Pbe 2)&l IRebcaefcart i 1 rr : " " :. J. r y. VII. No. 51. h UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1907. PriceSCent- h - v 4 . r. X . t l.v . I ( ' IlfC COUNTY f AIR Annual event will take PLACE in armory tonight. V t . jAII'tho ?gttractlons Haro Arrived Lrnci. the Fair Will, Open with '' ri. .At. . everyxning in nace. - v - Tho annual county fair will orion and close In: iho Armory tonight. 'It fwill last -from eight to twolvo and during that timo tho promotors ,ox pccb to oausof small financial strin gency to take, .hold of tlio atudonta. The fair promisoa to bo tho "largost jovor" In all ways. J Tho Boarjyof Management has mot .with Us "first rovoraal. Undo Tom, Who had promlsod to graco Iho occa sion iwlth h'lsC proscribo, tolographod I rjom Sidney, Iowa that thq soyoro Ill ness of TopV, duo lo ah attack of. appendicitis' and tho subsequent oporn tlon on hor will provont his prosonco unless his slstoi;, Miss Carollno Bag-'gagp-'wlll bo ablo to Join tlio troupo , today. Coming nt'thls lato poHod tho mattor has caused groat dlBBapoIntr mont to tho managore of, tho Pair who always aim -to supply their patrons with tho BEST and that In unlimited qUantitios. Howovor a word of choor comes .with tlio mossago recolvod last ovon lng from Professor Schonollonhorn of tho University of Lolpslo Uiat ho will certainly bchoro. Tho Professor will place, on oxhlbltlon a rocont discovery which ho has mado on which ho basos claim .that thp, ancient Egyptians understood oloctrlclty. While dig glng noar the 'Pillars of Thobos in 1005, the Profossor found a curious monstor. Ho looks llko . man or rathor like thoso flguros which found on Egyptian monumonts havo boon t ;supposod, to roprosont a man. Whon ho is brought within tho rango of a ipoworful gonorator, ho gradually be comes ondu'od with Hfo movos, walks, makos motions, 'dope ovorythlng but apeak, Jhen whon the olpctrlc. influ pneo ceases, ho as gradually closes his animation. 'Ho has boon exam ined by Edison,, Wostlnghouso, Crookes, Hewitt and other, groat olec- trlclans and nonp of thorn can dotoct tho 'method of oloctrlcal oxcltomont profosaor, Schnollonhorn will exhibit una cnigmaroie as it is cauoa at me Fair this evening, ,Much, questioning Is bolng.Jndulgod la as to just what that Bachelor's Christmas dinner Is. It's something at which tho youngest freehrimn and the gravest professor may feel a. kin dred, thrill, which will appeal to the personal experience of.eyeryone. At a recent meeting of the 6,dpho more ' claas It was unanimously de cided not to hold an Informal on-De- cemberthe iith, the night of the-Oorn-husker banquet, as had been contem plated. Thisv action, , fn, giving .their, support to the success of thQ banquet shows tho proper spirit. An informal will be holdrsometime afterCbriftmas. '- Hiss Grace Sargent, '05, is princi pal -of the Syracuse' higk school, oofaw)ooo6o Interstate Debate - ' Memorial Hall 10 WA!- NEBRASKA DECEMBER Address by WJ. Brf ihl 0)K)K0K0000 L Y. M. C. A. OPEflN New Rooms 8urpass ExpectatV of M e m b 6 fst'"' - Tho now rooms of tho Y. M. O. A. woro openod most auspiciously Thurs day oyonlng. Dvoryono was most agreeably surprised at tholr slzo and tho flno mnnnor In wrhloh thoy havo boon fitted up. Tlio mnnnor in which tho furnlturo harmonlzod with tho room was especially commontdd upon. A groat many ponnnts havo boon placod on tho walls whoro thoy' -show to flno ndvanfago. A abort timo was given to a formal ogram which had boon prepared for slon. Morlo Burbank sang a barfwnp solo "Lord of dio Soa" by Trevolyn. J. Waltor Knodo spoko for a fow minutes on "A Col I ego Aran's Social Lifo, Mr. Dor Klndorn discussod "'A Collogo Man's Rollglon in Dvory Day LifpU,,Mr.- ntrtlodgo gavo a short rocitatlon. Profossor Stuff spotio on "A Collogo Man's Studios", and 'brought out tlio thought that a man who becomes known as a "sluffor" can novor wlold much In fluonco In tlio Unlvorslty or nnywhoro olso. After this an informal Jollification was hold. All stiff noss4 was soon lost and ovoryono had a good Umo. Sov oral pooplo, whllo making an Informal call on tlio fly family, found to their sorrow that thoy woro not quite as harmless as tholr namos would Indi cate. Spvoral other games ot a simi lar naturo loft an lmprosslon on soy oral -unfortunates which will long bo remomborod. Tho ovonlng closed with Informal singing around tho piano. Miss Hlntorlong was called homo before' Thanksgiving"' bocauso of the death of hor fathpr and has not yet returned. MrWE..Hou80worth, '10, has been, appointed ste'go manager for tho Uni versity Toraplb thoatro. - r : !(CCCH0COCK OUR ANNUAL BENEFIT Y, HAPPY HOOLIGAN, UNCLE TOM LEW DOC3CSTAPER SATJXRDAt, DE5.;7; ARMORY. ADMISSION 10c cKodfodi -' - THIRTEEN, '07 Musfc by Cadet Band 1 BILLY WILLIAM8. Popular Minstrel Will 8peak at Men's Meeting 8unday. . Noxt Sunday aftornoon at tho Oli ver thoatro Mr. Billy Williams, tho popular mlnstrol and ovangollstowlll nddross a nion's mooting. FroPhIs roputatlon it is thought that ho will mako n very Intorostlng talk. Fn a-ithor ontliUBlastlc announce ment bolng handed around by tho Y. M. C.yA. is found tiho following do- rlption 'Billy Willlnms.tho popular mlnstrol, Jolly, lovablo, humorous, laughter provoking Billy Williams, -who haa tourod tho country ' fronr ocean to ocoan and from Cnnada to tho gulf, always loavlng a trail of laughtor bo hlnd him, will bo tho apeakor at tho men's mooting Sunday aftornoon. His songs aro sung and Wlilstlod in ovory flflfK tt tllrt Tin If A1 FOntftir nrf tin Viaa won many morals for his dancing. His charming porsonallty has endeared him to tho hparts of thoatro-goors, Ho is now doing ovangollcal work wltli markod succoss. Ho haa a unlquo talk and ono worth going miles' to hoar." Philippine Teacher. Tho authorities of tho Phlllpplno Oovornmontostlmatb thoro will bo three hundred vacancies to ,bo filled tho coming sprkig by tho appointment of toachdrs. Examinations to fllf thoso positions will bo hold December 27 and 28. The authorities doslro to se curo young mon of high charactor and qualifications. 1- Tho Dramatic Club was entertained at the homo of Miss Ruth Bally, 1927' E, on Friday ovonlng. Moat of tfie recently olocted members were pros- ont and gavo vuioir "try-out'' selec tions. Aftor tho show or party just drop into tho Boston Lunch for a eandwloh 'and a cup of coffee or an oyster stow, i COUNTY FAIR X. W. C A, . 0 . pi TO PUBLISH BOOK f -- PICTURE8 AND REPORTS OF DE- BATES TO BE PRINTED.. Eastern House Will Get Out Book Containing RwdlfiT$f Central ' Debating Circuit's Contests. ',! , ''f Tho Nebraska debating board is ox porionclng a liWlo troublo in securing Judgds for tho two debates cof tho Gontral Dobating Circuit in which tho local dobators will participate noxt Friday ovonlng. Two mon havo boen soloctodf to oompoBo oach Jory for the two contosts but tho third man has not beon choaon as ypt. Tho two Judges chosen for tho Nobraska-Iowa dobato aro Judgo'Qulnn of Fajrmont, Minn., and Benjamin C. Taylor Esq!', of iMankato, Minn. For tho Nobraska Mlnnosotd contest Judgo A. J. Vinje of Suporior, Wis., "and Judge J. J. Fruit, of LaCrosso, Wis., havo boon . secured. Tho local board Is kooplng tho tolograph wires hofai an offort to got tho third -Hinn for oach Jury. Tho local ohaptor of Phi Alpha Ta'u ' Is planning to show tho Iowa dobators a good timo whon .thoy aro horo noxt weok and will banquet them at one of tho loading hotols aftor tho dobato. ,On the same night tho Nobrasku mon who are at Minneapolis will bo. enter tained at a rocoptlon tondorod thorn1 by tho Dolta Sigma Rho fraternity of tho Gopher School, ' - ' ( Tho local dobato between .Nebraska and .Iowa Is attracting much atton Uon. among tho students, of toils and otlhor schools. The various literary aoclotles and other organizations of thd University havo, reserved sections of seats for tho dobato and""wlll post pone their rogular rioBslon that are usually hold on .Friday night Both CJotnor and Bollevuo Colleges 'will hnvo delegations In attendance at this content. Theso k schools next spring will dobato tho samo question that will bo discussod by Nobraska and Iowa. Tickota for tho Nobraska-Iowa' dOv bate wore placed on salo yesterday at tho Co-op., Harry Portor's and the Unlvorslty Book Stores. " The center of tho lower floor and tho first; of each balcony . aro reserved. It. A. Van Orsdcd, Law 1910f is managing tho local debate. 'Pictures of tho thirty representa tives oi the flvo schools in the Cen tral Debating circuit, and verbatim re ports of Iho various debates to be de livered the night of Decemher 13, will be published by a prominent book hoiise soon after the event. . l The question which is on "the ex clusive federal control of transporta tion companies doing an Interstate business, 1b of great prominence just now and has attracted the firm to the venture, They are now secuxipr pic tures of 'the debaters and representa tives of the house will be!n attend ance at all the contests and take the speeches verbatim. 'The importance of the question and ' the fact that It will be one of the leading questions of the next cam) (Continued ob page 4.) y J 1, 4 "j iVSL ,-.i4.Vi. A 41. v -. j".JHitV'i.viil . . . . . i !! mm II i.i