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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1907)
T if 5 I ' J I i I I k ; 7 THE PROPERTY dF THE UNIVERSITY OF NBBRARICA. , Lincoln. Nebraska. PUBU8HEBJEVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. rrtllcittM SHIM, 126 N. 14th St. , Edjtorrln-Chlef M. A. Mills, 'OS ' Munaglng Editor Clyde E. Eniott, 'Od Business Manager... H. C. Robertson. '09 Editorial and Business Office: .BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Post of flee, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, S2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 6 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 . ' i , INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rata of 10 conta por Innortton for ovory llftcon words, or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and university bulletins will gladly bo published froo. ICntorod at tho postofuco at Lincoln, ' Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Aot of Connross of March 3. 1870. - . . DECEMBER 13TH. At prosont the topic of goneral it torcst throughout tho collogos of tho fcpuntry, but CBpecially in tho Middle Went. Is tho intorcollogtato debated. In many universities these dobates, 'dvidontly occupy a much more proml ' nont placo In tho calendar of events 'of pwrollogo yoarhan the do with us at Nouwska. frroomo schools mass meotlngs nta held and other demon strations mauby tho students, moro y by way of ovlncing tho intorost folt . by thostudont body in tho work of the dobutlng team, and tho fact that they ao loyal to ovorything which con cerns tholr unJvorBlty. There Is no roason why the' interest in dobatlng and the outcomo of the Intercollegiate . debatos among the students in this University Bhould not bo 'equally as strong as at other Bimilar institutions. Budd's Shirt Sale . I am selling every shirt in the house at 25 per cent discount this week because I want more business. It Us my business to -see that y6u make It your business to see that 'l get your'8hlrt Business. BUDD, $2.50 HATTER Wo have a strong team, consisting of men who, In addition to natural talent, have a serious Interest in this , work -and Who havo labored long and consistently to prepare themselves for this one occasion. In view of these circumstances, It would seem that 'oven aside from selflsh motives, It . would bd incumbent upon tho Btinlents of tho Unlvqralty to bo preBent on tho evening of Docomber 13. If tho tfriy and all other interests are lacking, except a desire resulting from curios - ity, to Bee and hear a collogo dobato, - this alone ought to bo sufllclont to" ,' ' insure tho attendancegf tho ordinary student. In tmy past too llttlo stress " has been placedMipon tlite subject? To many students tho subject is of no vital intorest simply because the mat tor has not .boon brought to their at tention ln tho proper way. Evory membor, .especially of tho two lower ' , classes,. Bhould be Impressed at this I " early Btago of their' college experience, t,v.ith tho genuine importance' of this s-jweubject, JSvory opportunity which is f Rffordo4,byfltherplrcumstanceB and in- ' oidenftfoira .college course whereby one's experience and education 1b THE DAILY i'ii. broadonpd .should by riV means bo "passed up.'J' Tho man or'womart jivho goes through collogo without having ovor witnessed an lntorcolleglato de bate, providing tho opportunity wris given, Imb wilfullv'ddnied himself or herself n very Important advantage Suggested Reforms. As thoroughly in accord with itB proylous acts, the following are sug gested as reforms for adoption by the Conferenco today: (1) No football teamT shall play more than one gaijio during any one season. (2 No student who has ever been In any way prominont. In high school athletics Bhall bo eligible to repre sent a collogo In any way. (3) If two or riioro athletes eat si multaneously at the same table it shall bo cqnsldered a violation of the training table rulo. (4) Only tboso flfudents who havo been In rosfdence for four years and' have been elected to Phi Bota Kappa shall bo eligible to represent any col lego or any athletic team. Said Phi Beta Kappa emblem shall be worn consplcuqusly on contestant's athletic uniform. (5) In view of tho many and grave ovils now exiting in lntorcolleglato athletics, football, traJl, baseball and basketball shall hereafter be classed as minor Bports, and handball, cro quet, bowling and pingpong shall be considered major sports. (G) No student Bhall 'be eligible for an Intercollegiate croquet, hand ball, bowling, or plrfgpong team 'who has evor givon money for an opportunity f.6 practice tlib'game. . (7) If tho faculty of any colloge shall discovor that than one ath letic team in the college shows pros- p- yf poets of BuccesB, all but one of these teams Bhall bo suppressed. (8) It Is tho sense of tho Conferonco that no Conference college shall en gage. In an athletic conteBt with any collego which claims a championship as a consequence of athlotfc victories, (9) To avoid physical Injury to con testants they may at (heir option play games by blackboard or by telegraph. (10) In ordor to avoid tho elf n neb of any attempt to deceive tho men of im opposing team by any musual play3, tho captains of contesting teams .shall exchange signals at least ono week before tho tlma of thogamo. Any l)Jay nqtcovor'ed by a signal in tho hands of tho opposing captain shall be' explained to liim before it 1b at tempted. Violation othis rulo shall J)e punished by forfeiture "of the con gest and tho expulsion of tho guilty team from the conference, Dr. Bessoj has ' Just - finished tho manuscript ofa work on plant classi fication whlch-lms been taking much of his time- recently. In it ho ha ad vanced many how ideas on this subject. NEBRaSKAN,, i h " ' 'i- j Tho grasp of the clasp is cosy. It's flat tho only abso lutely flat clasp garter h tho Brichton. 'Milli "a ss ons of men know this buy them and wear them. The wear ' Is there, and they cost only a quarter a pair. Remember it. riMCEX WSPEMWH CB., 718 Mum ST., Pwusarstt, UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Thursday, December 5. 1U0Q a. m. Memorial Hall. T" Convocation. Grieg Memorial Pro . gram. 11: 30 rt. m.Memortal Hall. Sophomore class moots. 11:50 a. m. Y. W. C A. rooms. Noon meeting. Vora Bargor. 8:00 p. m. Nebraska Hall 210. Pathological Club meets. ' , . Friday, December 6. 11:50 a. m. Y. W. C. A. rooms, n Noon mooting. . , ( I Saturday, December 7. Armory. County Pair. 1G31'P St. English. Club meets. Friday, Decemberd13. NebrnskarloWa, debate. Thursday Convocation. The Grieg memorial program for to day 1b tib follows: Peer Gynt Suite . ' . Morning Mood. The Death of Ase. Anltra's Dance. In tho Hall of tho Mountain King. Mr. August Molzer, first tenor. Mr. Edward WaTtr'Becond violin. Mr.rWJHlam Quick, viola. Miss Lillian Elcho, vlolincello. Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond, or gan. ? Postponed. On account of tho Senior Masked Parly, which will tako placo tomorrow evening 'in Memorial Hall ,tho Band Informal scheduled for that .time and placo is indefinitely postponed. Chicago Great Western Railway. Tho Short Line and moat popular train service to St. Paul and Minneapo lis. Trains leave Omaha at 7:30 a. m, and 8: 30 p. m., making direct connec tions with all trains for the" North west. Ilomeseokors' rates ovory first and third Tuesday during October and No vember to points In Northwest. MBk to bo routed via the '"Great Western" railroad. For further information apply to FRED WIGHT, District Passenger Agent, 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. $5.00 Winter Oxfords $3.95 at San derson's Sale. Who's Ludwlg? WONDERLAND THE CRAZY QUILT THRU BdRNEO THE L08T MINE DAUGHTER'8 LOVER IN - DIFFICULTIES SAMNONAN AT HAGENBECK SHILLING SHORT IN WAGES ELECTRIC BATTERY LITTLE HERO THE TATTLER REVEINGE ILLUSTRATED SONG Matlntis, 2, 3 and 4 a. m. EvialnjtJ, t,9ana 10 a.m. ADMISSION . 10 CENTS r'"lV'i ' Brighton aro made of ntiro Bilk web. - The patterns are v new, exclusive vari ety enough to satisfy evervbodv. All metal' parts aro oT heavy iilckot-nlatcd brass. If your dealer cnnV supply you, 'a . pair will be sent upon receipt of price. t mu or tmOM tVSrtMCKS ; Oliver Theatre FRI., 8 AT'. A SAT. MAT., DEC. 6-7 MABEL BARRI80N and JOS. E. HOWARD In the Western Play With Music The f lower 4f the Ranch Night $1.50 to 25c-'to 25c MONDAY NIGHTjMC. 0.v MILDRED H0d.AND In Her; New Romantlc'.Dra,mi Paradise of Lies" " PRICE8-$1.'to 25c. LYWC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 45 & 900 ' j ' ' PRICES TEN ANDTW BNTYCNTS BYRNE-GOLSON PLAYER8 In "Uncle Seth'a Visit" THE ZOLASj , , In Their Mystic Mirror Dance DUNCAN AND HOFFMAN .Singing, Dancing and Comedy. THJE GAGNOUX . ' Juggling and Fea,ts -of Equilibrium. COURTURE & GILLETTE Acrobats and Gymnajsts M-R. JACK WILDE Latest Illustrated Songs THE LYR08COPE 4 Elite Theatre DUMB SAGACITY UPS AND D0WN8 OF A HAT BREEZE FROM THE WE8T ARTI8TIC WOOD CA'RVER ELEVENTH HOUR LITTLE CONJUROR MAJESTIC Week Commencing Monday, Die, 2 FULTON STOCK CO. In tho boautiful Society Comedy t Drama The. Greatest Thing in Lifs Evening prices 16cand26o Mallnees, Wed. and Sat 5c boatB resvd, Dox omcaojm II a. m. JOY-0 THEATRE FWWT OF M0VIM PICTURES AND, ILLUSTRATED SONQS -130,0 STREET- ii f , Matt's place Pool and cigarsOld Heidelberg, 146 Ntf. Eleventh street. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, '203 Burr Blk,, .l-H u - If. -i. r X- r ' ", -i - : ' r -. u 'i sh t vr Si ' s. . . ii