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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
' THE DAIJbY 1NEBRASKAN V If 1 -S-V Gbe Dall IRebraeftan THE PROPBItTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NobraBkn. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY . BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14lh St. .EdItor-ln-Chlof ,...M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E, Elliott, '00 Business Managar...H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.o6 PER YEAR Payable in Advance ' Single Copies. 5 Cents Each ARRANGING PLAYS. (Continued frgm Paso 1.) Games of Comedy. Coach: Mr. Montgomery. CASTE. Mr. Montgomery. MIbb Fisher. Mr. Penlon. Littlest Girl. Coach: Mr. ltldoll. CASTE. Van B , .Mr. Faulkner Cathorlane Mr. C. G. Rldell Little Girl MIbb AdamB Davenport Mr. Yatea Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts por Inaortlon for ovory flftoon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlns will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofflce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Aot of Congress of March 3. 1870. s Flower of Yeddo. Coach: MisU- Llnderman. CASTE. Slaml H. W. Coulter Slannra Miss Shlnn Muamo . . . ., Mrs. Sherman Falrhorn ..Esther Bailey A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. Of. lato Borne ono, presumably a stu dent or ovon students, has boon Buf flclently misguided as to imagine that .tho appropriation to hlB pwn use, of football poBtors and other advertising matter is a koon" stunt. As a matter of fact, such conduct lacks In ovory esBontlal particular tho features that would Justify ono in qualifying It as koon. And If it were not that we can bo reasonably confident that no studied or intentional desire to do n wrong was moant tho matter would seem to ho rather the opposite. It should bo generally understood that tho advertising mattor displayed upon tho campiiB Ib Bomo ono's property and is expected to accomplish a purpose of some importance to tho persons in terested. In addition to tho time and offoil involyod In those advertising Bchomos more or leas actual expense Is necessary, bo taking everything in to consideration the owner of tho ma- Grlngolre. - Coach: MIbb Bailey. CASTE. Gringoiro Mr. Erskino Jeanotte . .X MIbb Jessie Cook Louis XI Mr. Copeland Sonion John Walker Oliver Mr. Alexander Nicole Miss Hewitt In Honor Bound; Coach: Miss Linderman. 4 CASTE. Lady Carlyon Francos Gould Rose . . MIbb Linderman Philip. .' Mr. Bumstoad Sir Georgo Mr. JohnBon Nance Oldfield. Coach: Miss Bailey. CASTE. Nance . ,. Ruth Bailey Susan Wilberta Knight Nathan Mr. VanOrsdel Alexander Mr. Houseworth Robert Mr. Montgomery Holly Tree Inn. Coach: Winifred Goi-lci. CASTE. Harry Mr. Purcell Norah . v Bonnie Adams Landlord R. J. Elliott I Your EYESIGHT The old saying, "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of" cure," Is still true. Eighty per cent of all nervousness, headache, granulated eyelids, weak eyes, watery eyes, cross eyes, styes, and many other so called diseases are due to eye straln,N without noticeable loss of vision. We remove the cause, Nature does the rest. EXAMINATION FREE. ESTABLISHED 1S71 HallehY Optometry Specialist, 1143 0 St. terlal has an unquestionable right to fool that his property should not be taken from him and his alms thwarted theieby. No doubt this la not tho most ser ious offense imaginable, but It is Im portant that wo do not got In tho habit of overlooking tho little things bocauBfi- they often mean more than greater matters. In the future It Is to ho hoped that any student who fools that ho must bo possessed of a foot ball poster or any other choice hit of advertising material, will call at. tho manager's ofllco. By so doing, no doubt tho poster will bo forthcoming and tho Uwublo of replacing those taken from positions about the campus will bo saved t the Intorsted parties. Mrs. Cobbs MIbb Denny Tom .' Mr. Russell Betty Bessie Holcomb THE LA8T GAME. Tho Doano game will bo tho laBt game of football over to be played on tho old athletic field as well as be ing the last game to be seen In which our winning team participates. Don't fall to remember these facts and be sure to come out Saturday. The price of. Admission should encourage and does justify a big attendance. Mrs. Plodding's Nieces. Coach: Mr. Montgomery. CASTE. Mrs. Manhattan. ..Miss Hazel Hempel Angelina ... MIbb Morgan Cldnientlne Miss Doyle VIolotta T Miss Rudorsdorf Antoinette Miss Snyder Estelle Miss Husted Mary , Miss Barston Mrs. Plodding-Schmidt MIsb Day Hannah ."Miss Harriet Long At Syracuse tho freshmen recently, won tho annual rush, which consisted In iolr marching around, the oval track.; After the rush, Aye' wrestling bout were fiullod off,, the, '10 men win; nhuTfqur. " "' ' v You Never Can Tell. (Shaw) Coach: Mr. Ridell, assisted by tho Chair. CASTE. Gloria . .'. Miss FiBher Dolly Miss Cull Philip Mr. Montgomery Valentine .' C. G. Ride" Crampton Irenacus Hewitt McComas , Ed. Johnston William the waiter Mr. Bumstead Bohm Mr. R. J. Elliott Second waltoT '. Mr. Rush ton Mrs. Clarendon. ..... .Miss Linderman Tost-A. fountain Pen in grass south $1 iho Lltirary, Return to Nebraskan ofllco. Handkerch'f News When you buy these you'll think enough of them to mark them t , and stop scattering them on campus and street. New Ones With Color Touches Tiny colored borders 25c" Colored borders on barred muslins 25c Embroidery on small blocks of applied color 50c Small knots of color In embroidery 50c J- Hand Made Handkerchiefs Unlaun tiered embroidered Irish handkerchiefs, all linen and hand-ombroldered, as the stamping ink and irregularities of stitch plainly show 12c A bettor quality of .the same 15c Armenian hand-made" handkerchiefs with those extremely fine borders put on by needle about the daintiest thing in -handkerchiefs 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Madoria eyelet worked handkerchiefs, edge and pattern all In hand-made eyelets ! . . . .$1.50 and $2.00 Miller & Paine UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, November 26. 11:00 a. in. Memorial Hall. Girl's Mass Meeting. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Freshman class mooting. Saturday, December 7. County Fair. Friday, December 13. Nebraska-Iowa debate. Thanksgiving 'recess begins at 6:00 p. m., Wednesday, November 27, and ends at 8:00 a. m., Monday, Decem ber 2. For Rent Modorn room; plenty of hot water. 534 No. 12th St. We manufacture all of our Candies & Ice GreaM I We serve tho most delicious Hot and Cold Drinks in tho city TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" 'and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 1131 0$t, Best Returns ...for the... Investment You'll get more on the Investment In a Kensington Suit than in any clothes you can buy. True, It costs a trifle more to make them, as-THESE are made, but they last much longer and give several times the satisfaction. We are showing at $15, $20 and $25, neat stripe effects in fine worsteds that will please any man looking for a nice suit of clothes. Then, too, these suits fit and with the different models we carry, men of all proportions can get the garment best suited to their needs. The same applies to Kensington Overcoats and our display Is now at its best. Magee & " Kensington Sjuits Fit Deemer vl S "-,- AJ ,. ... . .. ... i.