The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1907, Image 1

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    XCbel)af Is IRebtasftan
Vol. VII. IHo. 48.
Price JO Cents.
r A -".,
Professor Taylor in an Address on
Theodore Roosevelt Attack's the
' Critics ef the President.
Wo should bo more careful about
tho manner which wo have of tiring
rapidly of our officials. TIiub declared
Professor Taylor of the Political Econ
omy department In a talk o Presi
dent Roosevolt at chapel yesterday
morning. t
' Pirofess'or'' Taylor first outlined rap
idly iho career of tho president, show
ing that ho had always boon a public
man and .cotihl bo counted an expert
In public affairs if any man could bo
bo counted. Ho especially 'men
tioned his acttons at tho opening of
the Spanlsh-Amorlcnn war as prqvlng
that ho was sincere In his actions.
When tho wnr brolco put, Itcosevclt
was tho first man to rnlso a regiment
and when It camoi to actual fighting
Roosevolt was always 'found whore
tho bullets, woro thickest. This was a
good test, of sincerity, for most poli
ticians ovoid the plnccs where bullets
are thick.
Coming back with the glory of tho
war, Roosevelt Wub mado vice-president
tJ got rid of him. Thon, con
trary to ftho, expectations and plans of
uli, Roosevelt, with his usual luck,
cnjiio Into tho presidency.
lie has a tremendous, personality,
(fln(T Is an aristocrat by birth. Tho
many personal altercations Into which
ho has got would lndicato that ho was
a small man, If It woro not for-tho
breadth of vlow ho has shown In his
actions as president. Ho has shown
his broad naturo repoatodly In his of,
i flclont acta. Tho faot that ho was
able1-to tako the part of tho Chlneso
and Jftpflrio30 In California and still
retain nis popularity snowB'iuis.
Roosevolt has shown his practica
bility by taking politics as they aro to
day and realizing that ideal condi
tions, do not oxlst and cannot exist
while men aro human. Ho Ijas taken
thorn as they are and trlod to purify
them Instead 'of overjooklng'tho bad.
Ho has shown his tact and 'diplo
macy in nearly all his. public acts.
Work on tho Panama canal was mado
possible by this characteristic. His
acta In international politics, and espe
cially the manner In whfch ho brought
about the peace conference at Ports
mouth! have also shown this.
It is being said that tho prosqnt
crisis has been brought about by tho
attacks of the president upon corpora
tions, It Is probably true that Roose
velt Is tho occasion of the crisis,, hut
ho is certainly not tho cause. The
$ouhtry was ready for a crls'is and the
crisis was needed,
A orlsis is moat necessary for the
proper expansion of -business, Pro
moters will He. Investments would
not bo made unless they did., and it is
necessary lor this he to bo detected.
This la what the crisis does.
(Banker Pd a crisis. If there
(Continued on page 4.)
Memorial Halt
Tickets 50 Cents
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
University Calendars on Sale at the
County Fair.
Tho University Calendars have ar
rived and may bo obtained at tho Y.
W. C. A. rooms. Only n llmjkd-num-ber
have been printed and as some"
students aro obtaining two or three
ordors should bo left Immediately at
tho rooms, so that each student may
secure ftls share.
These calendars aro exceptionally
protty, containing photographs of tho
Chancellor, tho Deans, and' many
vlow of the campus and tho University
buildings besido a fow of the city.
Tho photographs aro tho boBt to be
obtained and are-arranged Inan artis
tic manner. For tho eason that tho
calendar will make a very, acceptable
and appropriate Christmas glft, It af
fords an opportunity to thoso who
havo tho Christmas gift question to
solvo ovory year for relieving the
strain upon their minds. Ono of these
calendars would ploaso any one to
whom It might bo given, while also
proving a desirable; souvenir of tho
These calendars will bo on sale at
tho County Fair, Docombor 7th. Price
fifty cents.-
Senior Masked ' Party.
Football 4s over, but tho Seniors
aro going to give a masked party In
Memorial Hall Friday evening that
promises to bo oa exciting and onjoy
ablo aB any football gamo. There will
bo 11 grand march, a cake-walk for
which a prize of a three-layer cake Is
Besides this prize, thoro will bo a
prize for tho host masked man and
ono for tho best masked, girl. There
will bo grand' nights and grand
ladies, pirates, pickpockets, Gloomy,
Gues, pallors, soldiers and, in fact, a
representative of oachr vocation and
nationality known to thoso of tho.
t Senior class. '
Tickets will bow35 cents.
Missouri 8ays Cornhuskers Are the
Tho offlclnl publication of the Uni
versity of Missouri, tho Missouri In
depeildont recognizes the Cornhutfkors
as tho football champions of tho Mis
souri and Mississippi Valleys. Speak
ing on tho question of tho champion
ship tho Independent says:
"Ii the Mississippi and Missouri
valleys, 'Nebraska Iftems to havo the
edge, having defeated Kansas, Ames
and Colorado, and held Minnesota to a
close Bcore. Second place lies between
Missouri and -Washburn, and will be
determined bx the Kansas-Missouri
game Thursday. St. Louis University
cannot be considered In the race, Inas
much as Its methods and standing
pro not strictly collegiate, and Ar
kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington-
and other southwestern teams
were put out of the running long ago.
Distinguished Democrat Notified Pro- '
fessor Fogg Yesterday Judges
for Debates Not Selected Yet.
Poet Season Game.
Xhero Is a rumd'r aflgat to the effect
that tho Cornhuskers will ehgftgo In
a post-season game with Johnny Bon
der's team to ho played In Spokane,
Washington on Christmas day.
In reply to a letter suggesting- such
a contest between Nebraska and the
Cornhuskor onthulast,' .Bender has
wired his approval. Further confir
mation of this rumor Is lacking at this
time, and. no definite arrangements
can be made until the return of Man
ago Eager from Chicago, where, games
with Conference teaniB aro being
scheduled by the Nebraska manager.
Tho debating board at Its last meet
ing decided to Invito W". J. Bryan to
preside at tho Nebraska-Iowa dobate.
Yeatorday tho secretary of tho board,
'Professor Fcgg, received a tolegram
from him stating that ho will be in
the city tho dato of tho dobato anil "
that ho will actas chairman. Tho de
bate will be held In Memorial Hall -on
December 13, when tho Wobstorlan
manipulators of logic and persuasion
wlll'settlo once for nil tho question
of contvol of transportation corpora
tions. After 'the dobate Mr. Bryan
will mako an address.
As yet it has been Impossible to
secure a complete 'Jury for either tho
Nebraska-Iowa or tho Nebraska-Minnesota
debates. For tho formor only
ono person, Judgo Qulnn of tho Sev
enteenth judicial district, Fairmont,
iMInn., has accepted, For tho Mlnn
apolis contest two of tho threo Jurors
have finally been-secured. They aro
Judge A. J. Vlnjo, of Superior, Wis.,
and Judge J. J. Fruit, of la Crosse,
Wis. it is hoped that tho third Judgo
will bo from tho University of Wis
consin. Judges for tho other dobntcs
are also being secured with .groat dif
ficulty. No -one has yet acceptod for
the Minnesota-Wisconsin debate at
Madison. For tho Iowa-IUluoIs dobato '
atIowoVJlty, Jfadgo Sf H, Scdgwck,
of" York, who oxpoctod to, bo able to
servo with 'Prof. G. E. Howard and
Prof. G, D. Ayers of tho University;
of Nebraska, has 'boon obliged to do
cllno. His place has been 'taken by
Hon. A. O, Bborhard of MankatoJ
Minn, ' " i
Mrs. Mabel Cole Ballenbach died
at Weatherford'CuBter County, Ok
lahoma, November 22. Mrs. Ballenbach
was registered In. the University In
tho fall of 1899.
After the show or party just drop
Into the Boston LunclMor a sandwich
and a cup of coffee or au oyster stdw.
Interstate Debate.
Memorial Hall
v -I
Address by Wi J Bryan - , Music by Cadet Band
To Entertain Chancellor.
Tho University of Nobraska Club of
tho State of Washington is planning
to give a banquet on December, 16 at
tho Lincoln to Chancollor E. Benjamin
Andrews of tho University. This event'
will be a reunion of all old Nebraska
students and grads In the state.
Prof 'Bowlby, who Is a graduate of
. Nebraska, Is trying to get the names
of all former University of Nebraska
students In this district, and requests .
that these send in their names to him
as soon as possible, Pacific Wave.
University, of Washington. ' '
Prof. CVB. Chatburn, who delivered
a paper on -"Combination of Culture
and Technical Studies in the Engi
neering Courses," before tho American
8ocIety for the Advancement of En
gineering Education at its last annual
meeting, has, 'just received4 proofs of
the printed copy of his address as it ,
will 'appear In 'the published report
of the proceedings
The University German Club -will
nseoT Thursday evening at the homo of .
Dr, and Mrs, Wallace. 1531 South
I Twenty-first street.
IfWI -Jf
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