N THBDA1LY INBBRA8K1AN I I Gbe H)ail mebtasftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEDRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. - PUBLISHED EVERY OAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MSMAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrilieatlM Qttlci, 126 No. 14th St. Edltor-ln-Chlof M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager. ..H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 0 Cents Each a Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chanted for at tho rato of 10 conts per Insertion for ovory llf toon words or f raotjon thereof. Faculty notices and University bulldtins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho pontodlco at Lincoln, Nobraska, ns second-class mall matter under tho Act of Conpross of March 3. 1870. Y. M. C. A. MEMBERSHIP. First of nil, tho omcers of tho Y. M. C. A. wish to oxpross thoir apprecia tion nnd to acknowledge thoir obliga tion1 to tho Btnff of tho Dally Nebras knn for tho prlvllogo of occupying tho Bpnco of ono numbor with tho pre sentation exclusively of Y. M. C. A. mattors. Hy thlH means tho work and position of the organization can bo presented In a manner otherwlBo im possible . Jimt what ought to bo tho volution of ovory University man toward this Association? It is probablo that fow tako a stand against it. There are not many so narrow and any such hardly desorvo a position among Unl vorslty people, whd are In sympathy, it in to be supposed, with broader nnd hotter things. Ilathor, tho attitude of all men is a friendly ono; tho Y. M. CLUETT SHIRTS I carry tho "Cluott" lino because I think it is the best lino in tho country. Just rocoived. 35 dozen now ones all now patterns all exclusive designs $1 BUDD, $2.50 HATTER C. A. has received Bupport and on couragomont from all classes whon ovor such woro needed, and horo is found tho reason for tho presont ef Mcloncy of tho organization. V, Hut this Bupport is ontlrely Justi fiable. Tho Y. M. C. A. stands for a practical, ovory-day kind of living that tonds 'toward a hlghor piano, llv ' log that is intelligent and broad, that can onlor into nil phases of Unlver . t'ly activity, for example, nnd rocolvo recognition as something worthy of rank. Its vory breadth commends it, for thoro is no insisting on restricted notions nor narrow applications .of those notions. However, It recognizes that there aro bettor things ahead than are now bo'ng realized- and sots up thoso things iu idcala. Then tho relation of every man toward tho Association ought to con slst in more than a moro nttitudo; it should .bo of a moro active, sort, that Involved In membership. Just at this time a campaign is being carried on with a .yiow to securing now mem bers and iMs felt that such a move ment should receive a hearty re- spouse. Now Is a good time to Join ' the Y. M. O. A. Bible Study In Nebraska University. Undor tho 'leadership of Arthur Jorgenscn and Jas. A, Ayers tho work of organizing classes haB progressed favorably. Twonty-flvo' classes enroll ing ovor 300 men aro formed at pres ent. After Thanksgiving vacation tho IrAtornlty classes, in the study of "Tho Social and Political Significance of the Teachings of Jesus" hy Prof. J.'Jonds of Cornell, wjll bo organlzod. A num bor of other classes in the same course will bo organized. Tho enrollment, in cluding that at tho State Farm will bo over BOO this year. Tho loaders normal class meets at tho City Y. M. C. A. under the lead ership of C. M. Mayno. Supper is served and is followed by tho discuss ion of the lesson. F. S. Godoman of tho International Committee met tho Bible Study lend ers for conference at tho city Y. M. C. A. on October 30. Delegates from surounding Associations wero present. Arthur Jorgensen left yestordny morning for Washington D. C. to at tend tho International Y. M. C. A. convention. State Farm News. Mid-week meetings arc hold regu larly In the Y. M. C. A. room. During the opening days now slu dents woro met at trains nnd assisted in finding hoarding and rooming places In dcBirable localities. About $75 has been raised by stu dents and faculty for the purpose of furnishing the Y. M. C. A. room, which Is located in tho Administration build ing at present, but will bo transferred to the Stock Judging pavillion now being erectod. Tho Bible study classes are being organized and a . vigorous campaign has enrolled about eighty men to dato. The committee, plana to havo F about 150 men in these classes this year. Tho general secretary of the University Association assists In pro moting tho work and leads a normal training class for Iilble study leaders. Tho Young Men's Christian Asso ciation at tho State Farm is a branch of tho University Association and car ries on an Independent work along the same linos ns that of the parent or ganization. Tho president, William Harding, '08, and a number of the most prominent representative men in tho school are doing an aggressive. worJ'thls year. The stag reception .on tho first Fri day evening after tho opening of school was attended by 125 students out of nn enrollment of 300. Profes sor Davison, principal of tr3 Agricul tural School, spoko In terms of warm appreciation of tho organization. A Good Language League was formed, In which tho mombere pledged them selves to refrain from using slang and profanity and to cultivate tho habit of using good English nt all times. Matt's placo Pool and cigars Old I Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. Tho grasp of the clasp is easy. It's flat tho only abaa lately flat clasp garter in tho Brlchton. MIDI- : ons of men know this buy them and wear. them. The wear ii there, and they cost only a quarter , pair. Itcmcrabcr Tf. PIOMEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Mmn ST., Pstusarsu J E R RJ Y posttoff.ce Henderson & Hald THE DRUGGIST. 0PfeUR jewelers And ENTRANCE UIIIUIAN5 HOT and COLD SODA 132 NO. 10TH. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Delicious Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee f&-?. e 7vfLJkt' 1307 O UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, November 26. 11:00 a. in. 'Memorial Hall. Girl's Mass Meeting. Saturday, December, 6. County Fair. Friday, December, 12. Nebraska-Iowa debate. Dr. E. It. FulkerBon of Japan, whose address on Nov. 6 was thoroly appre ciated, has been secured to give two stereoptican views on the 9th and 16th of January. Ho lectures on the Mis sionary Work in tho Orient. Tho directory of the students and. faculty is in course of preparation and will probably be ready for distribution before Christmas holidays. A charge of five cents for each will be necessary to help cover the expense of the pub lication. H. W. White 07 is at present, di rector of tho religious work flf tho Brooklyn City Association. . Read page four. WAITING FOR YOU to give us a call; it will give you now ideas to see our holiday line, because it contains everything to mako people happy, whether they are young or old. To price these goods is a pleasure to possess them is a privilege. You will buy from mo because you can't dupli cate the goods nor tho prices. Dr.W.A.Myers Jeweler and Optician 1343 O Street ffiO00000000000 O If you want a go NEW WINDSOR CAFE 9 r Popular Price (K)00OQO0000090PQO0000000000000 Brightons. dro made of ntirn lllp wT Tho patterns are new. exclusive vari- 'jfi ety enough to satisfy everybody. AH metal parts are of heavy nickel-plated brass. If your denier can't supply you, a pair will be sent upon receipt of price. turns sr pkneei MSPEmas Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a specialty. L Street T G. K, AKAGI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE Everybody ia cordially in vited to call and inspect our store 204 Soulh.Twtlflh St. HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET We're now located in the most beautiful store in the West , CANDY, -ICE CREAM X SODA WATER Lincoln Dandy. Kltchm 14th Bd O Strt 0000000000009 SQUARE MEAL I to the $ Excellent Service . 4 A -M i :i