V&- - " THE .DAILY NEBRAKAN 5. a: V .-ttbc alls Ikeln-afcMn THE PnOPBUTY OP TIIR UNIVKItBITY OF, NEBRASKA. LIiicoIq, Ncbrnnkn. v rUBUSHEO EVERY OAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAt BY TUB STUDENT PUB. BOAP.D, Piblieatlod Otnct. 126 No. 14th St. t J . l ii - EdltorlnChlaf Mr A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, 'OS Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copier. B Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICE9vwM be.chanttd for at tho rato of 10 cents por insortlon for ovcry fifteen wordB or fraction thereof. Faculty notlccB ana Untvoralty bulletins will gladly bo published froe. "Entered at tho postorrico at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall . matter under tho Aot of Conpross of Maroh 3, 1879.. was manifested that lsji credit to tho TudgnTolfT ftnd'cliSfScteF of" tliff figrl cultural students. Their work Is quite apart from augmentation ami publfa Breaking as a general thing but even thnt being tho case, tho moro credltablo Is this manifestation of a (loalro to aviill thcihsclvJBs of an ap "portunlty to broaden their experience. Unquestionably Httbstantlal benoflt can not but come to tho student who do- go soniothlng out of'them. listens to theso lntor-colleginte bates with a determination to . THEFAIR. Tho County Fair Ib pow a thing of tho past but boforo pormlttlng the affair to bo crowded back Into oblivion a fow wordB of commondation 1b cer tainly tho duo of thoBO who assumed tho rcBponslblllty and who mado It a success. Judging from tho vorjr fa vorable reports current it undoubtedly was successful both from a financial "ami-aoclal point of view. Tho oppor tunltlosforlendlng a holping hand In tho . way oflvlng your Jndlvldual support to worthy enterprises aro un- limited but tho unfortunato thing Is. that those opportunities aro somo- tlmbB passed up. Not so In regard to thlb benoflt for tho University Y. W. C. A. upon which occasion tho studont rMwdfcraillzlng that tho object Ib worthyTTttadly. turn out. TIib function sdlyUi has been populu thoro 1h no reason iWntho on wnjSi past" and should not Oompensatlon. (Hocelvcd from ono who "has went,") I did not laugh at ono profs jokes, I went and cut another'; And ono assumed Bttch dignity My mirth I could nosniother. I always got lir late for ono Ton minutes lato or more; Ho wanted all to hear him out And my caso mado him Boro. Anothor ono conditioned mo Because TVHtT not plug; t Anothor Just 'caiiBo 1 forgot Tim name. dL Honm rara,bug Well, "how 1'vo flunked "and I've gono homo My college days are done, But lot mo tell you, college folks -I had a lot of fun. Ex. vKtflrtK4Tri4)lwk BMy Mmez&&r 'FLAT S!f ALL , CLASP $K S1LU T BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The neVesI shades and designs of one piece, pure silk web. All metal parts heavy 'nickels plated brass, cannot rust. 25c a pair, tall dealers jor by mail.. ' PIONEER SUSPENDER CO,, 71Q market Streot PttltadelpUla ifclrit Pumtir fiiHprhiltrf A PA88INQ OF FENCE. The fence that has helped enclose tho Athletic Field on the south and west Bides haB been removed. Tho pnBHiig of tho fence marks tho first stop in tho destruction of tho athletic Hold. Next Bprlng ground will bo .broken oh tho gridiron for tho engin eering building and before' next fall comes around Nebraslka Field will -be a thing of tho past. Tho Cornhusker football team will not play Bondor'u toam-at Eullman, Washington, Christmas. Several of the playors do not want to mako the trip and the Athletic Board does not look with favor upon the proposl- y CHRISTMAS GOODS RIINE LEATHER NOVELTIES USEFUL, DURABLE, bR NAM ENTAL2 Pockot Books, Carcl Cases, Bill Books, Shopping -TBags, Trunks, Oxford Bags, "Suit Casosr nncTWrfst Ladies'" Satchels, Fitted Bags, Flasks, Cigar Cases, Dressing Cases; Toilet Rolls, etc., etc. Our line is complete and of the newest styles. Visit us. ' WIRICK'S TRUNK STORE 1036 O STREET UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. BUDD S Sample JEWELRY SALE CufTBt I bought a sample line of Scarf Pins and I will sell them at ONE-THIRD OFF, See my window. am not in the jewelry business. BUDD, $2.50 HATTER ilnAjw 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Dr. Samuel Avery, "ThcScIentlst and the. Public." Friday, December 13. Io.wa-Nobraska 'debate. ., . i Chicago Great Western Railway. . Tho Short Lino and most popular train service to St Paul and Minneapo lis. Trains leave Omaha qt 7:30 a m. and 8: 30 p. m., making direct connec tions with all trains for tho North WtJSt. Homeseokers'-jates every first and third Tuesday during Octo"bor nnd No vember to points In Northwest. Ask -to bo routed .via tho "Great Western" railroad. For further information apply to FRED WIGHT, District Passenger Agent, M2KEarnam St., Omaha, Neb. DramatTcvCJjjb Meeting. Tho Dramatic Club-iylll meet UiIb CL'wt " . y '"" - . :7C : Everv member Is -tirced to boTiresont to consider some important ousincsqm MME. F.F.ROSS Scimtiflo Cblropriist Manicurist AIR 11ESSIM IM UtSME MltHt ISM 0 ft, LINCOLXrNEi. - -n. . MMMMMnMMMMMMMMMMaMMMMMMBj w 5 Get your ahoeiTshlntd by $ Arharloan hoys at i COLE & McKENNA'S j 5 PALM GARDtN - '.I contlnuo to bo bo in thff future. All that is required to Insuro Us perma nent and lasting favor Is an annual crpp of enthusiastic workers who aro willing to lay asldo poraonal con veniences and indulge in a little work for the general good of the-Unlversity Women. - . AN EXAMPLE. Tho information has reached the NobraBkan ofllco to the olTect thai the Btudonts at tho Stato Farm havo en gaged something over 100 tickets for flio Iowa-Nebraska dobato next Friday evening. Thoro are approximately threo hundred st'uderits registered for thQ coursed in hgrl6UUUV6r'aml'",out"r; 4haWuunvbotwon-Uun4rfid havohowa ther intention to come out and hoar this debate. It would seem unjust to tho Btudonts registered for work on tho campus, who havo a better op- -Torttmtty"ty ' WiSWrnio "Interested i such matters t6nhtlmato that, possi ' bly tho stato farm students show a livlier appreciation of tho genuine importance of this work but actions speak .yolumpB. A,JPasB mooting was held at tho stato farm on Friday oveh ing of InBt week'and an eager interest tion. Coach Walker of tho Utah Agrlcul turo football team is in tho city. Mr. Walker had hoped to, schedule a game with the Cornhuskers for the Christmas holidays, but the decision or tho Athletic Board not to le"t the Xobrnska eleven- mako a western trip dashed tho hopes of tho Utah Coach. Next year NobraBka may be. ablo to glvo tho MormoirB a gamo. Burdotto G. Lewis ha"B beep appoint ed Bonlor statlclaH of tho Now York public service commission. Mr. LowJS did graduate worlc at tho Universities of Cornell anuSviscohsln after his graduatlon-from-NobraskaProvioua to his present appointment ho-Bervcd on a committee lnvpBtlgatlng finances and financial securities of the rail- J ways of the United States. Ho was recommended to his present position his formor employers. Tho arclies'i'ovcr tho entrance gates w.ero madQ in tho shops in 1905, but were not placed attho. gates until last summer. Tho pieces composing the - arches were made by different students whb were taWpg'shop work at that time, . ' Ames losT nlho of Tier 'Varslfy- foot ball men this year, ncludlng Captain McElhlnnoy, heffert, Jensen and Hubbard. 20 long letters In-a(Yard-0 Box for 25c. JDr.Chast Burr Blk. JfgujiHhluf..-den.ti8t;-02 25c buys the Ynrd-0 Xmaa box. Patronize Capital Hotel Barber shop. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY 1138 N St. Socialnights Mon. and Wed., 8 to U Beginners night, Wednesday, 8 to H UNI. STUDENTS BSPBCIAJJ-Y INVITED -SELECT CROVD ChajiinEros., florists, 127 So." 12th. Tho Vard-0 25c boxes aro beauties. UNIVERSITY JEWELER t OPTICIAN C.A. JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean dprrciAN 1123-0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT. Ysur PalrtMge SeUclled 000000000OC00 If you want a SQUARE MEA talt f 2S CJk Q A- ' St" 1 Popular Prices so to the i . . m Ni - y NEW WINDSOR CAFE Excollnt JS'arvic 0000000$0OSO09000$0 a, "3 . ( m l ' g'' , -. T Mm TT" " 'ii mm ft J V;l V - .vl ft A 'k ft I'LV . ' - .. ;t.W, t tu r . . .m aci. : as tj. V J V , , 3?"" W-' V , ' - . 5. .