expressing their hopes for the., success of both tennis. - - - Members of tho faculty are reserv ing their seats nt Harry Porters. They will occupy the front part of section C, Tho college of law will occupy tho rear, half of this same section. Pictures bf tho debaters can be ' seo on tho Faculty bulletin board or at Harry Porter's." On the tower of University Hall a largo electric sign has 'been placed, - . abbs-- X BBsfsslBBBBBBBBBiki''' ;BBBBBBBBBBBBBsRMTt' V ' bBpR-Mk i IXTlfi T iWfc flit PEOPLE ACCEPT BIQ SCIENTIFIC YARN8 A8 TRUTH. '' Prof. Avery Says Interest of Public Is Great In Supposed Application of Practical Science. world tho date of the debate, ""13. The debating board, after a lengthy discussion cdmo-to tho; conclusion that they woul'd rlBk tho hoodoo. After the show or party just drop Into tho TJoston iLuifch for "a" Sandwich" arid a-cup of, coffeo or an oyster stew. GOV. JOHN A. JOHNSON Chairman of the Nebraska-Minnesota. Debate. ' It Is a strange coincidence that the chairmen of tho two debates in which Nebraska vrlll participate Friday night aro ' regarded as the strongest presi dential possibilities in' tho democratic party for 1908. For over a year W. J. Bryan ,who will preside at the Nebraska-Iowa debate in Memorial Hall, waB looked upon as a ure "winner in the next democratic convention, hut a few months ago Colonel Henry Wat, terson camo forth with another man Cor tho nomination, and It Is now-con ceded that Mr. 'Bryan will have a fight on his hands in tho next convention. Marso Henry's choico was Governor John A. Johnson of-Mlnnesota, who will act as chairman of tho Nebraska Minnesota debate at Minneapolis and who is looked upon as the formidable opponent of Mr. Bryah. Tho decision of such men b Bryan 'and Johnson to' preside at the Inter collegiate debates shows' the-importance" -which Is attached to these con testa by the"grcai men of tho country. Next Sunday at the Lyric. Dr. J. B, Turner, president of Grand bearine4he-flgure-4op6 afternoon "rooQUmj of? the City nnd University Young Women's Christian Association, hold in, tho Lyric Theater. Or. Turner is a very eloquent speak er atfd his address was enjoyed by all. He spoko particularly of the signifi cance of the namooftho association, choosing as his text, "Render unto Coesnr tho Tilings which' Aro Caesar's, and Unto God tho Things Which Are God's." Miss Pinder, of Grand Island, volln. Next Sunday, December 15th, Miss Alice Howell- will -read "Tho -Lost Word," ai tho afternoon servico and Mrs. English will elng. All. those who know and have heard Miss" Howell will Bo Interested to Tiear lier "next Sunday afternoon. The seryjee beglna at four o'clock. "The public huB paused from tho era of modlovnl suporstltlon when it dollghtorl In tho tales of working sta tues of tho Virgin, to tho time when -It swallows without rosorvatlon tho stories' of Burko's rad lobes and tho dlHcovorles of tho Cobbler of Altoo na." ThiiB declared Professor Avery of tho department of chemistry in u prac tical talk on 'Tho Sclontlst and tho Public," yostorday morning at chapel. Tho attitude of tho public 'towards pure Bclonces varies from languid po- llto Interest to complolo Indifference. TJio attitude of tho public on tho other hand, toward the supposed application of science of a nracticnl nature Is ono of oxtremo Interest. Tho human mind haB always loved a. sensation. Wo see It In tho marvel- TJUByth-rT"rlQTUlV6Hf)e7rpTo8" firtho" exaggeration of children, In tho hoad lines of tho press, and In tho yarns of the average citizen. Most of tho men of science, however, are about as con servative as 'they over wore. Tho best type, of scientist would rather say too little than too much. There Is mv fortunately n rather largo number of men acting as spokestnon for scien tific thought who, through a hist fof unearned greatness, ora desire to bo" talked ubout, are showing an Indiffer ence to the truo dignity of sclencoi This clasB of men fan bo best charac terized bv a fow llliifltrntlonn . . . I 4 row years ago the country -was startled 'by an' article In a prominent publication treating of tho wonders of copper sulphate. Lessor prints took iN., Car- up tho rofralnand added to it. ry a little of thcNiopper solutlon-la. a vial in your pocket, put' a drop In your drinking water, and you .can defy the most truculent microbe' It Bhown that diseases are largely Increasing andwhy? Wo havo coat asldo tho copper kettle and tho vordlgrls of our. grandmothers. Give us-xopper-orwo-perish. Since this time, numerous workers using exact observation and correct thinking havo showrpthat there was no basis In fact for tho supposi tion that copper will be found a general panacea for diseases caiiBe by micro-organisms Recently a prominent magazine an nounced -that certain scientists had succeeded In working out a process for growing inoculatlngraatorlal in Knnflfttting the fertility of the cnound. Soon the air was filled with taJk-bQUt vest . pocket fertilizers,- Commorcfal con- cernr offered to lnnocujato tho ground of thefarjjior at two dollars per acre. When the agltntldruwas at Its height Profesor Ayjery published an article . (.Continued on Page 8.) Cornhusker Banquet, Sat, 8:30, Lrndell; Tickets $1.00 - - s K "-" -"-" " jt I 'J . - -V,