The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1907, Image 3
imU) iiMMmwmiMW wuamminm 'i iWW'j"!11 wct't ' f'JJ ; '.U'l1 l"A'X('-Jl'.S!. ',"-i--'Mfel THE DAILY INEBRASKAN CLOTHING WITH CHARACTER tt r ' . HI Oliver Theatre pvl Iossss?mbyhri lis SERVICEABLE - SEASONABLE - AND - REASONABLE - FURNISHINGS (5 ZlNCOtlfNEB. 00OSO$00&000&08090 O O it you want a sijUAitt mtAL go to the NEW WINDSOR; GAFE Popular Prices Excellent Service J000000000000 Pitts' Dancing School Class nlgbts--Advanced, Monday; Beginners, VVednesday and Saturday.' 8ocal night Friday. Private class every afternoon. . Most beautiful hall in yqcoln. Nevy location, 1124 N street Auto 5241. V l A t Clements' Photos aro tho best. - r- 5 EXCLUSIVE ',' TAILORS 5 1320 N St.,. Lincoln, Nb. ;! O. H. Prey, florist, 1133 O SL MEN'S WINTER SUITS $10, $15, $18, $20 MEN'S WINT. O'COATS $15, $18, $20, $25 MEN'S TROUSERS $3.00 to $9.00 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $3.85, $4.85, $6, $7.50 B0YS'WINT. O'COATS ESS4,$5, $7.50, l$IO BOYS' EXTRA .PANTS PLAIN AND KNICKERBOCKER 50c to $2.00 WE don't soil patont modicino clothing. Wo boII Clothing with Character and not' nomo makor's namo. COMB HERE FOR THE BEST. Wo havo Bonrchod tho inarkota and tostod tho products of tho loading manufacturors. Wo havo takon groat pains in our soloctions and aro ofToring you today tho boat tho world produces at prices within, roach of all. A convincing proof is a trial. ' WINTER GLOVES-WINTER CAPS' 1217 O St A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes 00000000000$g0 $ YARD-0 YARD-0 30-SIX FACTS IN ITS FAVOR 5 Write on it without linos and do it straight. 0 No blank pages aro mailed, for you fcovor unused sections at croakes. and save for your noxt extra long Jotter. YARD-0 YARD-0 Have.your clothes pressed at Woo er's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O. st Wanted Saturday man; ono with expedience required, Budd, 1141 ,0. aa ZNCOLJSr JNTJEB. Try 'Francis Bro"s7l8taurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Dr. J. H, Graham, dentlsL 1339 O St. Just a qulot evening moal at Dalrym plo'u. Green's barber shops are tho best In tho West. Go to Mrs. J. C. Boll, halrdressor, for chiropody. f Haydon, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. , Marshal, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. """Twenty shines free with a pair of shoes at Horoford & Potty's, shoo fit ters to mon, 143 South lQth St. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. ( "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. Z 1132 O 8TREET Peg Top Gordiroy Pants EUAS MKER TANTS CO., Uo So. ELEVENTH St TONIGHT, 8AT.& 8AT. MAT. THE PIQUANT MUSICAL MIXTURE. ISLE OF SPICE 46 People 45 -Mai. 60c and 25c. Night $1.00 to 25c. TUE8DAY. NIGHT, NOV. 26 E. M. HOLLAND in House of a Thousand Candles PRICE8 $1J50 to 60 Cents. LYRIC THEATRE MATINHB 3 P, M. EVE. 45 it 9tO0 PRICBS TEN AND TWENTY CENTS YOUNG & BROOK8 HENRY ROETHIQ- LOCKE, RU88ELL & LOCKE McCUNE & GRANT ILLU8TRATED 80NG "Down by the Old Cross Roads" By F. W. Hudson LY.R08COPE WONDERLAND THE L08T MINE WOMAN, CRUEL WOMAN L08T BA8E DRUM LAUNCH OF DELLEROPAHOY INQUI8ITIVE BOY ILLU8TRATED 80NG Matlnaas, 2, 3 and 4 a. m. Evtnlnji,7t 8, 9and Q p.m. ADMISSION -10 CENTS Elite Theatre HEART8 BIDDING LIVING 8IHLOUETTE8 A PAIR OF BOOTS- SERVANTS' GENER08ITY 8AMB0 A8 FOOTMAN TROUBLE8)F A GARDNER. MARKING POTTERY IN JAPAN ILLU8TRATED SONG. JOY-0 THEATRE FINEiT OF HOVINI PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS -i330O STREET- H HUYLBR'S Chocolates, ami . Bon Bon " ' Tk n rwtt. SBF Tk Dntf CtetUr J y .