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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1907)
' . h. 1 1 ft I V 1 !' I twMit tyunreyss . Conklln's Self-Filling Pen is tho best fountain pon (or both student nnd professor on account of tho Crcsccnt-PHlcr. To fill Coiddin's Fountain SELF FILLING Pen simply dip it in any ink and press tho Crescent-Filler that's all. No dropperno inky fingers no ruffled temper. Guaranteed to bo a perfect writer. Loading donlcra handlo tho Conklln. If yours docB not, order direct. KcfiiRO buIj ntltutcfl. Bond foyhnndHomo now catalog. THE COyiKLIN PEN CO. 310 MtthtMi BilMIif, TOLEDO, OHIO CINCINNATI , OUT PRICE SHOE STORE -AND- EliQlrlo Shot Ftipilr-Faottry -SAVBS YOU TIME - and MONEY 1220 O St. ocxxxxxxx)oooooocoooooooon CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 ST8. P. L. HALL, Prcalricnt. F. K. JOHNSON, Vtoe Pre. OBBHAN C. FOX, Cashier. W. V. HACKNKY Jr., Aast. Car. s HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. v Tha flrtu. Putlir mW Tb Drug Cutter. 7 Pitts1 Dancing School Class nights Advanced, "Monday; (Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private iSlass every afternoon. Most beautifm hall in Lincoln. Nev location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. TIIE'INI" SMOKE IIOUSC Welcomes all students and invites you io enjoy ur Smoking and Reading Room. It's a .pleasure to please. .Try JS. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET f w , Q Get your shoes ahined by V v !j American boys at jj COLE & NIcKENNA'S . ;5. PALM GARDEN C j g 1132 6 .- 13?pJ f ' i SEE HEREFORD & PETTY S COLLEGE OXFORDS - 'mmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmwmtmmmmmmwmmmmwnmwmmmmwmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE DAILY NBBRASKAN BEUL APPARATUS. (ContirfubcJ from Pngp 1.) Saturday and Sunday. Tills is done by a littlo wheel which rovolvos onco in a wook and curries a circle of four teen pins in Its circumference, or holes for these pins; a pin Is Inserted in tho Jiolp for ouch night which lifts off the contact spring during this time. There aro two of theBo wheels, ono for ouch edgb of tho ribbon. Iri the Monday, Wednesday nnd Frldny wheel pins uro put in to cut out tho day tmie Tor Tuesday and Thursday us well as for Saturday nnd Sunday; In tho other wheel thtf pins are In Sertoli to cut out Monday, Wednesday and Friday nrf well as Saturday nnd Sunday. In ths way tho apparatus is mado ontlrely automatic from dny to day throughout tho year. If adJf foront progrnm Is required it 1b only nccessury to punch now holes or paste up old ones, or insert or take out cer tain pins. Tho appnratus Is not n clock and does not run itself; it stands per fectly still for n minute; then the stnndnrd clock sends to it an electric current which nt once advances the ribbon ono minute; this it does in the middle of each mlnuto so that the hole in the paper ribbon will bo in position in ample time for tho current to pass through It and through the master clock oxnetly nt tho end of the min ute. This controlling mechanism is en tlrely similar to that which operates the secondury clocks In several of ihe University buildings, except thnt In tho latter case tho muster clock sends the current, which advances tho sec ondury clocks, exactly at tho begin ning of the minute, Instead of thi middle. In this way tho observatory clock Is now distributing to tho various buildings, by currents sent through underground cables, to gongs nnd pec ondury clocks, tho accurate 90th morldiun t(me, which wo nre all now using, doiivod from obsorving with the transit Instrument of tho observa tory ,the passage of stars acros3 the meridian. .- Tho "Nnvnl Observutory time," shown by most clocks In the jeweler shops nnd business houses of Lincoln,' Is Cbtninod in a similar way by tho Washington astronomers nnd distributed eloctrlcnlly over thfc West ern Union Telegraph lines to the vari ous controlled clocks of tho city. The practical agreemont of tho .two sys tems of clocks is Interesting, as show ing how time, derived from thostnn? In widely different localities and transmitted ovor long lines or com munication, gives finnlly the' same record on tho face of tho dlffercn clocks. Hnvo your clothes pressed at Wety er's.SuItorlum, Cor. 11th nnd 0. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth nnd O undor Famous. r- , Haydon, photographor.'spqclal rates to students. 1127 O street. Green's barber shops aro tho best n tho West. f Palao Dining Hallf No lunch counter. ' f i Clements' photos aro the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Dr. J. H. Grahnm, dentist. 133 St. i C. H, Prey, florist, 7" 7 1133 O St. Just a qulot evening moal at Dnlrym plo's, Site Cameron's lunch counter ,123 So. 12. Beckman Bros. Fine shoos, 1107 O. st. Ulitcrtd TrwU Muk FLAT CLASP Suits and O'coats No More No Less Union Mado World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Culler -LINCOLN DRANCn 145 So. Thirteenth Street Delicious Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee 1307 O lai ALL - W SILK A v IMsHhmX BBBBBW K a ai Mm. I I 'ft jwwi ij'nii w vi sajaa' aBjBf y in 1W Mr WJ. ' a ; 1 mmmmm i mmm mm mmmm "i-" , . f ' BOY'S "B" IIuSSe0000 -i ySh 8 Would like to ba g " ., moved MWffiilx viiifrdhq 8 ' y QUT AA 8 ( iULl BKUo- 8 . p-? f WE 8Slw f$ &)6CX)OCOCXXX)COOCOOOOOOO , MAKE ff : 4 Mjftm B ' those fj I -mUM fV- y''fmmmm'mmmm , "STY liSSI WLmwmm TOQS" pWifflf Si - SOUTH "fJ M 249S&lmt - 12TH W" 1 VMvP-& ELLIOTT BROS ? J. M. ltlco, hair and scalp specialist, kltY mX. llTAafcj. wk A 1216 O St, upstairs.. Auto phono 3888 W? tJm) JM Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P IjlVmK i 1 Patronize CapltaMJotel Barber Bhop. wi BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters for .3oli'd comfort. Tiio newest shades ' and designs of one piece, pure silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust, 25c. a pair, all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Uatnt orPionetr Sutjxnden PETTICOATS . Made la Your Exact MeasurefriMt 11.50 to $3.60 In Satoeni, Hrathorbloom, and . Llnon Moropn. 10.60 to IO.OO in a very good Silk. " . . " NWo guarantco n perfect fit and workman ehlpX Orders fllllod In one-balf totwo,daya otlco. . QUALITYnd QUANTltY IB Onit' MOTTO . I i ncolh Skirt Company j T8THEL E. AKDEIteON, Prop.- j 1235 N STREET " ' Made to Order, THEa m Sandwiches ' of allkinds. Noon hour lunches a Street. specialty. IS 'U-w- .J mm. VBBb'j v Vavaw Wm"X't la1l' j & " mmmmmmmmT bi i m htu - ' 143 So. 13th Sh I 3. i-'.l 1 T- I. .