The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1907, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN rt : Best! mmmmc Vtv iS Pick Out the - ' I, -i TT-X1."" W ! ? 1l ' " -' "- It isn't always easy to pick th best out of a good bunch but where they are all good if db$ri!t make so much dif ' ference - - - - - - -.-' When you see a man with one of cur suits or overcoats on surrounded by any other' clothes, you have no trouble in selecting the best dressed man; his clothes distinguish him; but where the- whole bunch wear Armstrong Clothes i hj BvvBKr.v&j.xvfrysffirsKt t mmmmmmf 9 -J? LmmPwrn Jh 'tW Tint Mr Coprrlkf 1807 If W. C. BOTH Chios ft is not so easy to say which is best; they are all best The Thanksgiving harvest feast is at hand now You see to getting the bird and so far as yotare personally concerned we will look after the "dressing" for you, We will put one of our fine suits on you or a good overcoat; you will be "dressed" for it; all right You can take your pick from a fine- lot of good clothes here they are all so good there's not much select ing necessary you can't make a mistake. , . Suits and Of coats $10 to $40 with the stronger lines at $J0 $J5 $20 $25. Armstrong Clothing Co Good Clothes Merchants j "v Sffif'"! i iiiiifcTMWidlliiJWjljtuPMiiiij l ". 1 -2 9 i mm mm'mmm