The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1907, Image 3
TtlB;EAIL,V NEBRA6JCAN ..,-T . rA.j - TL 7 i w j I A SNAP WO R Y O U vfw.V; f ;i 10 to 50 per cent DISCOUNT KHEVMsT EDITION I .A ':ALL ABOUT '9fe ft , w ' . ftTtrOSI iBBHaHvnnnjri 1 . f ! . 1 ' . .A V & n i ! 1 -i. ? bwfi 'ft-'-'c. ?i . r. - ! r. .- Pv;.- HP: ,'" &.?.-. r ' V rv-- . if w v. 7 11 k 'ynaaiK -1U I 111 m 5tt H , uLr. . . MVAaaT I SALE 'I : Baaar ljaaaBM , -OUKC& GREAT SHQ On All Shoes, Slips and Oxfords v. - NOTHING RESERVED - -i hV' SWELL WINTER OXFORDS A. TH- trlf ttia-Q STREET. SWELL PUMPS AND . M t SLIPPERS 7 nwvi . .. - HEFF LEV'S UNIYEETY TAILORS and JHAt-TERS i 1337 O STREET I; .' -EXCLUSIVE " y TAILORS t :'l320Nt., Llntiln, Nli. C .Gt ywr ha thlnsri by f 'j - ' Amsrloan hoys at i COLE A McKENNA'S f ' 5 J PALM-GARDEN'. C . i 1132 O., VJjJ5?9j THE FIRST TRUST & SJMHGS BANK at TIM r&t NaUoasl Bank J 'iMTKUHT FAH AT SH PER CENT Ftftt HaIImiI Bank Reemt, Tenth and 0 ' L. J, HERZOG THE BMiytRSITY HAKS' TAILOR Tb fiatcfe work dona and prices Tight 011 at omr sew atore. .1230 O St. - Llnooln Box Writing Paper Sale going n now. 50 per . cent discount on -all box Spaper ' for the next ten 1 days. Now is the time to stoc)c up. HIRSCHINQ-MORSE COMP'Y Prescription Druggists 131 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all-students and invites you to enjoy our 8moklng and Reading Robm. It '8 a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET TheACME r Bowlbiti BilllinltfFttl ni Clears Tho Finest Place fn the West. 934 P Street ME MM EN CANNON CO. Lawlor Cycle Co. Racycles and Iver Johnson Bicy cles, Edison Phonographs -and Records, D. & M. 8portlng and Athletic Goods, Guns and Am munition. 134 O STREET Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly HUE RICE MEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US' AND YOUE OBDKR WILL BKOBIVB PROMPT ATTENTION ' If you want to go ojjt iii socUty DRESS RIGHT W$ Will make you a dress suit, latest style, best trimmings K, . - at-" - From $30 to $50 ELLIOTT BROS. Makers of Tasty Togs ' 142 So. 12th- St. SOME BIG NINE GAME8. (Continued from Page 1.) under hla able tutelage the Nebraska bunch has mno a Bhowlng which will placo Cole among the bent coaches In the wdat. - e 'Nebraska will losfrbut one man this year, and "It Is predicted that tho west erners will be In such shape next sea son that Yost's machine will have to go the limit ,to beat them." Nebraska mot Michigan In 1905 and won the respect of the Wolverines by her brilliant showing. The student body at Nebraska Ib strongly In favor of achedullng unother contest with Yost's pupils. GREAT BIG DOINGS. (Continued on Pago 3.) sclontlflc harmony teachers'. I would be very glad to correct thoso exercises for you. As to their beauty or appro priateness I do not know. That Is. un important." "Th.0 'songs you mention remind me of an experience I had the. last time J was In Germany' said Carl Steckle burg when interviewed. "You know 1 have spent a good deal of time In Germany, of course. Xe I studied with the great Herrman and ho never taught so well as when ho taught me. It takes good material for a teacher tq do good work with. Bui to return to the songs. I was wandering through anold castle, one of tho nobility had Invited mo, when through a dooj I heard 'the sweet strains of a nursery song, sung with tho wrong words. I thought Itpniy right to'lot tho nurse know that she was letting the chil dren sing tho wrong words and that it was a bijd thing to let them con tinue Incorrectly. So I wont and In formed her as to what sho should do, very considerately ,;I thought. But slie was so ungratdful that she called for help, and I was literally thrown bodily out of the nursery. Since I had' been invited and had n perfect right there, I did not feel Chat I had come off second best, in landing on the ground so that 1 did not Injure' my 'hands I felt that I had bestowed a great ser vice, to ."humanity and so I felt quite the. he,ro?; 'But the songs', 'you say. Yes, 'very line Tha romlnds me of nnother Incldent'when I was studying with tho great Ysaye when I was last abroad tc." Swell party sllppera-10 to' 50 per cent off. Sanderson,' tale. t You cm M it wtfymnm -- M'i jBX . ' Tft .i .'4 T 4a & Ar foji Conklln's Solf-PHHn'g Pea frt'iho best fountain pen for both student and professor on account of tho Crescent-Filler. To fill ' ' Conklin's Fountain KZtJ sor-raiwc nm X Pen simply dip it In any inc and press tho Crescent-Pi llerthat'd'all.- No dropper no inky fingersno ruffled temper. Guaranteed to be a perfect writer. . f Loading dcalcrn handlo tho Conklln. If yours doeH not, order direct. 'Refutorab stltutos. Bond for handsome pcwcaalojr. THE CONKLIN PEN QO. 310 HmImIIii Baildlii, TOIIW, MK . HAIR CUTTING A SPEOALTY' -THK- Qulck and Easy larfcar tyHf C. W. EMMERT, Prop. ' , 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STrIeT .' Qlve ma, qdl , " U. MME. F. F. ROSS Soiiiitiflo Cklrqidst HiilHrlst AIR HCSIHM AM NSSME PARHI ISM 0 H, LINCOLN, NEtf, HAVE THE EVANS; Do Your Washing: i i i V "J? '.J- :-i f: ,i i ,i " 5 BViiriiTic; ! f " i-tJ