LUiiJLiijjj';. ivJU-tiimMijii'uaJ'ii'iittiw " To the Fellow Who GhteA t tion to His Clothes. (ten- Why not have comfortable, swell, up-to-date shoes? They cost no more than the Unfitting ordinary shoes. We have Stetson, Hanan, Harlow and our $3.50 and $4.00 specials In the swellest hlngs that can be made. J o .a NDEKN 6 OOT- Form O VKJHT - A. a iii r leeaosTREET.-jp (()ViVVMVlV0ViVVVVVVVi!t1A Q II n o o New Clothes for Thanksgiving OW is the time to get New Clothes 'for the Holidays. ' A new Suitor Over coat will louble your enjoy- nrent of the Thanksgiving homecoming. Get it now,nd have the comfort of it the whole seasoti. We have a splendid showingSfalljthe new styles in Mens Wear. "There are Business Suite, Day and Ev ening Suits and Overcoats and Raincoats ftfom the very best Makers in the land hand-tailored garments . that are made in the finest possible way. Wo aro showing an exceptional variety of Mon's Dress and Semi-Dress Garments, including the now Dross Ovorcoat. These wo aro offering -at special pricos, fully 25 per c(mt lower than you could buy equal grades for in other storos. All tho latest stylos and models from 810 up. : : : I CopyrigM 180? SCHL0SS BROS & CO. Flno Clothes Miktr Baltimore and New York You can't geFmore than correct fit. You can't get more than correct style. You can't get more than real satisfaction. You can't get more but you can pay more than our price for clothes, but whats the use for the smartest dressed chaps come here for "college" clothes. Different from all 5th"ers in "make up."' :: :: :: :: :: $15, $20, $25 MAGEE & DEEMER THE MEIN'S STORE v (F New Sweaters yfyf LOWESfT PDICCS AND f"Z N deep scarlet, wine and white. All wool knit in new patterns, on the good lines that fit; a rolling col lar to show a bit of neckwear; -rolling cuffs, sorne with a peplum and new coat sleeves. m JN ATTY for jDuting wear, con venient to use under the cravenette, and treasurers to put on under a coat in cold weather. Prices: $2.25, $3.5CV$4.50,"$5.00. r MILLER & PAINE ; X 1 1 V X v- A a 1 i I -431